MaryJane Is Back - Medical Marijuana on Council Agenda
While we're waiting for the next report of the election results, here's a little distraction for you. The Costa Mesa City Council will hold the last meeting before the new council is seated this coming Tuesday, November 18, 2014 beginning at 6:00 p.m. in City Council Chambers at City Hall. You can read the full agenda HERE. The open meeting will be preceded by a closed session which commences at 5:00 and will be conducted in Conference Room 5A, in the Executive Suite bunker.
The Consent Calendar, which has eleven (11) items listed this time, is always an adventure. If anyone wants a separate discussion of an item it will be trailed to the VERY end of the meeting... a daunting proposition for most visitors.
Item #3 is Warrant 2525, HERE, and contains some very interesting items. More legal costs. More consulting costs. More claims paid. Among those you might find of interest are the following:
#0184929 - Civil Source - $43,960.00 for various consulting support activities.
#0184030 - Fatpot Technologies, LLC - $24,995.00 for New Interface Impmtn. ???
#0184031 - G4S Secure Solutions, Inc - $63,983.39 for Jail Facilities Services for September.
#0184033 - Jones & Mayer - $142,085.11 for long list of legal services.
#0184034 - Jones Day - $31,952.90 for CMCEA June and July.
#0184041 - Robert Taft Sr - $35,810.00 for Settlement 4 Traffic Accident.
#0184089 - FTOG Inc - $2,137.50 for Interim Buyer, 10/13 - 10/24/14
#0184099 - Government Staffing Services, Inc - $14,736.26 for various temp. positions in October.
#0184115 - Keyser Marston Associates, Inc - $7,582.30 for Consulting (Civic Center Bario and Homeless) September.
#0184119 - Liebert Cassidy Whitmore - $2,431.50 for various legal, incl. 60th Anniv.
#0184144 - Randstad Technologies LP - $5,720.00 for Temp IT Support Staff, 9/1-10/5.
#0184169 - Stradling Yocca Carlson & Rauth - $9,618.30 for various legal.
#0183875 - Civil Source (Again) - $98,310.00 for CIP Proj. Staff Support, July and August.
#0183977 - Orange County Conservation Corps - $6,096.50 for Labor for Planting Shrubs.
#0184001 - Home Depot - $4,565.31 for Materials for Snoopy House.
#0183727 - Michael Griffin - $40,000.00 for Settlement - 6/8/12 Injury Claim.
#0183769 - Costa Mesa High School Foundation - $5,000.00 for CMHS Fndtn Gala Sponsorship.
#0183786 - FTOG, Inc (Again) - $2,092.50 for Interim Buyer 9/29/10/10.
#0183793 - Government Staffing Services, Inc (Again) - $10.736.86 for Various temp. support.
#0183824 - Orange County Treasurer Tax Collector - $13,318.69 for Printing Charges.
#0183867 - Westminster Press Inc - $12,827.69 for City Wide Charter Mailing and Printing Rec. Guide.
#0184236 - Fatpot Technologies LLC (Again) - $14,995.89 for FATPOT Maint.
And much, much more...
Item #4, HERE, is a request for professional engineering services for the design of medians and entry monument sign for $68,350.00 for Mesa Verde Drive and California Street. You'll recall that Mayor Pro Tem Steve Mensinger snatched more than $600,000 from the library fund at the last minute during the budget approval process to yank out recently-planted medians to have them replaced with drought-tolerant plantings. This is for the design of that scheme.
Item #7, HERE, is $86,165.00 for environmental consulting dealing with the proposed 177-unit live/work development at 671 W. 17th Street.
Item #8, HERE, is the adoption of the 2014-2015 Statement of Investment Policy and involves several attachments outlining a VERY significant change in this policy. It's worth a read...
Item 11, HERE, is the addition of the BLVD Hotel to the Business Improvement Area (BIA), which authorizes the collection of additional Transient Occupancy Taxes for contribution to the Costa Mesa Conference and Visitor Bureau. This makes eleven (11) hotels throughout the city participating in this program.
Public Hearing #1, HERE, is the Annual Review of the Citywide Traffic Impact Fee Program. The staff and Ad Hoc Committee recommend continuing the program as-is. The staff report explains the program and the attachments make for some interesting background, including the current fiscal status of the fund.
Public Hearing #2, HERE, is the planning application for a 393-unit midrise residential development on Anton Boulevard. The Planning Commission recommended approval of this project, which is significantly scaled back from what was originally proposed and approved.
Old Business #1, HERE, is the second reading of the ordinance establishing the Senior Commission to advise the city council on Costa Mesa senior matters and the operation of the Senior Center. As I've said before, this should be a committee, not a paid commission. And, if it's going to be a commission, the meetings should be held somewhere they can be recorded for current and/or later viewing. If it's important enough to be a commission, it's important enough to provide viewing opportunities to all residents. Alternative #2 in the staff report suggests it could be a committee and all items would be referred back through the Parks and Recreation Commission. That seems to be the better choice. (Click on that image and note the names on the plaque. Interesting...)
