Oops! Costa Mesa Council Takes A Mulligan
Perhaps anticipating the Costa Mesa Classic Golf Tournament on Monday, the Costa Mesa City Council will, effectively, "take a Mulligan" after it inadvertently voted last Tuesday evening to appoint current Planning Commission Chairman Colin McCarthy to the vacancy created the day before by the abrupt resignation by commissioner Ed Salcedo.
Following the meeting Interim City Clerk Brenda Green further researched the California Government Code - specifically section 54974 (a), which you can read HERE - and found that, despite contract City Attorney Tom Duarte's assurance to the council that it was appropriate to select a replacement for Salcedo last Tuesday night, the code requires at least 10 days between the official notice by the clerk and the appointment. You can read the City press release on this issue HERE.
So, even though very few people I've spoken with think McCarthy will not be re-appointed, the application period for persons interested in filling Salcedo's remaining two years on the Planning Commission will be extended until 5:00 p.m Thursday, January 24th. The council will then select from the applicant pool - all the previous candidates plus those who throw their hats in the ring by Thursday evening - at their next regular council meeting on February 5th. They will also fill the four open slots on the Parks and Recreation Commission that evening, too.
Just when you think things can't get any more bizarre.... don't blink!
Perhaps anticipating the Costa Mesa Classic Golf Tournament on Monday, the Costa Mesa City Council will, effectively, "take a Mulligan" after it inadvertently voted last Tuesday evening to appoint current Planning Commission Chairman Colin McCarthy to the vacancy created the day before by the abrupt resignation by commissioner Ed Salcedo.
Following the meeting Interim City Clerk Brenda Green further researched the California Government Code - specifically section 54974 (a), which you can read HERE - and found that, despite contract City Attorney Tom Duarte's assurance to the council that it was appropriate to select a replacement for Salcedo last Tuesday night, the code requires at least 10 days between the official notice by the clerk and the appointment. You can read the City press release on this issue HERE.
So, even though very few people I've spoken with think McCarthy will not be re-appointed, the application period for persons interested in filling Salcedo's remaining two years on the Planning Commission will be extended until 5:00 p.m Thursday, January 24th. The council will then select from the applicant pool - all the previous candidates plus those who throw their hats in the ring by Thursday evening - at their next regular council meeting on February 5th. They will also fill the four open slots on the Parks and Recreation Commission that evening, too.

Labels: Brenda Green, Colin McCarthy, Costa Mesa Planning Commission, Ed Salcedo, Tom Duarte
Oh, geez. I just can't back you on this "take a mulligan" insult. What's next? Saying they fumbled on Planning, punted on Park & Recreation? Is there no end to your attack upon our athletic-looking councilmen? Please save us all the trouble, and throw a net over yourself right now. xoxoxo
genis voted to go forward on this, correct? But the golf classic will go on thanks to extraordinary efforts by Mensinger and all the Planning Commissioners who have been working for weeks on this. Have not seen Genis, leece, or foley at any of the planning events or seen their names on the volunteer list. But Matthews, Sesler, Dickson, Fitzpatrick, and McCarthy have spent many hours planning this. And a shout out to Torelli Realty who has stepped up big time to help this group headed by Mensinger, a group dedicated to helping our youth.
I'm guessing thats why no one else wants to get involved....
jw, no one else wants to get involved? you have to be kidding me. it a veritable who's who that is doing the planning, participating in the golf event, or just coming to the dinner. it is sold out. it will raise over 100K for youth. only people missing seem to be the girls on council and foley and the two cm4rg candidates who did not get elected to council. they have been calling for volunteers for a long time. some "leaders" chose not to participate. kudos to those who did!
It's touching to see the law firms that are getting all those dollars from the city and us taxpayers are giving a fraction of that back. I guess we should be grateful. I will now kiss Mensinger's ring. I couldn't afford the $500 green fee, though.
i can't afford the greens fee either but will be volunteering for 10 hours and will get to attend the dinner and auction. I will play golf elsewhere. you could have too "nothings shocking". too bad you have such a bad vibe towards this wonderful event.
