So Much For Collaboration and Cooperation!
A jovial, glad-handing Mayor Jim Righeimer started out the evening with some very worthy, very impressive presentations and wrapped it up by demonstrating that, underneath that smiling, back-slapping facade, the same old carpetbagging political operative still lives. He and his pals on the council majority, Mayor Pro Tem Steve Mensinger and councilman Gary Monahan, demonstrated that they've got the power and plan to continue to use it.
First, the good stuff. Costa Mesa High School Cheer instructor Kori Johnson, 2012 Cheer Coach Of The Year, was honored. Her charges, the young women of the Costa Mesa High School Cheer Squad, have been performing at a high level for the past several years and this year will compete for the de facto national championship.
Then the remarkable young men and women of the Estancia High School Drama troupe were honored for their accomplishments this year, which will culminate this weekend when they perform their recent production of A Midsummer's Night's Dream at a competition that will determine a "champion", much like football playoffs. Under the guidance of instructor Pauline Maranian, these talented young people have performed some of the most challenging plays imaginable this past year, including the highly-acclaimed The Crucible.
Then Diane Pritchett, Executive Director of the Costa Mesa Conference and Visitor Bureau and Ed Fawcett, President and CEO of the Costa Mesa Chamber of Commerce gave a brief presentation of the plans being developed for the Mayor's Dinner celebration. This will be a major fundraising event in support of local high school arts programs and sponsorship is being sought from businesses and members of the community. The event will be held on April 25, 2013 at the Samueli Center.
During Public Comments a dozen people rose to address a variety of issues with the council. Half of them were residents of the controversial Anchor Trailer Port, who explained to the council that there were still problems with the plans being proposed for the relocation of the residents of that facility. Righeimer tasked the city staff to sort out the apparent discrepancies between the agreement last week and what the residents are now telling them.
Chris McEvoy stepped up to remind Mayor Righeimer and the council - and all the members of the audience - that he is proceeding with a recall effort against Righeimer and asked for help.
A fellow named Jeff Archer - who sure sounded like a surrogate (shill) for the council majority - stepped up with a flashy PowerPoint presentation on the City's pension liability. Unfortunately, his presentation did not include the most current data from CalPERS, which told us today that their investments increased by 13% this past year. However, his presentation gave CEO Tom Hatch the opportunity to tell us that the presentation on the Unfunded Pension Liability, previously announced for January 29th, will now be held on February 26th.
One grumpy old guy plucked an item from the Consent Calendar that dealt with the repair of an alley on Fillmore Way to launch into another of his "drain the swamp and the alligators will leave" rants. He wants to use the money for the proposed repairs with some of the $2.5 million in unanticipated surplus funds to buy "barracks-style apartments", bulldoze them and build parks or parking lots. There were several alley projects on the Consent Calendar but he just discussed the one that includes a neighborhood populated primarily by Latinos. Interesting, no?
At around 8:00 p.m. they finally got around to New Business #1, the appointment of Planning Commission and Parks and Recreation Commission members. Right off the bat they made a curious move - deciding to push the appointment of the Parks and Recreation Commission members off to the next council meeting even though they had eleven (11) applicants for the four available positions. In a strange bit of back-peddling, Mayor Pro Tem Steve Mensinger muttered something about not having had enough time to talk with all the applicants, then reversed course and said he knew most of them. Looking down that list and having read their backgrounds it certainly seems there were plenty of folks from which to choose. I counted at least six of them who are well-known to the council. So, because they failed to do their jobs, the Parks and Recreation Commission will not meet this month. They have only one remaining member, Dean Abernathy. There are three vacancies from resignations and Chairman Kim Pederson's term ends next month. So, the residents of Costa Mesa will not have a Parks and Recreation Commission meeting until the end of March.
Then the real fun began. The council then address the issue of having not two, but three, Planning Commission vacancies to fill. As reported here Monday night, Ed Salcedo resigned Monday night. Much discussion ensued about the legality of considering his vacancy, but upon the advice of contract City Attorney Tom Duarte, they voted to ignore a city policy and proceeded with the nominations and appointments. Wendy Leece voted NO on that issue.
During the public comments portion resident Robin Leffler expressed hope for a demonstration of the new collaborative, cooperative attitude by allowing the ladies to participate and influence the decisions on this subject. Righeimer took exception to her observations and said "I can't tell you what to say." after criticizing her for "doing the man/woman thing". He then said the decisions should have nothing to do with "genitalia"! Yep, he did... watch the tape.
