The Weekend Ahead In Costa Mesa
A good way to get an early jump on your weekend is to visit the First Friday Roadshow in the Costa Mesa City Hall parking lot. From 6:00 - 8:30 you can wander through the rows of great old classic cars and hot rods, dredging up a little nostalgia, groove to the oldies played by the disc jockey and nibble tasty grub from a food truck. Be there or be square.
If you're a Sonora Elementary School alumni you can cruise on over a few hundred yards and re-visit your old haunts as the school celebrates it's 50th year Student Alumni Reunion from 6:00 - 9:00 p.m. Buy a Sonora t-shirt, make a commemorative tile for the 50th year tile wall and visit with old friends.
On the way home don't get stuck in the most recent DUI checkpoint conducted by the Costa Mesa Police Department. From 8:00 p.m. Friday, today, through 3:00 a.m. Saturday morning Costa Mesa officers will conduct the checkpoint somewhere in the city. This highly effective law enforcement tool is funded through a grant from the California Office of Traffic Safety, through the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. According to CMPD Lieutenant Greg Scott, "Over the course of the past three years in Costa Mesa, 547 DUI collisions have claimed one life and injured 247 of our friends and neighbors. We arrested over 2,700 DUI's during those three years."
Saturday, June 8th, there will be an Electronic Recycling Event in the City Hall parking lot from 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Acceptable household e-waste items include televisions, PC systems, laptops, monitors, home entertainment systems, cell phones, desk top copiers, printers, fax machines, keyboards, DVD and VCR players, audio devices and loose wires in working condition or not. They will NOT accept fluorescent lamps, microwaves, vacuums an cooling units such as refrigerators. Here's your chance to safely dispose of that electronic junk accumulating at home.
Beginning Saturday, June 8th at 9:00 a.m. and continuing until 9:00 a.m. Sunday, June 9th the American Cancer Society Relay For Life event will be held at Costa Mesa High School. Join your neighbors as they run for this excellent event. If you're not a runner you can still contribute. For more information about participating teams and the schedule of events visit

If you're a Sonora Elementary School alumni you can cruise on over a few hundred yards and re-visit your old haunts as the school celebrates it's 50th year Student Alumni Reunion from 6:00 - 9:00 p.m. Buy a Sonora t-shirt, make a commemorative tile for the 50th year tile wall and visit with old friends.



Labels: DUI Checkpoints, Electronic Recycling, First Friday, Relay For LIfe
By now, I hope all of your readers understand that DUI checkpoints are the biggest scams around. We take one stupid location in the City, and staff it with 20 police officers who sit around drinking coffee and waiting for a drunk driver to come to them. Studies show that saturation patrols are WAY more effective. Instead of 20 cops doing nothing, take 5, put them in 5 cars, and patrol the major streets looking for drunk drivers. You will arrest WAY more truly drunk drivers than waiting for them to come to you. Did you all see the article in the Times about Burbank's DUI checkpoint that caught ZERO drunks? The reason we don't do saturation patrols is that the State grant money for checkpoints is controlled by the unions and the unions would rather have 20 cops getting paid to do nothing than 5 cops catching DUI drivers. It's so sad how Sacramento is constantly screwing the cities. Wake up everyone! Demand your Council and Chief order saturation patrols and get the drunks off of our streets!
Those numbers are amazing and this is great news, but how many precious minutes have King Riggy and his mindless followers been inconvenienced by having to wait in these checkpoints? Keep the checkpoints coming and keep the streets safe.
Barry said...
"By now, I hope all of your readers understand that DUI checkpoints are the biggest scams around"
Why doesn't Thrift Store Marty keep to his own blog?
Yay, Barry's back!
Hey Barry- why don't you go to the police academy, rise through the ranks, become the chief of police and then you can do what you want with the police department and how they patrol for drunks.Until then, shut up and take it just the way it is.
Barry, these checkpoints are funded by grant money from the state. Those grants come with strings attached. These grants usually pay for saturation patrols throughout the life of the grant, but they also mandate checkpoints. The city would be required to payback the grant if the cops didn't adhere to the rules. Wake up amd smell the rules.
@Barry--you know who doesn't like DUI checkpoints? Drunks, Criminals or A-Holes. Which one of these are you?
What an absolute clown Barry is. I bet he thinks that cops have a quota and that strippers really like him...
I love how people try and bash the union any chance they get. As if unions have anything to do with the checkpoints. ITS ALL GRANT FUNDED!
The reason CM cant afford to have saturation patrols and practice professional police methods is because the diet coke receipt keepin, carpetbaggin pudgy wudgy piggy would rather spend money on unnecessary executive staff for his political war against the employees. That and wasting money on unnecessary legal fees. Of course the union sues him every chance they get when he tries and pull illegal stunts like issuing over 200 pinkslips.
And to answer checkpoint charley, "barry" is definitely ALL 3!
Just because its grant funded doesn't mean unions had nothing to do with it. Barry had some decent points. I don't mind checkpoints too much but I would prefer saturation patrols. Also, saturation patrols at 5 extra cops vs a checkpoint of 20 cops seems to take less money than checkpoints. Barry, you may not accept the title, but, checkpoint charley polarizer, you may call me an a-hole.
Who cares if there was union involvement or not? Each one of those drunk drivers is a potential death sentence for an innocent or themselves. We should all be grateful that they were caught before anything horrible happened.
Barry = Race-obsessed Marty = James Rivera
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