More Sign Intrigue
For the past few weeks I've been hearing rumblings about political signs popping up like mushrooms in yards of vacant homes - empty rentals, abandoned homes and those about to go on the market. Until this morning I had nothing concrete to report, so I had just stashed those rumors in my rumor closet, to ferment with the rest of the stuff in there.

This morning, though, a friend related a first-person story that prompted me to pass it along. It seems my friend heard a car trunk slam outside his house early this morning and, when investigating it, found four new political signs in the lawn of the house across the street from his home. They had not been there the night before.

This house is a rental and the occupants, who had moved out, were not registered voters in Orange County. So, my friend called the owners of the home to see if they might have returned overnight and was told that they won't be home until after the election and, in fact, they had listed the house for sale.

My friend was curious, and I am, too, since it appears that some folks may be checking the MLS listings and placing signs in the lawns of homes they know to be vacant without permission for those responsible for the property.
Oh, yes, the offending signs - a Yes on V, Vote for 3Ms, Vote for Monahan and Vote for Mensinger - were removed at the direction of the property owner.
Labels: campaign signs, MLS
I wonder if it was the union thugs who slashed my neighbors tires. I wonder if it was union thugs who spray painted sandy is a whore on multiple No on V signs. I wonder if it was union thugs who took all the Yes on V & Weitzberg signs and threw them in the street in Mesa Verde.
This BS is happening on BOTH sides. Wake up Fitzy, YOUR allies are guilty of the same type of behavior you seem to be against.
I wonder if it was union thugs driving either a white Chrysler or Dodge wagon that was observed stealing No on V signs.
Fitzy is nothing more than a grown child.
@ 2 way street:
Sorry to disagree with you but Fitzy is more than a grown child! He is a thick, petty, bully who threatens his competitors, neighbors, and City employees; he’s demonstrated repeatedly that he has no integrity whatsoever (e.g.: his wild claims about Sandy, name calling, and flat out falsehoods that he repeats even after being corrected, etc.) and he is just not that smart. His comments in the paper, his email blasts, and his blatherings on CMTA website are non-sensical and the guy can't write a correct grammatical sentence to save his life.
And, his BFF’s are Mensinger, Colin, Monahan, Riggy. As they say, “birds of a feather”…
What a bunch of total nonsense. Anybody who would vote based on reading names on signs blighting the landscape would have to be a absolute moron. I guess politicians think there is a large voting block in that catagory.
slow down "fitzy is more". your rage is overtaking you. you are not reading for comprehension. reread @2way street. Get it now? apologize to that fellow hater. you guys are starting to eat your own. first mcevoy vs. harlan and now this. the bunker mentality has hit. you will be overrun in two weeks. find the pills.
"Anybody who would vote based on reading names on signs blighting the landscape would have to be a absolute moron." Or who would vote based on reading names on a red golf cart. Like attracts like.
The fraternity style prank I read about on CMTA FB page regarding a certain citizen was a plain embarrassment to the city. He parked his red golf cart in front of the house and put unauthorized signs out on the lawn and laughing while taking pics... Pathetic!
Finally, where did all the Yes on V, and individual Monohan, Mensigner and Mcarthy signs go that were in the snoopy house yard???
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