Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Some Casual Reading For You

In case you've  run out of important things to do, the Daily Pilot has an interesting commentary online tonight. You can read it at http://www.dailypilot.com/opinion/tn-dpt-me-0927-commentary-20130924,0,873771.story.  

In fact, just go to the opinion page and read Perry Valantine's excellent letter in the Mailbag section, too.  And, if you really have to, there's also a commentary on Fairview Park  by a grumpy old fella from Mesa North. 

Probably the best choice would be the excellent article by Jill Cowan and Lauren Williams on problem motels. It' the second in their series.  You can find it on the front page. 

You'll have to forgive me, but I'm using primitive tools to post this entry.  No pretty pictures, just barebones verbiage. 


Anonymous Where's My Coffee? said...

Have a wonderful vacation, Geoff. You deserve it.

9/25/2013 06:35:00 AM  
Blogger valan2 said...

Since you mentioned my letter in the Pilot, let me take this opportunity to share the part they didn't print:

At this week’s City Council meeting, Costa Mesa Mayor Jim Righeimer continued his campaign of disinformation to make the Council look good at the expense of the City’s staff and residents.

In support of his lawsuit against, among others, the Costa Mesa Police Officers Association, Mayor Righeimer repeated his implication that the city’s police officers were involved in the incident last year, where someone called 911 and reported that the Mayor was driving drunk. After being pressed, he admitted that the District Attorney’s investigation into the matter had not been concluded. Therefore, there is no evidence that Costa Mesa police officers were in any way involved.

The Mayor, who is up for reelection next year, continues to promote himself and his policies at the expense of the truth. We can’t let him get away with that.

Perry Valantine

9/26/2013 01:07:00 PM  

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