Interim City Clerk Brenda Green then described the process and allowed the council members to select slips of paper to determine the order of selection. It turned out that Sandy Genis was #1, Leece was #2, Righeimer was #3, Mensinger was #4 and Monahan was #5, but we didn't know that until they began their nominations. They decided to fill the two 4-year positions first, then the remaining 2-year slot, replacing Salcedo.
Genis nominated former Planning Commissioner Eleanor Egan and received no second.
Leece then nominated current Planning Commission Vice Chair Sam Clark and Genis seconded the nomination. His selection failed, 2-3, with only Genis and Leece voting for him, and a loyal Republican soldier fell by the wayside. And the handwriting was on the wall.
Righeimer, without batting an eye, then nominated Jim Fitzpatrick and moans could be heard throughout the auditorium. Righeimer, Mensinger and Monahan all praised Fitzpatrick for his courage and dedication. Genis and Leece both criticized his nomination, citing his judgment for things he's written and posted on blogs and his character during the last election. He was chosen on a 3-2 vote.
Mensinger nominated Tim Sesler, the thin-skinned Auto Club lawyer, who has become an outspoken supporter of the current power structure in articles in the Daily Pilot and elsewhere. Sesler was not present. He was selected on a 3-2 vote, with Leece and Genis voting NO.
Finally, Monahan nominated current Planning Commission Chairman, Colin McCarthy, for the 2-year term. I'm not sure what that means. Some might interpret it as a backhand slap at McCarthy, who may have gotten himself on the wrong side of the power elite during the last election. Regardless, McCarthy was elected on a 5-0 vote.
When all was said and done, the boys had their way and it was clear that they have no intention to offer any kind of an olive branch to the women on the council. That's really too bad.
It was after 8:00 when the council considered New Business #2, the re-naming (and re-tasking) of the Investment Oversight Committee - to become the Finance Advisory Committee. Genis had a question for Duarte about the propriety of the re-tasking part, since the title of the agenda item only mentioned the new name. Duarte said the title and the "Recommendation" section should be considered as a whole. I found myself wondering how many people ever thought of that in the past. Most would expect the title of the agenda item to give a clear snapshot of the issue. Anyhow, they moved forward with a lengthy discussion, then voted to move forward as recommended with the deletion of the 5th and 6th bullet points at the bottom of the first page. Mensinger also proposed a future discussion of the creation of a budget and pension committee, which will become a subject at a future study session.
New Business #3, the Purchase of Business License Software, was given a thorough discussion and the council approved the $55,000 expenditure. It is assumed that the implementation of this new software will significantly improve the processing of business licenses. The vendor chosen also offers modules for other essential processes that could be folded in later.
Finally, under New Business #4, Approval of Mayor's Appointments to the Boards of the Costa Mesa Conference and Visitor Bureau, Transportation Corridor Agency and the Orange County Vector Control District, Righeimer added an exclamation point to his muscle-flexing performance last night when he assigned only members of the male majority to those assignments - removing Wendy Leece from her role with the Vector Control District despite her plea to be retained. Mensinger took a swipe at her for her attempt to step aside in favor of former mayor Arlene Shafer two years ago - the dot on that exclamation point. Monahan - who stepped down as mayor last year citing too many business and family conflicts - was appointed to both the Conference and Visitor Bureau AND the Transportation Corridor Agency, both of which take up a lot of time. And, interestingly enough, the TCA assignment includes a $120 stipend per meeting according to Monahan. The Vector Control District stipend is $100 per month.
So, although the meeting ended early - just after 9:30 - it ended on less than harmonious terms. As you know, I had hoped for the council to walk the walk after expressing an intention for a kinder, gentler atmosphere. It took only three meetings to demonstrate that was only talk.
A jovial, glad-handing Mayor Jim Righeimer started out the evening with some very worthy, very impressive presentations and wrapped it up by demonstrating that, underneath that smiling, back-slapping facade, the same old carpetbagging political operative still lives. He and his pals on the council majority, Mayor Pro Tem Steve Mensinger and councilman Gary Monahan, demonstrated that they've got the power and plan to continue to use it.


