NMUSD Meetings Now On Streaming Video
Just in case you've got nothing else to do this weekend - after watching the four football games on Saturday and Sunday, I mean - here's some information you may find useful.
Dane Bora and Brad Long, stalwarts of CMTV, have arranged for Newport Mesa Unified School District board meetings and Study Sessions to be available for viewing via streaming video on the city web site. In my view, this is a terrific community service and will, hopefully, bring school board activities into more homes in our communities.
The first two entries are the Study Session, HERE, and the formal Board Meeting, HERE, from January 11, 2011.
Because of the recent intense interest in the extracurricular activities of Dr. Jeffrey Hubbard, NMUSD Superintendent of Schools, I thought it might be worthwhile for you to view his City Talk interview from October 9. 2009, HERE. No, he doesn't make clever sexual jokes... sorry.
And, for some perspective, I think
you'll appreciate the City Talk interview with Principals Kirk Bauermeister and Phil D'Agostino conducted October 6, 2010, HERE.
Coming up soon on City Talk will be a half-hour with Katrina Foley, whose presence on the School Board is sure to change the tempo, at least. That should be available for viewing on streaming video and in the normal rotation on CMTV next week... I'll let you know.


Dane Bora and Brad Long, stalwarts of CMTV, have arranged for Newport Mesa Unified School District board meetings and Study Sessions to be available for viewing via streaming video on the city web site. In my view, this is a terrific community service and will, hopefully, bring school board activities into more homes in our communities.


Because of the recent intense interest in the extracurricular activities of Dr. Jeffrey Hubbard, NMUSD Superintendent of Schools, I thought it might be worthwhile for you to view his City Talk interview from October 9. 2009, HERE. No, he doesn't make clever sexual jokes... sorry.
And, for some perspective, I think


Coming up soon on City Talk will be a half-hour with Katrina Foley, whose presence on the School Board is sure to change the tempo, at least. That should be available for viewing on streaming video and in the normal rotation on CMTV next week... I'll let you know.
Labels: Jeffrey Hubbard, Katrina Foley, Newport-Mesa Unified School District
Your work load just got increased.......LOL!
Nah, the way it's going I'll just watch the police blotter!:-)
Personally, I think that Dane Bora would make a better school superintendent, a better police chief, and a better police captain. He's definitely on the wrong side of the Hubbard interview.
No argument here, Vicki. Welcome back.
What makes you think Foley is going to "change the tempo?" We've got the biggest scandal in years and she hasn't said a word. She ought to have condemned Hubbard and those degrading e-mails immediately.So far, she's just occupying a chair just like the rest of them. I voted for her and I'm already disappointed.
BaUaN, I can't speak for Katrina, but I suspect she was also trying to give Hubbard the benefit of the doubt. She is, after all, a labor lawyer and understands - more clearly than most of us - the potential legal jeopardy created for the School District by officials rushing to judgment. I'd bet she's not happy with the public pronouncements by a couple of her peers, though. We'll see.
I hate to change the subject, but .........
Does anyone else in Orange County have an AT&T land line that is dead? Mine has been dead since Christmas. AT&T says 70% of Los Angeles and Orange County telephones are down (and AT&T can't get them repaired). I've had 3 repair appointments now that have been "no shows". Apparently their system has NOT been maintained over the years (even though customers are paying for that monthly).
I can't help but wonder if other people are experiencing the same problem.
It will be interesting to see what our California Public Utilities Commission does about this disaster. An AT&T repairman I spoke to on the telephone says the Governor is about to declare a state of emergency over the problem. It was caused by all the rain we've had recently.
Talk about a question out of left field!
No problem here with my ATT land lines, multiple. First I've heard of it. Bummer...
Has Ms Foley already done the interview? If not, I hope that someone asks her what kind of deal she made with Messiahinger to leave her post on council so he wouldn't have to run against Reeeemer and take all his votes.
Inquiring minds want to know...
Forget the indictments - this board is so weak they'll never do anything about that until he's convicted. And even then, they'll probably want to appoint a task force to study the matter for six months at taxpayer expense. I'm talking about the e-mails. There is no rush to judgment over the humiliating manner in which Hubbard has been addressing members of the school board. Foley should have spoken up IMMEDIATELY and said that he was out of line. Please don't automatically take her side - she missed a good opportunity to make a course correction on the board. Like the name says, it's business as usual.
OCLonghair, it's my understanding that Foley's City Talk interview is already "in the can" and will be posted Tuesday - City Hall is closed Monday.
BaUaN, I, personally, don't disagree with your frustration about the emails, and about the permissive comments and Yelsey's commentary in the Daily Pilot. However, the misuse of the district email system is a personnel matter and, as such, is confidential. You may not like it, but that's the way it is. And, as I said before, Foley knows the law in this area.
In my opinion, it was inappropriate for ANY member of the board to speak up - if any comment should be forthcoming it should be from Board President Walter Davenport. An investigation of the email misuse would seem to be a fairly uncomplicated affair (pardon the pun), so it should be commenced immediately. If it shows that Hubbard has misused that system then some form of sanction should be imposed - a leave without pay as a minimum.
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