Harbor Blvd. Enhancements Presented Tuesday
Late Monday afternoon we received notification of a meeting Tuesday, August 16th, at which plans for "enhancements" of Harbor Boulevard between Wilson Street and 19th Street will be presented and input from the public will be solicited. Here's the complete text of the City message.

Please come and review conceptual plans of the proposed median improvements and landscape design and provide us with your valuable comments and suggestions.

Those not able to attend this meeting can submit written correspondence to the attention of Grant Anderson, Project Manager, City of Costa Mesa, 77 Fair Drive, Costa Mesa, California, 92626 or email at: Grant.Anderson@costamesaca.gov. For further information, contact the Transportation Services Division at (714) 754-5343.
Well, I can tell you right now that the merchants will probably not be happy about this plan. Look at those two photos and imagine yourself trying to visit a business where making a left turn into a parking lot is impossible. This kind of "enhancement" on 17th Street has resulted in horrendous traffic problems due to the inadequacy of turn lanes.
I'm constantly amazed that our traffic engineers are not charged with moving traffic, but rather, with slowing it down. How does that make any sense? Join me at the Neighborhood Community Center, 1645 Park Avenue, (Lions Park) from 6-7:30 to hear what the folks from The City have to say.

Meeting to Discuss Median Construction Set for Tuesday Aug. 16The City will hold a meeting at the Neighborhood Community Center on Tuesday Aug. 16 from 6-7:30 p.m. to discuss plans for the construction of raised landscaped medians on Harbor Boulevard between Wilson Street and 19th Street to enhance traffic flow and improve safety. As part of this improvement, the City will implement a sustainable landscape design to beautify this portion of Harbor Boulevard. BEFORE
Please come and review conceptual plans of the proposed median improvements and landscape design and provide us with your valuable comments and suggestions.
Those not able to attend this meeting can submit written correspondence to the attention of Grant Anderson, Project Manager, City of Costa Mesa, 77 Fair Drive, Costa Mesa, California, 92626 or email at: Grant.Anderson@costamesaca.gov. For further information, contact the Transportation Services Division at (714) 754-5343.
Well, I can tell you right now that the merchants will probably not be happy about this plan. Look at those two photos and imagine yourself trying to visit a business where making a left turn into a parking lot is impossible. This kind of "enhancement" on 17th Street has resulted in horrendous traffic problems due to the inadequacy of turn lanes.
I'm constantly amazed that our traffic engineers are not charged with moving traffic, but rather, with slowing it down. How does that make any sense? Join me at the Neighborhood Community Center, 1645 Park Avenue, (Lions Park) from 6-7:30 to hear what the folks from The City have to say.
Labels: Harbor Blvd., traffic
Love that they show ONE car on Harbor in those renderings, but I guess if they show the gridlock, you won't see the stupid medians.
Steve is getting contributions from landscape contractors? Remember his reallocation of funds to have medians redone in Mesa Verde shortly after they had been landscaped.
Thanks for alerting us, Geoff. I sent in the following remarks to Mr. Anderson and CC.
I recently learned of a meeting that will be held today to discuss adding medians on Harbor, south of Wilson. This is a project that is not only unneeded, but would also be detrimental to business and to resident convenience as well as to general through traffic.
I have currently seen no problems caused by people wishing to turn using the center left-turn lane with the traffic flow going north and south. In this configuration, the person who wants to turn left waits in the center lane, NOT impeding any traffic. Likewise, people exiting left from the parking lot wait for an open space in traffic. Disrupting the current flow by installing medians will instead cause a back-up at intersections by drivers waiting to make a U-turn. Because providing time to make the turn is now the city's responsibility, this method will create longer waits at all intersections. General traffic going north and south is already impacted by rise in density and demand, and the additional steps required to accommodate these superfluous medians will only make the wait times for through traffic worse.
There are other locations where adding signal lights would smooth traffic. The city needs to put its time and energy into improving traffic flow, not in "beautifying" streets.
I would expect that traffic, safety, and economic studies have already been done and that these will be presented for scrutiny by the public today. I would greatly appreciate these being forwarded to me. Also, please include my remarks in further publications regarding this proposed project.
You do some "enhancements" on the site, Geoff? I only get one story now when I click on.
Don't know what changed. When you go to the home page and click on the small blue arrow at lower right you can reach other stories. Works on my phone that way. Will check my computer later.
Honeyman, It's an enigma. I, too, only get one story when I click on the homepage. Very strange! You can always slide over to the right and click on the list of recent stories. Don't have any other answer. I've changed nothing.
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