Then Diane Pritchett, Executive Director of the Costa Mesa Conference and Visitor Bureau and Ed Fawcett, President and CEO of the Costa Mesa Chamber of Commerce gave a brief presentation of the plans being developed for the Mayor's Dinner celebration. This will be a major fundraising event in support of local high school arts programs and sponsorship is being sought from businesses and members of the community. The event will be held on April 25, 2013 at the Samueli Center.
During Public Comments a dozen people rose to address a variety of issues with the council. Half of them were residents of the controversial Anchor Trailer Port, who explained to the council that there were still problems with the plans being proposed for the relocation of the residents of that facility. Righeimer tasked the city staff to sort out the apparent discrepancies between the agreement last week and what the residents are now telling them.
Chris McEvoy stepped up to remind Mayor Righeimer and the council - and all the members of the audience - that he is proceeding with a recall effort against Righeimer and asked for help.
A fellow named Jeff Archer - who sure sounded like a surrogate (shill) for the council majority - stepped up with a flashy PowerPoint presentation on the City's pension liability. Unfortunately, his presentation did not include the most current data from CalPERS, which told us today that their investments increased by 13% this past year. However, his presentation gave CEO Tom Hatch the opportunity to tell us that the presentation on the Unfunded Pension Liability, previously announced for January 29th, will now be held on February 26th.
One grumpy old guy plucked an item from the Consent Calendar that dealt with the repair of an alley on Fillmore Way to launch into another of his "drain the swamp and the alligators will leave" rants. He wants to use the money for the proposed repairs with some of the $2.5 million in unanticipated surplus funds to buy "barracks-style apartments", bulldoze them and build parks or parking lots. There were several alley projects on the Consent Calendar but he just discussed the one that includes a neighborhood populated primarily by Latinos. Interesting, no?
At around 8:00 p.m. they finally got around to New Business #1, the appointment of Planning Commission and Parks and Recreation Commission members. Right off the bat they made a curious move - deciding to push the appointment of the Parks and Recreation Commission members off to the next council meeting even though they had eleven (11) applicants for the four available positions. In a strange bit of back-peddling, Mayor Pro Tem Steve Mensinger muttered something about not having had enough time to talk with all the applicants, then reversed course and said he knew most of them. Looking down that list and having read their backgrounds it certainly seems there were plenty of folks from which to choose. I counted at least six of them who are well-known to the council. So, because they failed to do their jobs, the Parks and Recreation Commission will not meet this month. They have only one remaining member, Dean Abernathy. There are three vacancies from resignations and Chairman Kim Pederson's term ends next month. So, the residents of Costa Mesa will not have a Parks and Recreation Commission meeting until the end of March.
Then the real fun began. The council then address the issue of having not two, but three, Planning Commission vacancies to fill. As reported here Monday night, Ed Salcedo resigned Monday night. Much discussion ensued about the legality of considering his vacancy, but upon the advice of contract City Attorney Tom Duarte, they voted to ignore a city policy and proceeded with the nominations and appointments. Wendy Leece voted NO on that issue.
During the public comments portion resident Robin Leffler expressed hope for a demonstration of the new collaborative, cooperative attitude by allowing the ladies to participate and influence the decisions on this subject. Righeimer took exception to her observations and said "I can't tell you what to say." after criticizing her for "doing the man/woman thing". He then said the decisions should have nothing to do with "genitalia"! Yep, he did... watch the tape.
Interim City Clerk Brenda Green then described the process and allowed the council members to select slips of paper to determine the order of selection. It turned out that Sandy Genis was #1, Leece was #2, Righeimer was #3, Mensinger was #4 and Monahan was #5, but we didn't know that until they began their nominations. They decided to fill the two 4-year positions first, then the remaining 2-year slot, replacing Salcedo.

Righeimer, without batting an eye, then nominated Jim Fitzpatrick and moans could be heard throughout the auditorium. Righeimer, Mensinger and Monahan all praised Fitzpatrick for his courage and dedication. Genis and Leece both criticized his nomination, citing his judgment for things he's written and posted on blogs and his character during the last election. He was chosen on a 3-2 vote.

Finally, Monahan nominated current Planning Commission Chairman, Colin McCarthy, for the 2-year term. I'm not sure what that means. Some might interpret it as a backhand slap at McCarthy, who may have gotten himself on the wrong side of the power elite during the last election. Regardless, McCarthy was elected on a 5-0 vote.