New Business #1, HERE, is the Host Town Participation for the 2015 Special Olympics World Games, scheduled for the Los Angeles area July 25-August 2, 2015. The program seeks local communities to provide accommodations, training facilities and cultural/sports activities for the 7,000 international athletes and their coaches from July 21-July 24, 2015. The staff report provides the details.
And, finally, New Business #2, HERE, the Medical Marijuana Initiatives issue will be the final item on the agenda except for continued comments and Consent Calendar items. It is, without a doubt, the MOST IMPORTANT issue in the agenda and will likely not begin to be considered until late in the evening.
The shortest version of this issue is as follows:
There are two competing marijuana initiatives that have had sufficient signatures to qualify for a vote of the people. The staff report defines the difference - one allows up to eight (8) Medical Marijuana businesses in Costa Mesa and the other permits up to four (4) licensed Medical Marijuana businesses.
The city council is being asked to accept the Certificate of Sufficiency issued by the Orange County Registrar of Voters for each and then approve, for each initiative, one of the four options listed on page 1 of the staff report. Those are:
The special elections would be held during the first quarter of 2015. However, because State Law requires increases in taxation to be considered in a General Election - and both items contain a tax element - it is possible that neither can be considered for two years. This will be part of the discussion.
This is a complex issue. When you read the staff report you will see the timing considerations for elections alone can give you a migraine. The costs of the various scenarios alone range from $15,000 to over $280,000. You will find HERE a list of 27 attachments pertaining to the various scenarios that might be possible. They include various ordinances, comparisons of the ordinances and Monahan's plan, too. It's going to be a long, long, long night. It will be a caffeine, not cannabis, kind of evening.
While we're waiting for the next report of the election results, here's a little distraction for you. The Costa Mesa City Council will hold the last meeting before the new council is seated this coming Tuesday, November 18, 2014 beginning at 6:00 p.m. in City Council Chambers at City Hall. You can read the full agenda HERE. The open meeting will be preceded by a closed session which commences at 5:00 and will be conducted in Conference Room 5A, in the Executive Suite bunker.
The Consent Calendar, which has eleven (11) items listed this time, is always an adventure. If anyone wants a separate discussion of an item it will be trailed to the VERY end of the meeting... a daunting proposition for most visitors.
Item #3 is Warrant 2525, HERE, and contains some very interesting items. More legal costs. More consulting costs. More claims paid. Among those you might find of interest are the following:

#0184030 - Fatpot Technologies, LLC - $24,995.00 for New Interface Impmtn. ???
#0184031 - G4S Secure Solutions, Inc - $63,983.39 for Jail Facilities Services for September.
#0184033 - Jones & Mayer - $142,085.11 for long list of legal services.
#0184034 - Jones Day - $31,952.90 for CMCEA June and July.
#0184041 - Robert Taft Sr - $35,810.00 for Settlement 4 Traffic Accident.
#0184089 - FTOG Inc - $2,137.50 for Interim Buyer, 10/13 - 10/24/14
#0184099 - Government Staffing Services, Inc - $14,736.26 for various temp. positions in October.
#0184115 - Keyser Marston Associates, Inc - $7,582.30 for Consulting (Civic Center Bario and Homeless) September.
#0184119 - Liebert Cassidy Whitmore - $2,431.50 for various legal, incl. 60th Anniv.
#0184144 - Randstad Technologies LP - $5,720.00 for Temp IT Support Staff, 9/1-10/5.
#0184169 - Stradling Yocca Carlson & Rauth - $9,618.30 for various legal.
#0183875 - Civil Source (Again) - $98,310.00 for CIP Proj. Staff Support, July and August.
#0183977 - Orange County Conservation Corps - $6,096.50 for Labor for Planting Shrubs.
#0184001 - Home Depot - $4,565.31 for Materials for Snoopy House.
#0183727 - Michael Griffin - $40,000.00 for Settlement - 6/8/12 Injury Claim.
#0183769 - Costa Mesa High School Foundation - $5,000.00 for CMHS Fndtn Gala Sponsorship.
#0183786 - FTOG, Inc (Again) - $2,092.50 for Interim Buyer 9/29/10/10.
#0183793 - Government Staffing Services, Inc (Again) - $10.736.86 for Various temp. support.
#0183824 - Orange County Treasurer Tax Collector - $13,318.69 for Printing Charges.
#0183867 - Westminster Press Inc - $12,827.69 for City Wide Charter Mailing and Printing Rec. Guide.
#0184236 - Fatpot Technologies LLC (Again) - $14,995.89 for FATPOT Maint.
And much, much more...
Item #4, HERE, is a request for professional engineering services for the design of medians and entry monument sign for $68,350.00 for Mesa Verde Drive and California Street. You'll recall that Mayor Pro Tem Steve Mensinger snatched more than $600,000 from the library fund at the last minute during the budget approval process to yank out recently-planted medians to have them replaced with drought-tolerant plantings. This is for the design of that scheme.
