A New Low Water Mark
With only 24 hours to go before the polls open in our local elections the campaign reached a new low water mark - and that's quite a statement, considering the lies and misrepresentations that have marked this campaign so far.
Apparently someone defaces several signs "Sandy Genis for City Council" signs around the Eastside of our city by changing the "G" to a "P". I have a photo of one of the signs, but I'm not going to post it here and spread that filth.
Yesterday, on the Costa Mesa Taxpayer's Association Facebook page, below a photo of a bunch of kids behind a banner that said, "Doesn't support youth sports. No Sandy Genis", with a circle/slash over her name, a comment was posted that said, "Who'd want a sandy penis?" The photo is still on the site but the comment, mysteriously, is gone.
That comment was clearly the genesis of the offensive signs and demonstrates the vile, infantile tactics those who oppose Genis as a candidate will use to defeat her. The banner exploits kids to perpetuate a lie - that Genis doesn't support youth sports. She was the moving force behind the acquisition of the Jack Hammett Sports Complex, for goodness sake!
You have to look at the Costa Mesa Taxpayer's Association, and their President, Jim Fitzpatrick, as a prime source of this type of behavior. Ever since he took over the helm that site has become a steaming cesspool of lies and misinformation.
As you voters that might happen to be on the fence about your selection for Costa Mesa City Council step into that voting booth tomorrow, please consider the tactics being used by the folks who support the so-called "3Ms" and Measure V. Selecting them to run our government would be like handing the keys to your Ferrari to a group of pre-pubescent teenagers.
With only 24 hours to go before the polls open in our local elections the campaign reached a new low water mark - and that's quite a statement, considering the lies and misrepresentations that have marked this campaign so far.

Apparently someone defaces several signs "Sandy Genis for City Council" signs around the Eastside of our city by changing the "G" to a "P". I have a photo of one of the signs, but I'm not going to post it here and spread that filth.

Yesterday, on the Costa Mesa Taxpayer's Association Facebook page, below a photo of a bunch of kids behind a banner that said, "Doesn't support youth sports. No Sandy Genis", with a circle/slash over her name, a comment was posted that said, "Who'd want a sandy penis?" The photo is still on the site but the comment, mysteriously, is gone.
That comment was clearly the genesis of the offensive signs and demonstrates the vile, infantile tactics those who oppose Genis as a candidate will use to defeat her. The banner exploits kids to perpetuate a lie - that Genis doesn't support youth sports. She was the moving force behind the acquisition of the Jack Hammett Sports Complex, for goodness sake!

