Brumbaugh, Shaw & Galitski Depart

Tonight is the fi


At the meeting tonight beginning at 6:00 p.m. in City Council chambers the commission will address some fairly important issues. They'll begin, however, by bestowing the Chairperson's Award on long-time community activist Arlene Schafer. We only hope they corrected the spelling of her surname on the award because it's misspelled on the agenda report.

Following a couple tree removal requests they will address Rest and Renovation Periods for Utility Fields at Costa Mesa High School and Estancia High School; the Athletic Field Use and Allocation Policy and the Recreation on Campus for Kids (ROCKS) After School Program Fee.

It seems to me this outgoing majority on the commission will have some pretty tough decisions for their last meeting - some of which might evoke heated comments by residents. We'll see.

Labels: Kurt Galitski, Mike Brumbaugh, Parks and Recreation Commission, Terry Shaw
This kind of sucks. All these guys wanted to continue serving and they were thrown under the bus. I still can't believe Terry Shaw and Mike Brumbaugh aren't more qualified than Ethan Temianka. This is Government at it's worst, when cronyism and political paybacks dictate the best servants for the public. Remember when Mansoor wanted to save the city $3500 by shutting down the parks and recs and folding those responsibilities onto the Righeimer Planning commission? Either they're stacking it for a reason or they plan to do away with it entirely. Whatever the case ......Add ANOTHER group we'll have to watchdog until our trust can be restored.
Thank you for the kind words. I had hoped for another term but things happen for a reason and this has made me a stronger person. I am not going away and I will stay involved in whatever capacity possible. Please never doubt my love for Costa Mesa and know that I believe in fighting for what I feel is right and will always strive to be part of a solution. I am a grass roots guy who wants to help communities unite, grow stronger and work toward creating a better city. Unfortunately, due to personal reasons, I will not be attendance at tonight's final meeting. I know Mr. Shaw will do a good job leading the team into the final sunset. I thank all for the support given these past four years.
Thank you.
Mike Brumbaugh
Mike, right back at ya... thanks for your service.
While today is my last day as a Costa Mesa Parks and Recreation Commissioner, I have many things to be thankful for. First and foremost, the city staff at Costa Mesa City Hall are second to none. They all care and love this city with the utmost in respect for keeping it a beautiful place to live. While we all know they are doing more with less money, they are doing a great job at maintaining a level of professionalism to make things happen and get the job done. I have the privilege and honor to work with great people, City Manager Alan Roeder, incoming City Manager Tom Hatch, Peter Naghavi, Steve Mandoki, Bruce Hartley, Lisa Mcpherson, Joyce Santos and the many others that I know I did not mention. Thank you all-
As I reflect back on the last four years, I am most thankful for the valuable learning experience it provided me. I became a Parks and Recreation Commissioner out of the love for our great programs, parks and sports facilities. The desire to improve upon what was already a great thing had been the driving force behind everything I did as a commissioner. I can tell you that any and all decisions I made; the votes I posted were always given with great thought and not without public consideration. Not once did I make a decision that I felt were political in anyway. Not once did I make a decision based on my political future. But rather, I made decisions based on what I thought were the best decisions for our city. Period. Besides, who was I fooling; I'm just a Parks and Recreation Commissioner right? I mean, I can count on my hand the rare instance that any member of the city council every called to disuss important issues with me regarding the decisions we were making at Parks and Recreation. In the last four years, I was Vice Chairman for one year, Chairman for two years, and commissioner for one year. You would think that the council members would care enough about our city and issues concerning Parks and Recreation that they would want to have open communication with our commission but, not once did I ever receive a call from Mayor Mansoor, Councilman Bever, and Councilman Monahan. And then it came to me; they are the politicians. Wow what a realization. Revelation. I was so naive to think that they actually cared about our city. But don't get me wrong, some of them did call me.... Katrina Foley who has moved to the Newport Mesa School Board which is a great place and position for her, she cares. Wendy Leece who has been all but alienated by her fellow council members has little she can do but she does care. I received calls by them, but they are out. Literally. The only other calls I got where when they asked for me to endorse them for their campaigns; Councilman Monahan, and Councilman Righeimer you are welcome. I can tell you that I received many, many, many calls from then Planning Commissioner Mensinger, now Councilman Mensinger and believe me, once I did not do something his way, I knew my commissioner days were heading for the highway. And so the reality of that is coming to fruition today.
Now I know where you are all heading with this, Kurt is just salty and upset he did not get reappointed... He's just taking it out on the City Council. While it is easy to say that, the answer is no. No I am not mad. But rather, I am saying all this because I think the citizens of Costa Mesa need to wake up and take part in Costa Mesa's future. We all need to stand up and be heard. At the same time, we need to demand that Costa Mesa City Government actually talk to each other. That Commissions and Council meet every other month in a public forum to discuss important issues and items that are going to shape the future of our city. What has been the status quo should be the status no. No more. Important decisions need to be made and how can we really achieve greatness in our city government when the right hand doesn't talk to the left. That a council member does not even have a conversation with commission members unless it's at a ribbon cutting and the media is around. This is what needs to change.
That is of course just my opinion; let it be known that I have always had an appreciation for all those members of the community that go before our city government on a regular basis to voice their opinions. While many of us think they are whacky and even crazy for doing so, at least they step out on that limb. It now it looks like I have joined them!
Kurt Galitski
Gericault & Mike - thank you for your "votes" of confidence for the past and tonight. hopefully i will get through tonight's meeting without coughing all the way through. it is a leftover from a recent cold. like Mike i plan to stay involved. i'm still on one other city committee. and Geoff, the spelling was corrected along the way. but thanks for the heads up!
Thank you Kurt for your long long long loooonng winded speech. I read every other word of it.
Kurt, well said. I am afraid your comment about Mensinger will show up over and over now that he has a seat of "power".
thanks for your dedication to the people of Costa Mesa.
The people do stand up and are heard, but as revealed several times already, the boys could care less. I am glad you said what you did, it takes some huevos to be a man and not a politician. I always thought that parks and rec are just a cheerleading position. When you think about it, the parks and rec can generate a lot of money via softball, soccer, flag football tournaments. But I could not agree more that all 3 groups should get together for a group session. Well said Kurt and Thank you
Thanks to all three!
No one is surprised about Mr Mesiahinger and his "win at any cost" demeanor.
All should remember; he can be removed from office if enough concerned CM citizens would sign a petition and there is going to be a special ballet in June; if Gov MoonBeam gets his way.
Putting a recall on that ballet would not cost as much as if CM did a recall on it's own. The ballet would also have the list of candidates who where snubbed by Manny, Moe and Jack.
Just a thought.
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