Item #7, HERE, is $86,165.00 for environmental consulting dealing with the proposed 177-unit live/work development at 671 W. 17th Street.

Item 11, HERE, is the addition of the BLVD Hotel to the Business Improvement Area (BIA), which authorizes the collection of additional Transient Occupancy Taxes for contribution to the Costa Mesa Conference and Visitor Bureau. This makes eleven (11) hotels throughout the city participating in this program.
Public Hearing #1, HERE, is the Annual Review of the Citywide Traffic Impact Fee Program. The staff and Ad Hoc Committee recommend continuing the program as-is. The staff report explains the program and the attachments make for some interesting background, including the current fiscal status of the fund.
Public Hearing #2, HERE, is the planning application for a 393-unit midrise residential development on Anton Boulevard. The Planning Commission recommended approval of this project, which is significantly scaled back from what was originally proposed and approved.
Old Business #1, HERE, is the second reading of the ordinance establishing the Senior Commission to advise the city council on Costa Mesa senior matters and the operation of the Senior Center. As I've said before, this should be a committee, not a paid commission. And, if it's going to be a commission, the meetings should be held somewhere they can be recorded for current and/or later viewing. If it's important enough to be a commission, it's important enough to provide viewing opportunities to all residents. Alternative #2 in the staff report suggests it could be a committee and all items would be referred back through the Parks and Recreation Commission. That seems to be the better choice. (Click on that image and note the names on the plaque. Interesting...)
New Business #1, HERE, is the Host Town Participation for the 2015 Special Olympics World Games, scheduled for the Los Angeles area July 25-August 2, 2015. The program seeks local communities to provide accommodations, training facilities and cultural/sports activities for the 7,000 international athletes and their coaches from July 21-July 24, 2015. The staff report provides the details.
And, finally, New Business #2, HERE, the Medical Marijuana Initiatives issue will be the final item on the agenda except for continued comments and Consent Calendar items. It is, without a doubt, the MOST IMPORTANT issue in the agenda and will likely not begin to be considered until late in the evening.
The shortest version of this issue is as follows:
There are two competing marijuana initiatives that have had sufficient signatures to qualify for a vote of the people. The staff report defines the difference - one allows up to eight (8) Medical Marijuana businesses in Costa Mesa and the other permits up to four (4) licensed Medical Marijuana businesses.

- Adopt an ordinance for either.
- Order a special election for either.
- Order a regular election to be consolidated with the next regular election in November, 2016.
- Order a report pursuant to the Election Code.
- And, the council may consider taking action on Gary Monahan's previous proposal from last August.
The special elections would be held during the first quarter of 2015. However, because State Law requires increases in taxation to be considered in a General Election - and both items contain a tax element - it is possible that neither can be considered for two years. This will be part of the discussion.

Labels: BIA, Conference and Visitors Bureau, Gary Monahan, Legal Costs, Medical Marijuana, Senior Commission, Steve Mensinger
First of all, I think Mensinger should be the target of a recall for taking the money from the library fund and putting it toward his own use, that being the medians on the street to his house. He asked no one, no one agreed that our taxpayer money should go for that, and I have not spoken to even one person who is in favor of spending money that way.
Secondly, I don't want a marijuana initiative. I will vote no on it. We don't need that type of crap hanging around town again. Its gotten better since they shut them down, and I don't want them back. I feel bad for those that need the MMJ but its available just a few blocks further. We don't have the cops to keep the city safe, we don't need to drag that into town on top of it.
This town is headed in the wrong direction. Spend, spend, spend, and in between, you can drink and get loaded, right Gary?
Das Rigmarshal likes to sue:
In the three years since I moved to North Tustin, I've used the same medical MJ dispensary in Santana. (I have glaucoma; allergic to the eyedrops.) I've never seen little Buddy n' Sis hanging around trying to cadge pot nor stoned customers stumbling around outside and creating a nuisance. The dispensary is quiet and nondescript, as are all of the dispensaries I've used in Santana and Costa Mesa. I really fail to see the problem here.
Thanks for the link to the article, Joe. Tom Harman's comment about the RIGmeister, in 2000, is just as relevant today: ' "There is absolutely no legal precedent for this type of action," Harman said. "Righeimer has filed numerous frivolous lawsuits before, and I kind of put this one in that same pile." '
Thanks, Joe, that just blew my mind. Riggy's logic from the above link:
"While Harman and Daucher benefited from the rules that were legal at the time of the election, that matters little, Righeimer argued.
"The Supreme Court said that slavery was unconstitutional, and so you can't go in and argue, 'But I paid for my slave fair and square.' Or that 'I paid cash for my slave,' " Righeimer said."
From the guy who funded the "Democratic Voter Choice" mailer:
"All that we are asking is that they count only the Republican votes," Righeimer said.
Shall we not count any Democrats that voted for you in this election?
I still think that Riggy's endgame is for bankruptcy. The lawsuits, medians, and wasting money is part of his plan.
Though I am a MJ supporter, I want it supplied like other "medicines."
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