New Business #3, the Purchase of Business License Software, was given a thorough discussion and the council approved the $55,000 expenditure. It is assumed that the implementation of this new software will significantly improve the processing of business licenses. The vendor chosen also offers modules for other essential processes that could be folded in later.

So, although the meeting ended early - just after 9:30 - it ended on less than harmonious terms. As you know, I had hoped for the council to walk the walk after expressing an intention for a kinder, gentler atmosphere. It took only three meetings to demonstrate that was only talk.
Labels: Gary Monahan, Jim Fitzpatrick, Jim Righeimer, Parks and Recreation Commission, Planning Commission, Sandra Genis, Steve Mensinger, Tom Duarte, Wendy Leece
Ugh...I thought that Fitzpatrick's slanderous writings and distasteful behavior during this past election might have disqualified him. At least the Sanitation District doesn't have to deal with his crap as a major "thought leader" anymore.
Cronyism at it's finest.
The concerns of Leece and Genis regarding Fitzpatrick are well-founded. Character does matter. His supplication toward Riggy and ocgop has apparently earned him a pass.
During the meeting, while good citizens were being passed over to hand this pony boy a political reward, he spent half an hour in the chamber stuffing his face with some sort of snack food in apparent violation of Municipal Code Section 2-64. This was disruptive, and at best a poor example for the many high school kids present. Several of the HS girls were pointing and laughing at him as he shoveled handfuls of food.
Okay, so the councilmen's "suckees" were appointed, de Arakal didn't suck enough, McCarthy sucked too much, along with Fitzpatrick. Smith and the rest of the guys that paid hommage to them during the election didn't suck well enough. Man, these councilmen really suck. At least we can see now why no new major businesses want to come to Costa Mesa, and it doesn't look like the PC will get any better soon. Fitzy can't even run a car wash.
I thought the boys were very polite so yes , this is a kinder, gentler version. The appointments don't end that. Heck, Leece didn't even second Genis' nomination! So it wasn't boys vs. girls there was it? Then the girls decided to go against the boys on two other votes and they all joined in unanimously for McCarthy. Looked like a normal process except for the girls denigrating Fitz, totally uncalled for. They tried to attribute negative blog posts to him without proof he wrote them. Just because "troll tracker" say Fitz wrote something here under an assumed name does not mean he wrote it! My posts have been attributed to him and to Mensinger most of the time-totally false. So what if Vector pays Gary one hundred a month. They have been paying leece that for years. And she cashes in unused medical benefit monies. Leece begging to stay on vector because she loves it so much did not make sense because two years ago she did an emergency agenda item to resign her position. she even had the nerve to try to name her replacement-not her authority and it was not even an elected official, just a citizen. Yet she didn't want to open it up to other citizens, just her hand chosen one. Now, let's she if the San District appoints that same person, Arlene, to Fitz's slot or they take the high road and appoint the next highest vote getter: Don Harper. Sad to see the girls being so against the boys but that's life. Great catch by Mensinger on the leece attempted resignation from vector though, the highlight of the evening. Her rambling excuse was classic. The old i don't want the job oh, wait, i do want the job. Much like what genis said of Fitz, eh?
It's almost like it was all pre-determined, which doesn't make sense in this new kinder, gentler council atmosphere. Guess I better start kissing some serious a$$ if I ever wanna get anywhere in politics, or have that pesky tree removed from my parkway for that matter.
We really need the Righeimer recall in order to have a council that makes unbiased choices. It is obvious discussions took place given the timing of Fitzpatrick's resignation from the San Dist. It seems these guys just don't care because it is so obvious. Oh I forgot the law doesn't apply to them.
Wow! So much for civility on the dais. The ladies trash, no pun intended, Fitzpatrick and he gets on and then the entire Council gives a major screw you to McCarthy by giving him the short term. What an interesting dynamic.
Why exactly are we shocked by this?
When other commenters in the Daily Pilot criticized thin-skinned Timmy Sesler, he, like a 12 year old, complained to Facebook!
Like Fitzpatrick, will he be coming up during Council comments and complaining to Daddy Riggy that citizens are making fun of him?
On behalf of Costa Mesa liberals, I'd like to thank Marty Millard for exposing Righeimer's silly attempt to marginalize the "Male vs. Female" philosophical differences on Council.