As you voters that might happen to be on the fence about your selection for Costa Mesa City Council step into that voting booth tomorrow, please consider the tactics being used by the folks who support the so-called "3Ms" and Measure V. Selecting them to run our government would be like handing the keys to your Ferrari to a group of pre-pubescent teenagers.
Labels: Costa Mesa Taxpayers Association, Jim Fitzpatrick, Sandra Genis
What can you expect from someone so useless?
Cooincidentally(?) over the weekend the "3M" signs were placed (illegally, I might add, in tree wells) in front of and next to active/involved Eastside residents home who oppose the this flawed Charter, and "3M" signs were put directly in front and in back (blocking) of the "No on V" and the candidates' signs who are running against the 3M's. This is the sort of juvenile behavior that is classic Jim Fitzpatrick.
Further, Fitzpatrick "attacked" another Eastside neighbor because that neighbor wouldn't allow Fitz to put a "Yes on V" in her yard. Pathetic. (And yes, Fitz had his kids in his car at the time).
The OCGOP goons obsession with Penis has been evident for years!
This comment looks very similar to your EXPLOITING KIDS para:
That act of stealing signs was the clearly the genesis of the offensive wordss and demonstrates the vile, infantile tactics those who oppose Mensinger as a candidate will use to defeat him.
Thank you very much.
The latest low mark should not surprise anyone. And don't be shocked when it sinks lower. Fitzpatrick is showing his true inner character with his destructive behavior. CM has had some fiery characters in its political history but Fitzpatrick is showing something that hasn't been witnessed before and that is a murderous rage.
All the Bockmiller signs have disappeared from Victoria Street, and lo' and behold, whose signs are in their place? Since Eric is the only one voting for himself, I know he is the one stealing them. I saw him once steal them, but not last night.
It's very hard to improve on perfection...
Or it could be that parents of youth sports are simply so upset they decided to engage in the election to make sure the interests of youth sports are protected. Although there is a chuckle produced at the G to P artwork, not sure how wide spread the effort is. Sounds more like a kid prank than a union thug action .
By all reports, Fitzy is well on the road to self-destruction. If the gang really cared about him they'd offer help instead of continued exploitation.
I will do just that next time we meet.
Maybe, if it was only one sign... However, they were reported to be scattered all over the Eastside. Maybe somebody decided to give kids some community service credit for their creativity in the elective process.
The worse they are doing the closer to election time, the lower they stoop with more lies and deplorable dirty tactics!! The wheels are coming off their golf carts big time, and with all their combined intelligence, this is what they come up with...changing the "G" to a "P" in Sandy's last name on her campaign signs, stealing other campaign signs, and using children in their last ditch effort at dirty tactics, and yet they attack anyone else who brings up their children!!!! Really?? How old are these guys?
And, I was at this meeting that these guys are trying to smear Sandy Genis with for not being about our kids and AYSO. If you were at that meeting too you'd know what a pack of lies they are telling now. What they are saying now couldn't be further from the truth, but they count on people - just like you - not knowing the facts and the truth and then spit out huge lies. And yet there are still people in our city who'd actually vote for these lying, underhanded, all-about-themselves, juvenile individuals. They have done nothing this campaign but distort, spin, and flat out lie to deflect from the real issues, many of which they have created, we as a city face. For example it is them who have cost the city over $2 million to date with the city employees association law suit, not the other way around, as they say, - they ignored their own city attorney's advice and sent out layoff notices anyway (think political agenda)-we are in this suit, and paying for it, because of Jim Righeimer, Gary Monahan, Steve Mensinger and Eric Bever, no one else, plain and simple; they could have sat down with the police, city, and fire associations to renegotiate pension/retirement/salary issues, but it's been them who have refused to do so (think political agenda), not the police, fire or city employees, as they say. This list goes on and on. I hate to break it to you people, but unless you rub elbows and have a direct monetary stake with these guys, they couldn't care less about you too!! We are ALL going under their bus if you vote these guys and their one man's "charter" in.
And throughout all this noise and distraction from them, the top three candidates (Stephens, Genis, and Weitzberg) have not stooped to their level; they have focused on the issues at hand, whether it's pension reform, city public works, outsourcing, budget, pubic safety, development, etc... It's a no brainer choice: elect people on their own political and personal missions who don't care about you or me or our city; or we can elect people who don't have political and personal agendas and who do care about you and me and our city, who will do what is right for us and our city, not themselves or their special interest buddies and pals. The council majority union that we have now is all about themselves and their special interest buddies and pals. You are fooling yourselves to think that these guys care about you or your city. They only want your vote, and after that, you will be nothing but "noise" to them. Use your brains - vote for what is right and best for our city:
Stephens, Genis, and Weitzberg! NO on V!
"A New Low Water Mark" should be re-titled for what it really is: "An Even Lower Skidmark"... in the 3(B)M's "Smear Campaign",
I am ocgop guy but changing the name of Genis is the work of an imbicile. Probably just a kid but who knows? Adults do things like this right here on this blog, calling Colin "colon", the 3Ms the "bms". Calling Roboto "robutto".Idiots all.
Disgusted: What a great commentary. I couldn't agree with you more. It will be so good to get these guys out of office. Fitzpatrick has cost them a lot of votes. I wouldn't be surprised if the Top 3 win, due to Fitzy. But you are right, the Top 3 have stayed honest, classy and attend to business like true professionals. Lets hope we have a refreshing change tomorrow.
Help wrote:
"By all reports, Fitzy is well on the road to self-destruction. If the gang really cared about him they'd offer help instead of continued exploitation."
He thinks he's getting help already. Some people learn the hard way and we think Jimmy is one of those. Vey sad when children are dragged in to an adult's issues. The campaign is over. He should cut most ties with the gang after tomorrow's ocgop meltdown, get full-time work, and try to get it all back into a good place.
Fitzpatrick has not acted alone in his actions. The 3Ms knew about everything he was doing and ever decried his actions one bit. Riggy and Bever did the same thing with "Stinkeyegate" in the election of 2010. Fitzpatrick was present at the press conference where Eric Christian and Riggy's attorney spoke to local press at the vacant lot on Superior and 17th. This is how that group campaigns. They pull the victim card and create these red herring topics. The 3Ms did not run on issues but belligerence. Colin was an absolute bust, while Gary didn't even campaign and after three candidate forums, voters know even less about Steve. Riggy made a mistake by packaging his charter and the 3Ms during the same election. The charter is so unpopular that it's natural for residents to vote down any candidate who supports it. Riggy shot for the whole waterfront and it backfired.
That's Christian Eric...
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