Freebie Item Yanked From Agenda
In case you missed the amendment I made to my earlier post about the Costa Mesa City Council agenda, for some reason the item involving the new policy for the distribution of tickets and passes has been yanked from the agenda. I suppose we'll find out why one of these days.
Separately, a couple people have observed that things seem pretty darn quiet on the local newspaper comment threads. For example, there's only one comment on the Daily Pilot article about Gary Monahan over the weekend. Perhaps folks are overwhelmed by the photo they used - I know I sure was. ;-) What the heck has happened? Is everyone asleep, complacent or what? Have they just stopped giving a darn?
In case you missed the amendment I made to my earlier post about the Costa Mesa City Council agenda, for some reason the item involving the new policy for the distribution of tickets and passes has been yanked from the agenda. I suppose we'll find out why one of these days.

Labels: Gary Monahan, Tickets
I still give a darn, but the last thing I want to give Gary Monahan is any attention. He has never come clean on his behavior the day Pham died and why he became a jerk on the council. I used to like Gary, but he drank the koolaid and I have zero respect for him.
I think the Pilot commenters were on auto comment and perhaps need to go back and check the box that says "post this reply to every story from our side":
alf: well said, good to read an honest report
wilcox: couldn't have said it better
fuqua: at least the WOMEN on council represent the citizens
clarisse: my thoughts exactly
IF column is written and approves of the boyz then auto response is:
clarisse: yeah, and meanwhile stuffing money in their back pockets from their developer friends
fuqua: well said Patty. these guys are cheap suits
alf: Righeimer says jump and they ask how high
leffler: funny, the truth will eventually get out. I know for a fact the truth, my source is...
fuqua: well said robin
west: the sycophants of course chime in here immediately. what a surprise
leece: yes geoff. they just don't like women
I was gonna comment here on Monahans picture, but deferred in observance to the "kindler and gentler" 2013 proclamation.
Actually, I was gonna make an analogy to one of the elephant seals.
But I won't.
I think we need you back on facebook:)
We were shocked by the Monahan pic too. Reminds me of Jerry Lewis when he puffed up after being put on steriods. Does Riggy's elf have a new malady, or something a lot easier to diagnose?
if you comment on Monahans appearance then get ready for the comments of the appearances of Genis, Leece, and Foley (arggh matey)
I noticed that the more comments a story got, the longer it kept a high ranking on the paper's site, so I don't comment on the articles that I would rather see go away.
Gary Monahan 2010 = Benedict Arnold 1780
Fairgrounds = West Point
"...Arnold decided to change sides in 1779, and opened secret negotiations with the British. In July 1780, he was offered, continued to pursue and was awarded command of West Point. Arnold's scheme to surrender the fort to the British was exposed when American forces captured British Major John André carrying papers.."
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