Everyone knows its Riggy and followers Mensy and Gary against Leece and Genis. Last night Riggy ranted and tried to cover it up with inappropriate talk about genitalia, but nobody believed him.
Then Millard, who has no common sense, spewed his own rant basically saying that when you have a majority like Riggy does, you get to flex your political muscles. This immediately erased Riggy's lame cover-up attempt.
Thanks Marty! You're our bestest friend! Semper Fi.
Once again Righeimer has proven his decisions are motivated purely by self interest.
Fitzpatrick is the worst possible choice for PC. His neighbors despise him (even the ones he thinks are his friends) as does City Staff. He continually demonstrates repulsive imbecility and intense egoism, is dishonest to the point of being shameless, and certainly does not possess the intelligence required to do the job. He is hypocritical and clearly has serious anger issues. He hasn’t had a “real” job in years (please… international experience? HAA HAAA… that’s a good one). His record on the PC and SD is pathetic. He votes exactly the way he is told to vote which is why they put him there. He is the most “controllable” by Righeimer and Mensinger of the candidates. Others are exponentially more qualified (intellectually, experientially, and by temperament). What a joke.
Appointing Fitzpatrick is only motivating my neighbors and I to track down that recall petition and sign it!
Stacking the deck, watch the money flow. The parks comoish is next, Steve ment, he didn't have time to chess bump them into submission.
Inspite of their attempts to cover it there is a clear disdain or sexist element for women by the council majority.
The claims by Righeimer how he is surrounded at home by women doesn't negate his actions. Sure maybe he thinks his women are great because they are Riggy women but most women not connected to him you can see what he thinks about them. Mensinger is even worse and more a Neanderthal. They can and do say what they want but their actions speak louder than words. Don't fall for their FACADE that they have women around them. The only women they care about are those that fawn over them. The rest belong in the kitchens.
As far as the slight of McCarthy think again people. 2 years from now Leece is gone and Riggy's seat is up. It will be McCarthy and Riggy running together unless of course Riggy goes for a higher office. They feel next time McCarthy is a shoe in so no need to waste a 4 year seat appt. Sessler will be an even bigger disaster than Fitzpatrick.
I look forward to what they are going to do to Fairview Park. Or really we all know it's more parking for Pop Warner and Estancia Football. Just pave the whole damn thing and then in 2 years we will have anger and more reason to vote in a new majority.
HA HA !! the girls better stop opposing the boys on everything and quit using sexism ploys. Either have a good argument for your position or lose.
The good ole boy network voted in their good ole boys to the CM Planning Commission.
If you weren't one of their sycophants, you didn't stand a chance of getting in. That was the only qualification necessary for them.
Their appointing Fitzy and Tim proved this.
No surprise there.
Well, at least the issue of genitalia was properly addressed. Being a long-time believer that the council majority possessed none, it was good to see they conceded. They have nothing to bring to the table. Hence,they chose to surround themselves with the less endowed and are able to give the appearance of having everything in hand. :)
Recalling Fitzpatrick's comments on the Intertubes in recent years: If illiteracy is a requirement for being a commissioner, he was superbly qualified. Fitzpatrick, Righeimer, Mensinger, and McCarthy's obsession with being movers & shakers in local politics -- their acute shortcomings notwithstanding -- reminds me of Roger Ailes' description of that sweaty, shifty-eyed, self-pitying, petulant, paranoid perpetual candidate, Richard Nixon in 1968. Nixon, Ailes said, looks like he's been stored in a closet in a rumpled suit, and emerges every four years shrieking, "I wanna be President!"
Interesting blog...I haven't seen anyone use the word "carpetbagger" (or some derivation thereof) in a long time.
And the Bubbling Cauldron hypocrisy continues. Today, we have Mr. West violating his own no nastiness policy by calling one person the, "same old carpetbagging political operative, another person, "thin skinned" (Is Mr. West an authority on this?), another person a "shill," and another one a "grumpy old guy" (another area of expertise, perhaps). Apparently, Mr. West would like everyone but himself to be nice.
"Whatever you do in life, surround yourself with smart people who'll argue with you." John Wooden
We know that's not going to happen with these boys on the council...such a shame.
A commenter wrote:
"And the Bubbling Cauldron hypocrisy continues. Today, we have Mr. West violating his own no nastiness policy by calling one person
.."same old carpetbagging political operative,"
West was correct.
