2 P.M. Medical Marijuana Meeting Scheduled! (Amended)
The Costa Mesa City Council meeting to address the Medical Marijuana issue that had been originally scheduled for last night was, as anticipated, rescheduled. The new date is NEXT Tuesday, December 16, 2014. The real news is that it is scheduled for 2 p.m.! 2 p.m.!!!? I'm trying to imagine what set of circumstances would cause the City to schedule such an important and controversial issue for a meeting in the middle of the afternoon!
NOTE: HERE is the agenda for the meeting, published today, Wednesday, just before 3:00 p.m. It appears the links I provided below are still valid.
Here's the full text of the announcement, which can also be found on the city web site HERE.
The Costa Mesa City
Council meeting scheduled for Tuesday, Dec. 9 to discuss two medical
marijuana initiatives has been cancelled and rescheduled for 2 p.m. on
Tuesday, Dec. 16.
On Dec. 16, the council will first review a staff report that details the potential impacts that the two competing initiatives—which have qualified to be placed on the ballot—would have on the city’s various departments, including police, finance and the City Attorney’s Office. The staff report will also include the impacts of a medical marijuana ordinance proposed in August by Council Member Gary Monahan and another medical marijuana ordinance passed by Santa Ana voters in November.
After reviewing the report, the City Council could consider several options, including:
No agenda report is available yet for this meeting, but you can read the agenda for the previous, cancelled meeting HERE. Plus, you can read the full staff report, which includes links to thirty-three (33) attachments. If you are interested in this issue, I suggest you check out the report from every city department, HERE, on this issue that is part of Attachment #1.
The Costa Mesa City Council meeting to address the Medical Marijuana issue that had been originally scheduled for last night was, as anticipated, rescheduled. The new date is NEXT Tuesday, December 16, 2014. The real news is that it is scheduled for 2 p.m.! 2 p.m.!!!? I'm trying to imagine what set of circumstances would cause the City to schedule such an important and controversial issue for a meeting in the middle of the afternoon!
NOTE: HERE is the agenda for the meeting, published today, Wednesday, just before 3:00 p.m. It appears the links I provided below are still valid.
Here's the full text of the announcement, which can also be found on the city web site HERE.
City Council meeting to discuss medical marijuana initiatives rescheduled for Tuesday, Dec. 16 at 2 p.m.
Posted Date:
On Dec. 16, the council will first review a staff report that details the potential impacts that the two competing initiatives—which have qualified to be placed on the ballot—would have on the city’s various departments, including police, finance and the City Attorney’s Office. The staff report will also include the impacts of a medical marijuana ordinance proposed in August by Council Member Gary Monahan and another medical marijuana ordinance passed by Santa Ana voters in November.
After reviewing the report, the City Council could consider several options, including:
- Adopting a medical marijuana ordinance (either one of the initiatives or a city-crafted ordinance).
- Placing the two medical marijuana ordinances on the ballot at a special election as mandated by the state election code.
- Placing the two medical marijuana initiatives on the ballot at the next General Election (Nov. 6, 2016) since both measures call for tax increases and the California Constitution mandates any proposed tax increases must be voted on during a General Election.
- Placing a third medical marijuana measure—one crafted by the City Council—on the ballot to compete with the two initiatives (if two or more of the measures pass, the one with the highest number of votes would become law) at either a special or General Election.

Labels: Medical Marijuana
Our city council meeting cancelled and rescheduled, could it be because Mensinger was at the NB council meeting Tues.? And had his tagalong Lee Ramos with him, a prior CCM candidate who couldn't make it to his own c council meeting, they must have better refreshments!
I think it is because Chanukkah starts at sunset on December 16th, about 5:30pm.
Well for all of you who are apparently not aware of this, Tuesday the 16th at Sundown is the first night of Chanukah. So before everyone goes off on their rants, maybe they ought to consider others and their beliefs. There are a number of citizens in this city who would like to be active in this city discussion but Tuesday evening at 6:30 would conflict with many who celebrate the holiday. I am not sure why Monday or Wednesday were not available, but I for one am happy that the time was changed and thank the city management for their sensitivity. Happy to educate the uniformed and happy holidays to all.
Harold, I would be more concerned about the uninformed people and not the people who have to wear uniforms, knowing about the meeting time change.
The reason for the season.
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