I-405 Widening Public Hearing Set

Much has been written about the planned "improvement" of the I-405 segment of the freeway that runs through the north part of Costa Mesa. This issue has brought together an unusual amalgamation of Costa Mesa residents to fight against the option favored by the Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA), who have banded together to make their individual and collective voices heard. For example, HERE is a link to a recent letter to the editor that appeared in the Daily Pilot authored by Darnell Wyrick, President of Mesa Verde Inc., Mike Brumbaugh, past president of Halecrest Community Association and Colin McCarthy, President of Mesa North Community Association (and City Council candidate) opposing the widening of the I-405.

Today I received the official notice that the OCTA will host its first Public Hearing on this project in Costa Mesa. Initially, the OCTA had planned to hold NO public hearing on this project in Costa Mesa even though the north part of our city will be severely impacted. However, a venue was located and a time and date firmed up.
This Public Hearing, as reflected on the notice below (click on it to enlarge it), states that it will be held on Monday, June 4, 2012 from 6-8 p.m. at the Student Center at Orange Coast College. Because school will be out by that time free parking is available in all lots, including the Staff and Faculty lot, Lot B, closest to the Student Center. I've provided you with a map of the campus to help you get oriented. (click on it to enlarge)
Because this sounded like a done deal when the folks from the OCTA made their presentation to the City Council recently, it's VERY important that those of you who oppose this option - which includes demolishing the Fairview Bridge and installing a High Occupancy Toll (HOT) lane - make your feelings known to the OCTA and to your city leaders. I hope you will all show up at the Public Hearing to see the displays and hear the pitch from the OCTA staff. Besides the notice below, I've provided a link to the OCTA web site page for this project, HERE. There's plenty of good information at that site, including contact information. I'll remind you of this VERY important meeting as the date gets closer.
Labels: Colin McCarthy, Darnell Wyrick, I-405, Mike Brumbaugh, Orange Coast College
What's so strange? No one likes this project. It appears terrible for Costa Mesa. These three guys neighborhood seem to be the most impacted. Glad they're speaking out.
believe it or not, some people judge things on an item by item basis, not some scorched earth philosophy like cm4rg has. The will oppose anybody who is a friend of the councilmen, no matter if that person is a good person or not. Does not matter to them. Either hate who they hate or become the enemy to be taken out.
civilityplease... You make me laugh. Are you serious claiming one side only has scorched earth policies. You are an utter hypocrite. OCGOP and Scott Baugh have set a policy of no support for candidates who get union money, no new taxes and a host of others. The GOP party is as guilty and maybe even more guilty than any others for scorched earth policy.
Do you know how many Firemen and Policemen are Republicans? They are in Associations labeled as unions.
The Riggclones are attacking CM4RG. Therefore it must be something good. My neighbors and I will join.
Real Civility, definitely join cm4rg. It is baffling to read some of the posts along with some good hate stuff. My wife and I joined months ago, please join us there and get all your neighbors to read it too. They will pick up on the theme (union love) quickly and that will help them to decide how to vote.
Obviously, the 405 needs widening - the traffic his horrible. So, of the three plans, which is "A BUBBLING CAULDRON" in favor of?
Yes, the 405 needs LOTS of work. The problem I have with Alternate 3 is that it does not benefit Costa Mesa at all. In fact, it only hampers Costa Mesa residents if they want to use the 405.
The bottleneck IS NOT in Costa Mesa - it's further north and that's where it should be mitigated. Even though it's a regional issue, Costa Mesa should NOT be expected to bear the burden of the mitigation - like the destruction of TWO bridges over the 405, including a virtually brand new on at Fairview.
Alternate 3 is only about money, not moving traffic. Installing the High Occupancy Toll (HOT) lane means cash for the OCTA.
None of the choices help Costa Mesa. I want to see what they have to say at the Public Hearing on June 4th at OCC.
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