Final Candidate Forum Thursday
Just a little reminder for you all. Tomorrow, Thursday, my friends at the Eastside Costa Mesa Neighbors Group will host the final City Council candidate forum at the Neighborhood Community Center, 1845 Park Avenue (Lions Park). Doors open at 6:30 for a little meet and greet opportunity. The formal program will run from 7:00 - 8:30. As you can see from the flier below, the League of Women Voters will be present to provide an opportunity to register to vote. Monday is the final day for that action.
So, please join your neighbors and me at what should be an excellent event and your final chance to see the candidates for the three seats available on our City Council together, answering important questions that should give you a good idea of how our city will be governed after November 6th. See you all there.
Just cast your votes for the "Top 3" on the ballot, then slide on down and vote NO on V!
Just a little reminder for you all. Tomorrow, Thursday, my friends at the Eastside Costa Mesa Neighbors Group will host the final City Council candidate forum at the Neighborhood Community Center, 1845 Park Avenue (Lions Park). Doors open at 6:30 for a little meet and greet opportunity. The formal program will run from 7:00 - 8:30. As you can see from the flier below, the League of Women Voters will be present to provide an opportunity to register to vote. Monday is the final day for that action.
(click on image to enlarge)

So, please join your neighbors and me at what should be an excellent event and your final chance to see the candidates for the three seats available on our City Council together, answering important questions that should give you a good idea of how our city will be governed after November 6th. See you all there.
Just cast your votes for the "Top 3" on the ballot, then slide on down and vote NO on V!
Labels: Candiate Forums, Eastside Costa Mesa Neighbors Group
Lies and mistruths you will hear tonight.
This council balanced the budget. Truth...staff balanced the budget and Riggy and Mensy sabotaged them over and over umbalancing it so they could lay-off more employees and keep the crisis talk going. General employees picked up more of their pension costs, all 3 revenue sources increased and deep cuts were already made or in process to expenses before Mensinger and Righeimer were seated on the council.
The city blew through millions in reserve.Yes. But ask yourself how the city got much of those reserves? A good deal of the 70 million was accumulated because for several years the city didn't have to pay employees share of the pension. CalPers was super funded for a few years. The city saved a great deal of money but the the bottom fell out of the economy which then caused the city to have to pay more and more. It was a bad situation for sure but let's be honest about the events and situation.
We need the charter because employees won't negotiate when their contracts are closed. The Truth is 2 associations have already approved major reforms without their contracts being up.
Let's save money like Newport and HB who don't have to pay prevailing wage. The truth is both cities have to pay prevailing wage. Check out their web pages or google Newport + prevailing wage.
Nobody uses a charter group to create their charters anymore. Truth is if you go to BVON TV and watch the stream of the recent forum Riggy claims both Newport and HB in fact used some form or citizens group to create their charters.
There will be much more lies tonight and hopefully those lies will be countered but for now the lies seem to go unchallenged. That's why they do it they get away with it because we have the worst reporters ever covering this city election.
Anyone else think it's funny that Righeimer refers to others as "small people?"
Ever see the little punk's hands??
Lola, Yes! The pot calling the kettle black..! *HA*
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