Just when you thought it was safe to go outside again...
Today I present for your reading angst two links dealing with the rapidly-becoming-notorious Orange County Fair and Event Center sale drama.
Late yesterday Norberto Sa
ntana, Jr., Editor of the Voice of OC, published an entry titled, "Records Call Into Question District Attorney Probe of Fairgrounds Sale", with links to documents that list billing records and contracts involving former State Senator Dick Ackerman and the Orange County Fair Board.
Santana's report refutes the report by Orange County District Attorney Tony
Rackaukas which apparently cleared Ackerman from any illegal lobbying on the proposed sale of the Fairgrounds. That report certainly appears, based on this new information, to be a whitewash of the issue. I won't attempt to quote or misquote Santana - read his excellent report at the link above. Rackaukas deputy Susan Kang Schroeder defended the report.GERICAULT'S EXCELLENT SUMMARY
Then, this morning, dropping his own bomb, Gericault provides a lengthy piece on the Orange Juice blog titled, "The 'State of af-Fairs' - Gericault's update on the Great Fairgrounds Swindle". If Santana's report didn't get your blood boiling, Gericault's certainly will.
Gericault's excellent summary of events provides some context for Santana's piece, and has some very clever illustrations, too. One little tidbit he provides at the very end of his piece tells us that selected Fair vendors have been provided the opportunity to receive an 800% rent increase for their space during the Fair! That's right - 800%!!! As Gericault says, when the Fair Board is talking about profit sharing it's clear just whose profits they will be sharing!
Take a few minutes to follow the links to these sites, read the information. Be prepared for your blood pressure to rise significantly, though. Arrrggghh!
Labels: Dick Ackerman, Gericault, Orange County Fair and Event Center, Tony Rackaukas
Both articles show that our Fair Board, Ackerman, members of the OC Board of Supervisors and some of the Costa Mesa City Council are in collusion to defraud the State of California and the California taxpayer.
Think Righeimer will ever honestly tell us what was said during his phone call or calls with Ackerman? I wonder if it was Ackerman telling Riggy to start "Save The Fair" which turned out to be a campaign to sell the fair? Clearly the DA did not do its job. I'm glad to see Norberto on the scene.
What I'm waiting to see is the "appraisal" for the Fairgrounds. Page one of the invoices on Norbetos article has a $5000 disbursement for an appraisal retainer. Meaning they probably spent more than that.That happened on June 17th 2009. Why was the appraisal buried? One can only guess it didn't jibe with the unrealistic figure of $25-30 million Righeimer was shilling on his Rigonomics article in the DP. Noone has ever seen this appraisal, yet it was one of the four things listed in Ackermans contract. Where is it?
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