Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Library/Community Center Meeting Canceled

Remember that study session I wrote about the other day - the one at which many aspects of the potential new library and community center would be discussed?  You do?  Well, so did a couple dozen residents.  Unfortunately, not enough council members showed up to form a quorum, so the meeting was abruptly canceled.
When I arrived at around 4:30 for the 5:00 meeting the consultants and some of the city staff were present as well as community stalwart, Beth Refakes.  This meeting was to have been preceded by a special closed session to discuss litigation.
We saw Sandy Genis come scampering into the council chambers about 4:45, then skitter back out, heading for the closed session.  Katrina Foley showed up just before 5:00.  I don't know the whole story, but was told that Mayor Steve Mensinger was on time for the closed session, but no other council members made it, so he waited fifteen minutes, then bailed out.
So, there sit expensive consultants and representatives from the county library service, which actually manages the Donald Dungan Library, kind of tapping their fingers, waiting for something to happen.  Just before 5:00 p.m. those folks who had arrived by that time - most of the hard core library activists who have attended each of the meetings and are active participants in the process were in the room.  Brad Zint from the Daily Pilot showed up, only to be told of the cancellation.

We were told by senior city staffers that this meeting would likely be included in a regular council meeting in the near future.

I don't know what happened today, but it's pretty poor form to have everybody BUT the council show up for an important meeting.  Maybe the mayor had a football practice to attend as a run-up for the Battle Of The Bell Friday night.  Regardless, this is just another example of some screwed-up priorities and disregard for the residents of this community.

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Blogger G. Ridge Studio said...

I'm watching the Democratic debate.....

10/13/2015 06:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Arthur Nern said...

Maybe the Newport bosses ordered their minions Riggy, Mensy, and Monahan to appear and receive new marching orders, and they just couldn't be in two places at once. Or a law firm or a builders group put out a free buffet.

10/14/2015 08:42:00 AM  
Anonymous It has to be said...

they must have gotten stuck in traffic... you know, the traffic that DOESN'T come from the 2000+ new dwelling units!

10/14/2015 03:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The brand is strong

10/14/2015 03:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Casual Viewer said...

Sounds like Sandy and Katrina went looking for the boys and couldn't find them.

10/14/2015 04:02:00 PM  
Blogger The Pot Stirrer said...

In fairness, both ladies were late for the closed session and apparently arrived after the mayor bailed out. Katrina did communicate with CEO Hatch about her tardiness. Considering the importance of this issue, the money the City will commit to spend and the cost of having consultants and staff cooling their heels in council chambers, one would hope the mayor would have paused just a little longer before bugging out. Whatever happened, it was a major gaffe by our elected leaders.

10/14/2015 04:23:00 PM  

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