City Issues Another Reminder About July 4th Safety
Today the City of Costa Mesa issued another press release regarding the need for safe activities over the July 4th holiday.
This wonderful holiday has become a nightmare for many residents of our city, particularly those who own pets. Instead of having to protect the pets from the noise and chaos of the so-called "safe and sane" fireworks being ignited on ONE night, they must endure this disruption for THREE nights - the 2nd, 3rd AND the 4th. All for the sake of fundraising for youth groups in our city. It's all about the kids, after all. This year there will be 37 permits issued for fireworks stands around the city...
So, I encourage you all to play nicely with your neighbors next week. If you must spend hundreds of dollars on fireworks, please teach your kids a good lesson and use them safely. Here's the latest press release.

The City of Costa Mesa has made flyers that outline the dangers of and penalties for using illegal fireworks available online for residents and businesses to download (here in English and here in Spanish). The city will have additional public safety personnel on duty during the Fourth of July holiday to crackdown on those who discharge illegal fireworks.
Costa Mesa police and fire officials also offer these tips for a safe Independence Day celebration:
Today the City of Costa Mesa issued another press release regarding the need for safe activities over the July 4th holiday.


City offers Independence Day safety tips and downloadable flyers about dangers of illegal fireworks
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The City of Costa Mesa has made flyers that outline the dangers of and penalties for using illegal fireworks available online for residents and businesses to download (here in English and here in Spanish). The city will have additional public safety personnel on duty during the Fourth of July holiday to crackdown on those who discharge illegal fireworks.
Costa Mesa police and fire officials also offer these tips for a safe Independence Day celebration:
- Buy fireworks only at official fireworks stands. The local nonprofits sell only “Safe and Sane” fireworks that are approved for use by the city and that bear the State Fire Marshal’s Seal of Approval. Fireworks will be for sale from June 30 to July 3 from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. and on July 4 from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. to persons 18 years and older.
- Legal fireworks can only be discharged July 2 through July 4 from 4 to 10 p.m.
- Select and inspect your home display area in the daylight hours. Clear away debris and combustibles.
- The viewing area should be at least 20 feet away from the fireworks.
- The display area should be out of the public right away and as close the curbside as possible. By keeping the display area out of the street, emergency vehicles can pass safely.
- Use a piece of drywall or sheetrock to protect pavement or grass area.
- Have a water source, like the garden hose, nearby. Keep a water filled bucket ready for spent fireworks. Submerge the spent fireworks and allow for cooling completely before disposing in the trash receptacle. An adult must be present at all times during the discharge of fireworks. Be sure to close vehicle windows and doors to prevent vandalism or damage.
- Since all storm drains lead to the ocean, fireworks should be cleared and disposed of so that they are not swept into the storm drain system.
- Fireworks displays are not permitted in the city’s parks, any public parking lots or any area of school property.
- Illegal fireworks are those that are purchased outside the state, over the Internet or from someone’s car or garage.
- Selling illegal fireworks is a felony.
- Possession of just one illegal firework is a misdemeanor and punishable by fine or imprisonment.
- Remember, if the firework leaves the ground and expels into the air, it is illegal in Costa Mesa. Please report those persons who are selling these kinds of fireworks – it could save someone from an injury or from the loss of property.
People blowing off these illegal fireworks know when they bought them, that they are illegal. They aren't necessarily bought in Costa Mesa either. So, unless they are caught red handed blowing them off, the police cannot do a thing.
Going before the council with this issue does no good. They seem to favor the fireworks, legal or illegal.
November can't come soon enough
I just hope them allowing them 3 nights might make them tougher on the off nights-- much more so than last year
So far, nightly theres enough happening to make my dog hide under the bed teeth chattering-- but its short lived. Its not as bad as it was last year yet, and i hope it wont be! (im not optimistic, however...)
Lets all just hope for no fires and that they stay away from the very flammable bluff areas!
I'm sick and tired of medicating my dogs every year because of this need by some to blow the town up with illegal fireworks. Enforcement is a JOKE! There are not enough PD to make a dent in the explosions. The Police Eye in the sky is gone (Thanks to our lovely caring threesome on the city council). PD tells me they can't really do much unless they actually see the person lite them off. So you could go after your drunk neighbor and do a Citizens Arrest? Just make sure you're bigger than they are :)
Our city has become a magnet for illegal fireworks.
They are discharged under the guise of the safe and sane fireworks.
This won't change until the CM City Council majority does not have firework vendors as campaign contributors.
Vote them out.
Remember in November.
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