"..another person, "thin skinned"
Sesler: thin-skinned (and a little boy who complained to Facebook).
West was correct again.
"..another person a "shill,"
We personally saw the shill and his phony numbers, and watched as Riggy and his boy band urged him on.
That's three for West.
"..and another one a "grumpy old guy"
Some people just call Marty Millard an outright racist. He's certainly grumpy. West was being kind by leaving out the race-related stuff.
Four for West!
"..Apparently, Mr. West would like everyone but himself to be nice"
West can answer for himself, but we suspect he values honesty, integrity, and accuracy over niceness.
Sorry troll- no hypocrisy or nastiness by West. Just lots of truth to balance out the crap you and your pals sling at Costa Mesa.
Now go tell your master to send someone smart.
PS: We too were offended by Fitzpatrick shoving food in his mouth during the meeting. He's so ignorant and uncouth that he doesn't even realize he dissed his own bosses on the dais, not to mention the people of Costa Mesa who are giving him charity of $400 per month.
It would be good to have a minimum qualification standard of experience, training, or background for appointment to the planning commission.
Say a requirement to have a degree in a related field such as Civil Engineering, Architecture, Urban Planning, or similar. Perhaps having experience working as a plan checker, general construction contractor, real estate attorney.
Other qualifications such as CEQA experience, facilities management at a major installation like a University or other equivalent background in the real business of urban area planning and development.
SFAICT, F'trick has none of these.
I know I woke up this morning and very much appreciated the late night effort to keep people informed.
as my last post ever on this blog I ask the question: if the boys and girls don't agree why by default is it the boys fault? Couldn't it just as easy be the fault of the "girls". Everything is spun against the boys. this place is like msnbc and keith olberman. appointing political friends to commissions has a long history here and in every other city. yet here it brings comparisons to the city of Bell! and you shouldn't have to be a planner to sit on the planning commission. the city employees planners. anyway, alf, sk, patty c, terri F, robin L, and now "eileen": enjoy each other you losers. I am out, done with this blog. Had high hopes in the New Year but it has already degraded into nothing more than a place to put people down, thus I call you losers. Don't bother to post something negative about this to get to me because i will never see it, OUT
No Bridge, yes, that would only make sense. I would love to see actual qualifications involved in these appointments, instead of simply willingness to serve, or you need money and can"t work during the day, or are a buddy of the council members.
Ah, robutto, say it ain't so! :-( You will be deeply missed for your keen insights and mature comments.
".. I call you losers. Don't bother to post something negative about this to get to me because i will never see it, OUT"
Sounds like "Uncle" to me.
Love the Pilot story this morning - 'expected 3-2 voting split revealed.' That's some strong reporting!
Kiss the ring!
Robutto, you wrote
"Had high hopes in the New Year but it has already degraded into nothing more than a place to put people down,"
We had high hopes that you and your fellow councilmen would walk the walk of cooperation and collaboration which the mayor proclaimed as the new order for 2013.
That was nothing but talk which you proved once again last Tuesday night.
So please cease with the hypocrisy.
Is it wrong to feel so right about being called a loser? Or to find it somewhat entertaining to watch stupid try to be shrewd. Keep a charter away from them to do any real damage, and give them enough rope.....
Appointing Fitzpartick for another stint on the PC was not a good idea. It was obvious to all that the council majority had colluded to vote their pal back onto the PC. It is my opinion that Fitzpatrick was never qualified in the first place to be on the PC let alone a second time. Facts:
1) Fitzpatrick has already demonstrated himself to be the town agitator;
2) Fitzpatrick has been embroiled in legal controversy for a quite some time;
3) The council majority did not exercise due care for city when it appointed Fitzpatrick due to his past and even current behavior.
It is safe and fair to surmise that Fitzpatrick will get himself into another quagmire. Fitzpatrick is not controversial in a prolific sense but because of a low functioning cerebellar capacity.
The city council should select commission members based on strong credentials and skills and a candidate who is not distracting because of destructive behavior as exhibited by Fitzpatric.
Skip - of course the council SHOULD pick commissioners based on qualifications, but the only qualification in their mind is blind loyalty to the council. The PC regularly ignores or outright dismisses the recommendations of the city's very own planning department, and I think it's safe to assume they vote in line with their masters. The list of ill-conceived projects that get greenlit is extensive.
