Sober Living And Crime Update Meeting Next Week
As some already know, the meeting of the Fairview Park Citizens Advisory Committee, scheduled for next Wednesday, March 4th, was cancelled due to a meeting scheduling conflict. The meeting is "conflicted" with was the event discussed below.
It's curious that a standing meeting of an important committee, which is about to have what may be THE climactic meeting after 20 months of discussions about the future of Fairview Park, is abruptly cancelled the same day the notification and agenda is distributed. That meeting date - the first Wednesday of each month - has been cast in stone since nearly the beginning. The only thing that changed was the venue. Now, all of a sudden and when it appears that Rookie Mayor Steve Mensinger may not get the consensus he's looking for to plow under sensitive habitat to install playing fields, that meeting gets bumped because it "conflicts" with this one.
Well, it only conflicts with this one because Mayor Pro Tem (MPT, pronounced eMPTy) Jim Righeimer is the primary liaison to the FPCAC and he probably doesn't trust Mensinger to carry the ball in this new meeting. NONE of the city staffers or council members EXCEPT Righeimer would normally attend the FPCAC meeting - NONE. In fact, Righeimer's presence at the FPCAC meetings contributes nothing. Sandra Genis is the alternate and is not scheduled to attend the other meeting, so the FPCAC meeting could have - and should have - gone ahead as scheduled. They've already missed the February meeting because of noticing snafus and problems getting the staff reports together. Those are finished and ready to go. It's time to put this behind us...
No, it's clear to me that this is just a bogus excuse to delay the inevitable and shove the discussion of defiling the Southeast Quadrant off until the meeting on April 1st - how perfectly appropriate!
Here's the announcement sent out by members of the public who requested this meeting next week. I copied it from their flier. The format is different, but the verbiage is all theirs. Oh, yes... I do plan to attend and will report back to you if you cannot make it.
March 4th, 6:00 pm, College Park Elementary School
Organized by your College Park Neighbors
WHAT: College Park residents invite ALL fellow Costa Mesa residents and neighbors to a Q & A session with the City of Costa Mesa. Please join us for a discussion on important issues such as:
The increasing number of Sober Living Homes opening up in residential neighborhoods in Costa Mesa. Find out what the new 1413 Ordinance is, and how will it be enforced.
The uptick in crime in residential neighborhoods in Costa Mesa. Let’s discuss what might be causing the recent increase in the number of break-ins, tagging, drug deals and prostitution within residential neighborhoods. Hear about CMPD’s strategies for rooting out these problems.
DATE: MARCH 4th @ 6:00 to 7:30 pm
LOCATION: Multi-Purpose Room (MPR) at College Park Elementary School, 2380 Notre Dame Road, Costa Mesa, 92626
City Council
Stephen Mensinger, Mayor
Jim Righeimer, Mayor Pro Tem
Katrina Foley, Council Member
City Staff
Tom Hatch, CEO
Gary Armstrong, Development Services Director/Deputy CEO
Jerry Guarracino, Contract Assistant Director-Community Improvement Division
CMPD Chief Ronald Lowenberg
Robert Sharpnack, Acting Police Chief
William (Bill) Lobdell, Director of Communications
Elena Q. Gerli, Deputy City Attorney
Mike Tucker, Community Improvement Division
PLEASE ATTEND! YOU will have the attention of the majority of the City of Costa Mesa officials. Come ASK QUESTIONS. INVITE your family, friends, neighbors and colleagues.
We hope to see you there! Please email Deb at as for further info.




March 4th, 6:00 pm, College Park Elementary School
Organized by your College Park Neighbors
WHAT: College Park residents invite ALL fellow Costa Mesa residents and neighbors to a Q & A session with the City of Costa Mesa. Please join us for a discussion on important issues such as:
The increasing number of Sober Living Homes opening up in residential neighborhoods in Costa Mesa. Find out what the new 1413 Ordinance is, and how will it be enforced.
The uptick in crime in residential neighborhoods in Costa Mesa. Let’s discuss what might be causing the recent increase in the number of break-ins, tagging, drug deals and prostitution within residential neighborhoods. Hear about CMPD’s strategies for rooting out these problems.
DATE: MARCH 4th @ 6:00 to 7:30 pm
LOCATION: Multi-Purpose Room (MPR) at College Park Elementary School, 2380 Notre Dame Road, Costa Mesa, 92626
City Council
Stephen Mensinger, Mayor
Jim Righeimer, Mayor Pro Tem
Katrina Foley, Council Member
City Staff
Tom Hatch, CEO
Gary Armstrong, Development Services Director/Deputy CEO
Jerry Guarracino, Contract Assistant Director-Community Improvement Division
CMPD Chief Ronald Lowenberg
Robert Sharpnack, Acting Police Chief
William (Bill) Lobdell, Director of Communications
Elena Q. Gerli, Deputy City Attorney
Mike Tucker, Community Improvement Division
PLEASE ATTEND! YOU will have the attention of the majority of the City of Costa Mesa officials. Come ASK QUESTIONS. INVITE your family, friends, neighbors and colleagues.
We hope to see you there! Please email Deb at as for further info.
Labels: CMPD, Fairview Park Citizens Advisory Committee, Jim Righeimer, Sober Living Homes, Steve Mensinger
Fairview postponed? Flyers were printed and distributed, last weekend...a lot of people and a lot of work, shot too hell...but this I know, whenever that Fairview Meeting is held, be there, it will raise the roof. So now all residents should attend the College Park event, and ask why are the number of sober living homes are increasing? How are the mayor and mpt committing resources to enforce the irdinance with only 11 applications being submitted? So. many questions, 11 city staff to attend and 90 minutes allotted ...let the dog and pony show begin...but the residents will have the last word.
A comment in the Daily Plot from one of Jim's fans said that the city council wants to take over Talbert Park, but "voters stand in the way." That's an odd way of looking at government. I thought the council was supposed to represent the voters. Hmm, Talbert Park - more sports fields?
The uptick in crime in residential neighborhoods in Costa Mesa. Let’s discuss what might be causing the recent increase in the number of break-ins, tagging, drug deals and prostitution within residential neighborhoods. Hear about CMPD’s strategies for rooting out these problems.
Seriously? Any discussion that doesn't include the fact that the CMPD has been absolutely gutted by this joke of a city council isn't worth the time to sit through and since Riggy is going to be sitting in on this, that will never happen.
Jimmy has been out of town and needs to get Steve-O up to speed on his plan for the City, he can't have anything happen without his seal of approval.
Please come to the meeting. It was organized by my neighbors, and the staff was invited to answer our questions. This is absolutely the time for you to talk about our safety since the gutting of our CMPD.
This is NOT a Righeimer-led venue. In fact, since a majority of the Council will be there, I doubt he will be able to speak at all!
I look forward to having these guys listen to US instead of talking down to us from a dais.
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