One of the silent auction items is dinner with Righeimer. Now there is a high dollar item for sure. How much do you think watching him eat is worth?
Hey whole story who made you judge and jury? Not everyone is onto golf or this fundraiser. I paid for the dinner. Where were you the other night when I was at the Historical Society annual installation dinner? I like history and enjoy the people who are archiving our city's documents who were there to enjoy the speaker talk about the USS Iowa and hear a presentation on CM Water. I paid my dues. Have you? I spent years supporting CM sports when my five kids were in sports. My time is spent in MANY other WORTHY projects that contribute to our youth and our city as a whole. Also prey tell where are any other womenoother than Valerie who has a business--on your list of volunteers who also are now on the pc? Do you have any women in the OCGOP lineup of future stars in CM? I think not. Women are only patronized and used as tokens to get others elected or to keep a seat warm for a man to return to after a time away. But that's another issue. Please remove the log out of your eye before you look for the splinter in mine.
It is very demeaning to refer to Councilwoman Leece and Councilwoman Genis as "the girls." It shows disrespect. Both of us were elected by the people of Costa Mesa to serve on the City Council. Please grow up and stop bashing women. It is obvious to many that women are not included in any of the Boys Club meetings held to plan the takeover of Costa Mesa.
Whole Story - I don't have a bad vibe toward the event. I commented elsewhere that I'm 100% behind Costa Mesa United, as I have two kids that participate in sports and they do great work to support that, as do I by coaching, etc. I just find it self serving that law firms that are making a fortune off us taxpayers due to the misguided council decisions are now sponsoring an event that is run by... those same council members. It's just their little circle of trust, spinning round and round...
leece: the splinter in the eye vs. the log is exactly what I have thought of you many times in the past! But YOU have the log. if you don't like boys vs. girls then please make a comment against this at a council meeting not only to council members but to your fiends in the audience who continually frame things in a sexist way, and to all the public in general. everytime that card is played please make a comment on it. I doubt you will put down such antics though-you love the girls vs. boys angle don't you? We have some great looking OCGOP women here in CM. Don't know if they want to run for office or not. Who is your "rising star" from you lefties? McEvoy? Ridge? Fuqua? Alf? Bashing women? grow some, you are too sensitive. Saying pensions are too generous caused you to say the boys were "bashing" employees. wendy should remember how she got elected: by being a barnacle, as Geoff called her, to Mansoor and getting OCGOP help. Then in re election she got the OCGOP erndorsement after begging for it and got their absentee votes then came out to the Pilot and bashed the ocgop and got the lefty vote at the polls. Barely beat McEvoy. Would have lost without lying to the ocgop. manipulator extreme.
Don't you think we need a new City Attorney? I know he is a suck up to the Council boys, but it seems he has no clue about the laws that govern municipal affairs. How many Duarte decisions come back as do-overs and cost the city a ton of money. Duarte only seems to say what the Council boys want to hear, not was is legal. What a tool.
Whole Story: You may think you have a story, but its in your head. You are attacking people, one of which, doesn't even post in here, but is one of your constant targets. You really need to get a grip on reality. You always feel the women are a threat to you. Why is that?
Sam, yes, I've felt that way for a very long time also. Once he outlives his usefulness to the council, he will be gone. He really isn't on the mark most of the time, is he? But if it were someone who actually did know the law, and could stand up to the council schemes, then he'd be out also. So...whats the solution?
I heard the dinner with the Mayor will be at Skosh and the winner will be forced to pay for those high priced diet cokes. What a rip off.
To:Whole Truth - "you have some great-looking OCGOP women." Do you keep them filed in a binder? At least our CouncilMEN are smart enough to know when an attractive woman comes near them, it's a set-up.
Also, is it true that the dinner with the mayor auction item had the top bid? And it included the caveat to watch him choke?
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