Some people aren’t bothered by the partisan farm team that Jim Righeimer has created.
It’s prudent, though, to be alarmed when your city government gets politicized. There’s a very good reason that city politics must be nonpartisan: If nonpartisan, the elected ones and their appointees are responsive only to local voters. If partisan, the council members owe a portion of their allegiance to out-ot-towners.
When national politics sneaks in and taints (guess how I feel about this!) our politics, the elected ones let national politics influence how they set policy for Costa Mesa. A current example: It is well known that, at the national level, the Republican Party is trying to kneecap workers’ unions. Why? Unions are big supporters of the Democratic Party. So Reps figure that they can weaken their Dem opponents by weakening the Dems’ big supporters, the unions.
It also is well known that the GOP is working at the state level to harass unions. You may remember that the 100% Republican-controlled Wisconsin and Ohio governments recently passed laws that make it more difficult for unions to function and participate in politics for the good of their members.
What’s this have to do with Costa Mesa? The GOP is now harassing unions at the city level. For example, in California they’ve influenced some city council members of some cities to promote the charter concept for governing their city. A charter grants a city the power to adopt its own laws, as long as only municipal, not state, matters are involved. A big negative with this is the residents lose protections that state laws provide – laws honed by years of use – allowing mischief by politicians.
Bell is a charter city.
If voters approve a charter, the city council is freer to follow the dictates of the national political parties because they have increased their power dramatically. In Costa Mesa, a card-carrying libertarian-conservative city in Republican Orange County, this means the council is more likely to color their policies to help the national GOP reach its goals than the Democrats.
Costa Mesa got along just fine through 60 years of thick and thin being a “general law” city, so why do we need to become a charter city? (Remember the Robert Citron-caused bankruptcy of Orange County? Costa Mesa weathered that with hardly a dent.) In spite of CM’s sparkling history of handling ups and downs, the Jim Righeimer-led majority decided that a Righeimer draft of a charter should be put to a vote of the people. And guess what? The charter is mostly two things: a transfer of power from the citizens to the City Council, and an attack on the ability of employee associations to organize and participate in politics for their members’ benefit.
There is a lot of evidence I could quote, but won’t in the interests of space, that shows Jim Righeimer to be exceedingly tight with the GOP power structure. (Two f'rinstances: out of all the people in Orange County that he could share office space with, is it just coincidence that that person is Scott Baugh, the chair of the O.C. Republican Central Committee? And is it only coincidence that then-Mayor Allan Mansoor appointed Righeimer to the planning commission even though he had not turned in his application by the drop-dead time AND even though he had lived in Costa Mesa only a few weeks. Weeks!)
I’m not here to defend unions, and I’m not here to attack Jim Righeimer. I’m here to help make our city government responsive and responsible again. Righeimer’s majority is going the other way. It demonstrated in its first two years that it doesn’t pay much attention to citizens’ wishes and isn’t responsible (witness the millions of dollars frittered away with $495/hour lawyers on unnecessary lawsuits).
So yes, it’s a bad thing for Righeimer’s majority to stuff the commissions with their farm team. It will further politicize Costa Mesa’s government and allow it be run even more by outsiders.
Plus 1, or 'Like,' Man of Few Words. Very well put.
On a slight tangent, go to the website for the upcoming Costa Mesa United golf tournament (article in today's Pilot) and go to the sponsor page. All the law firms representing the city are major sponsors, payback I suppose in one sense for all the money they get from us.
Costa Mesa United does great stuff for the city - I have young kids that certainly benefit from the money they raise for Little League, soccer, etc., and I'm VERY appreciative of that. But there's just so many tie-ins between the council, the businesses (i.e. law firms), the people (note all the CC members, planning commissioners old and new, etc.). EVERYTHING in Costa Mesa has some sort of political connotation, and that's too bad. Whether it's the cronyism (or appearance of it, anyway), it's going to come back to bite us in the end, pun intended.
One last question, Robutto,
( your buddies who read this can forward the message to you)
Why did you only list women as the commentators you dislike? Your critics who are men were never mentioned. Why is that?
Alf, thats very telling, isn't it?
Robutto isn't gone, he'll be back under another name.
didn't Genis reject Eagan by failing to second the nomination?
West's reporting is so one sided
Council majority is bad
Everyone else get's a free ride
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