Another "Fitzy" Echo
As if his self-aggrandizing commentary in the Daily Pilot earlier this
week wasn't enough, de-frocked Costa Mesa Sanitary District Director Jim Fitzpatrick produced another whiney rant in The Current,
the weekly supplement in the Orange County Register today. It's hard
to find online, but if you really want to read it, click HERE, then maneuver to page 7, where his little bit of drivel is tucked down below important, worthwhile commentaries by Wendy Leece and Becks Heyhoe. There you will find his "guest column". Check your gag reflex at the door.
Once again Fitzpatrick paints one side of the story and assumes the
readers will buy into it. Once again he conveniently neglects to tell
the readers that he's no longer on the Sanitary District Board because
he violated the law by holding that seat and an incompatible seat on the
Costa Mesa Planning Commission simultaneously. Once again he fails to
mention that he was paid for both jobs simultaneously.
Once again he rants about saving money, but has cost the rate payers of
the Costa Mesa Sanitary District tens of thousands of dollars in
unnecessary legal fees. Selective memory is a wonderful thing.
So, I guess this is how it's going to be. Fitzpatrick will jump up onto any and every pulpit or soap box he sees to pontificate about how oppressed he is. One can only hope he will eventually grow up and begin acting like an adult, not like some spoiled kid looking for someone besides himself to blame for his misfortune. Look in the mirror, Jimbo.
I know you're getting tired of reading about this - I'm getting tired of
writing about it, too. However, as long as he whines and moans about
how abused he has been we'll set the record straight.
The Sanitary District Board discussed Fitzpatrick's vacancy at their regular meeting last night. Specifications for the job and the process by which interested individuals may apply will be finalized within a few days. Apparently they hope to announce a replacement next month.



So, I guess this is how it's going to be. Fitzpatrick will jump up onto any and every pulpit or soap box he sees to pontificate about how oppressed he is. One can only hope he will eventually grow up and begin acting like an adult, not like some spoiled kid looking for someone besides himself to blame for his misfortune. Look in the mirror, Jimbo.

The Sanitary District Board discussed Fitzpatrick's vacancy at their regular meeting last night. Specifications for the job and the process by which interested individuals may apply will be finalized within a few days. Apparently they hope to announce a replacement next month.
Costa Mesa deserves better than Fitzpatrick. His PC appointment is a direct reflection of cronyism trumping qualification by the Council members who voted for him, namely Righeimer, Mensinger, and Monahan.
There is NO court ruling on whether the offices are incompatible! I think Fitz would have won the case and you don't. Doesn't matter. IN OTHER NEWS there was a charity golf tournement held Monday to rais emoney for youth sports. No coverage of that here? Why? Because Mensinger headed it up? Because all 5 planning commissioners stepped up and put in many hours in planning and helping? Because Torelli Realty (where Fisher works and is the object of a boycott about as successful and McEvoys recall- heck Mesa Water stepped up too, fisher again!)was involved? I had quit reading the comments section here because of the vile attacks. But then you said you were cleaning them up. What happened? Now YOU are calling anyone who agrees with the boys bootlickers right in your columns. No need to read the comments section for this level degradation of fine people who just happen to share the same opinion. Frogs must be bootlickers too? This is MSNBC on a local level. Attack Republicans at every chance. I am done with this place.
Apparently Fitzy thought he would lose, too. No comment on the golf tournament - a worthy cause - because I've been on vacation and did not attend. Lots of money raised, lots of fun had in spite of the bad-taste comments by some of the functionaries. But then, boys will be boys, right? And, among your many typos I think you got Jim Fisler's name wrong. You write like Mensinger, for goodness sake! So, I doubt you'll read this since you said you're "done with this place". Bye, bye!
How many times are you going to be "done with this place"? *HA*
Geoff, you already know that Arlene Schafer will be appointed.
Fitzy didn't cost the ratepayers a dime - YOUR pals did, by pursuing their perosnal vendetta against someone who exposed their cronyism.
The CMSD board was given many opportunities to take a less wasteful path, including dropping their action completely when the alleged conflict was eliminated with Fitzy's resignation from the PC, yet they chose to pursue their "personal grudge" (stated by Ooten in the press) and they could care less about what it cost the ratepayers (stated by Perry in the press).
You can spin for your buddies all you want, but the words came out of their mouths.
You have become a pathetic shill, writing what you must know is pure horsecrap.
You know that if Riggy pulled the same stunts your pals at CMSD have pulled, you would be apoplectic.
Fitzy's quote from the attorney general is a common trick. He only prints half of the sentence, which means the ocmment is totally out of context.
His behavior at the Sanitary District ran off several staff. The savings in salary and benefits whicle the months passed trying to replace the staff saved the public a lot of money. It also cost a lot in overworking the existing staff and training the new staff. I think I heard him say at Monahan's the job of a General Manager is to get him to as many meetings as possible. He likely is on track to be the most costly Director the Sanitary district had.
The District did not change from the one meeting back to the two meetings that he was whining about. The punitive part of the change from two meetings to one was that he could not be paid for a second meeting, so he had to go off and find other meetings to attend, which can be reviewed in the Sanitary District minutes.
To the person who tried to post as "Change" this afternoon:
You crossed the line. Death threats will NEVER be posted here, you knucklehead. Don't be surprised if the authorities come knocking on your door.
"you would be apoplectic."
Ooooh, a paralegal word! haha!
unanimous, -
That's what you said last week, Robutto.
Yet here you are.
Oh yes, let's not fail to mention how you came to be first appointed to your council seat back in December 2011. You took Katrina's seat because she had been elected to the school board and was threatened with a lawsuit from the councilmen if she retained her council seat at the same time.
Sorry to hear about the CMSD employees. Really that’s too bad. as a planning commisoner at city hall Fitz cost the City a very good employee, highly paid employee who left, got a raise and now Costa Mesa is responsible for a higher PERS contribution toward that person's retirement. Although councilmembers, commissioners and CMS Directors ae not permitted to have direct contact with staff, Fitz and Mensigner never seemed to understand. Although Steve must have gotten a stern warning because he no longer haunts employees, although he still yells at some. The City came within millimeters of having harrassment suits filed against Jim F and Steve which would have cost the city, so employees didn't do it. I', not going to say who, challenge me if you want. Jim and Steve and Jim F are quite aware of who left because of Jim and Steve’s harrrassment. Now they know that others know. some employees contacted attorneys but didn't follow through. It is only out of some employees care for the city that no suits were filed. Jim F is a lawsuit waiting to happen. Unless some one keeps him on a very short leash, it will happen. He should not be back on the PC and his cohorts know he is a loose cannon. I do not understand they're reckless disregard.
I don't comment very well but I had to get that out there. I hate it when they act self righteous.
No name: please encourage the employees to file suit if they have a reason. If the city has to pay for it, then maybe they will listen at the next election.
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