Homeless Workshop, Mensinger Accused and Christine Cordon Is Back
Life is change, so tonight we can talk about some of the changes happening in Costa Mesa now.
First, although no official notification has been sent by The City yet, we are advised that the Workshop on Supportive Homeless Housing scheduled for Wednesday, January 15th, has been cancelled. A check of the City Calendar on the website does, indeed, show that item has been deleted. However, there remains one similar workshop the next day, Thursday, January 16th, HERE, scheduled from 6-8 p.m. in City Council Chambers. This appears to be a moving target, so check back often to see if other changes are in the wind.
Tomorrow, Tuesday, January 7th at approximately 5:40 p.m., there will be a press conference called by resident Mike Harmanos to announce the presentation of facts to the Orange County District Attorney, Tony Rackauckas, alleging that Mayor Pro Tem Steve Mensinger may have caused The City to incur costs that were appropriately those of a private organization - Pop Warner Football. He asked the District Attorney to investigate the issue and will present evidence he says validates his claim. This event will be held on the steps outside council chambers just before the regularly-scheduled meeting begins.
And, we have received word that Christine Cordon, who had been placed on administrative leave last fall, has returned to work at City Hall. You will recall that she and Public Affairs Manager Dan Joyce were both placed on leave, apparently while questions regarding the 60th Anniversary Celebration costs were investigated. We have no more information than that. Her return was confirmed by Cordon.



Labels: Christine Cordon, Costa Mesa Homeless, Mike Harmanos, Pop Warner Football, Steve Mensinger, Tony Rackaukas
Stevie, tell us it isn't so! How can he have "misused funds" when he's been busy doing walks and trying to find out who built that mystery trail? Harmanos must one of those "haters" Einstein Popp warned us about.
If bad things concerning Mensinger turn out to be true, there can be an adverse effect on the lawsuit he and Righeimer are pursuing. Das Rigmarshal and the Newport bosses can't be very happy.
I'm sure this whole thing is just another play from those nasty police thugs and thier play book attorneys. steve would never do anything to ruin his position with youth sports and hurt the kids, would he? Nay, I say he wants to be a good example for our kids. That's why he's going to come clean and take his punishment like a man and good example of what happens when you lie. Right steve?
No no no! steve would never do anything like this. It must be those nasty police thugs and thier 'play book' attorneys again. Haven't we placed enough emotional burden on the poor man already? He wouldn't want to hurt the kids would he? No, that's why he's going come clean and tell the truth for a change. Take his punishment, pay us back for all costs, step down and move back to Stockton. It would be a great lesson for the kids steve. Show them what happens when you 'bend' the rules (break the law) to make yourself look you good for your own benefit.
will the press conference be video taped? i cant be there in person.
I doubt it, at least, not by the City. And, there's going to be some kind of a rally for Costa Mesa Homeless simultaneously at the same place. Could be interesting.
When you have no conscience and the words right and wrong mean nothing to you, then using a fake sheriff's badge to bully an airport worker, encouraging your young son and his friends to steal campaign signs (as in the 2010 cm elections), and putting in the illegal dg pathway are all in a day's work to get what you want and win. This is sociopathic behavior. So it should come as NO surprise if stevie illegally channelled city money to any of his own personal pet projects. And it should also come as no surprise when he tries to play the victim card - again - as an attempt to deflect attention and responsibility from the person it should squarely be directed at....Stevie boy! Anything he does is solely motivated by self-interest. "The Kids" are nothing but a pawn in stevie's world to make him look good. If he couldn't use them for his own self gain, he wouldn't give them the time of day!
Does old Stevie benefit in any material way from pop Werner football. Would be interesting to check on. Is he on their payroll in some way?
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