An Evening Without A Charter Meeting
To wrap up the events of yesterday - one for the archives, for sure...
TWO DOZEN PEOPLE ATTENDED
Even though the stealth meeting originally scheduled for sometime Tuesday afternoon was canceled - apparently after much heated discussion in City Hall - with only 90 or so minutes to go, some of the interested parties took the time out of their busy days to attend the meeting. Some didn't get the word about the cancellation and others attended "just in case"... By the way, neither Lobdell, Hatch nor Duarte ever responded to my letter to them about the meeting.
The brief S
tudy Session took less than 30 minutes, which means the bogus Charter meeting might have begun at that time. As it was, the council took a 90 minute break, then reconvened for their joint meeting as the Successor Agency to the now-dissolved Redevelopment Agency. They promptly took care of business, then adjourned. We were out of there before 7 p.m.
During the Study Session, Mayor Pro Tem Jim Righeimer took the opportunity during his comments segment to rail again against those folks who would obstruct his plans.
He went on and on, spewing half-truths and some that were not even that close, attempting to fan the flames for his scheme. The two dozen people in the audience were not buying it. He wants Costa Mesa to become the new Bell so bad he can taste it! In fact, this is just how it happened in Bell - the evil Robert Rizzo called a special election to convert that city to a Charter City and only 400 people voted - most by absentee ballot. After that the doors were thrown wide open for corruption. Don't think that can't happen here!
Then We
ndy Leece used her time to explain her position on the current issues and to plead for calm, but part-time, part-time Mayor Eric Bever tried to shut her down again. Again, the audience was having none of it, and shouted that he'd let Righeimer talk! Bever threatened to have the Sergeant-at-arms remove them. Most of us just smiled, since there was no law enforcement officer in sight anywhere in the auditorium. Leece continued with her presentation. The other council members declined to speak and that Study Session was adjourned to the next council meeting on Tuesday, April 17, 2012.
KEEPING ONE EYE OPEN...
So, is the scheme to put Jim Righeimer's Charter on the ballot for a special election on June 5th dead? Well, one would think so, since the clock continues to tick and they're running out of time. That being said, I'm going to be sleeping with one eye open for awhile, just in case. As this most recent attempt to quick-pitch the system indicates, you just can't take your eyes off these guys for a second. But, then, I've been telling you that for more than a year.
Righeimer implie
d that the Charter would sweep to victory in November, but that may have just been a feint, to cause everyone to just relax enough so they can try another stealth maneuver.
I mentioned to someone today that this just may be karma. These guys ha
ve consistently failed at every bogus, stupid scheme they've tried. They're like "The Gang That Couldn't Shoot Straight". Maybe they should finally try what Wendy Leece suggested - meeting with employee groups in good faith to try to find consensus on how the current fiscal situation can be addressed. Of course, that doesn't fit with Righeimer's plans, so don't hold your collective breath waiting for it to happen.
So, I'm hoping the rest of the week will be calm and peaceful. You'll recall that the last time I expected it to be that way they dropped that "special meeting" bombshell. Well, keeping our fingers crossed...


Even though the stealth meeting originally scheduled for sometime Tuesday afternoon was canceled - apparently after much heated discussion in City Hall - with only 90 or so minutes to go, some of the interested parties took the time out of their busy days to attend the meeting. Some didn't get the word about the cancellation and others attended "just in case"... By the way, neither Lobdell, Hatch nor Duarte ever responded to my letter to them about the meeting.
The brief S

During the Study Session, Mayor Pro Tem Jim Righeimer took the opportunity during his comments segment to rail again against those folks who would obstruct his plans.

Then We


So, is the scheme to put Jim Righeimer's Charter on the ballot for a special election on June 5th dead? Well, one would think so, since the clock continues to tick and they're running out of time. That being said, I'm going to be sleeping with one eye open for awhile, just in case. As this most recent attempt to quick-pitch the system indicates, you just can't take your eyes off these guys for a second. But, then, I've been telling you that for more than a year.
Righeimer implie

I mentioned to someone today that this just may be karma. These guys ha


Labels: Charter City, Eric Bever, Jim Righeimer, Wendy Leece
Jim Rizzoheimer is the spoiled brat that won't take no for an answer.
Team Righeimer FAILS again.
It's what happens when you hollow out an organization and fill key slots with toadies and spin doctors.
It's pathetic that Riggy blames his failings on the evil unions when it's his hand-selected management team that keeps screwing everything up.
I'm surprised that the "other blogger" isn't calling for Rick Francis's firing, using this as an excuse for his "Confederate Flag" agenda..
If the "Joe" at the top of the post isn't in blue, then it's a Riggclone using my name to post, not me. They're running scared. You would be too if you spent a million bucks and couldn't even notice a meeting properly..
Let me just say EXCELLENT picture of Righeimer next to Rizzo!
I have a message for Righeimer and maybe he reads this...
This is not the private sector. You cannot just blatantly ignore people and do what you want when you want it. There are laws you have to follow. This is government! If you don't understand that, stay in the private sector and push people around!
That meeting kept playing over and over in my head whilst I slept.
Just in this one simple call for a special meeting , huge cracks were on display showing the broken dysfunction now managing our city.
First the hiring of the election firm to manage the "special election".
That firm was hired illegally. Tom Hatch needed to request council formally for that action, he never did. Also an RFP needed to be issued , since we are STILL a "General Law City", you just can't throw around $153,000 dollars around on "No Bid" contracts. Granted this is one of the rules that Righeimer hates, but as long as we are still a general law city, the taxpayers funds he so freely wastes on attorney's, are still protected by public disclosure of how those funds are to be spent.
The second agenda item requesting changing the ballot arguments. Huge legal questions were raised regarding the overseas ballots, the actual date the charter was submitted ,(or not submitted), before the voters, the resetting of the clock if the arguments were changed, etc, etc, etc.
At $495+ an hour , per Jones Day attorney, plus Duarte's $377 an hour, why was the agenda even allowed to be posted and the special meeting called?
Attorney fees can be "no-bid" contracts under general law, but why were they spending $1000 dollars an hour and either getting bad advice or ignoring what they were advised?
Why was the meeting posted with such short notice and cancelled even quicker? Obviously they were under a timeline to act quickly. Even so, the information from the attorney's had to have been available. A staff report was studied and prepared. The pieces were all in place to have an open public forum to discuss the council moving forward with the charter on a June or Nov. ballot. Even with all the legal obstacles an open hearing would have brought out all the issues and the council would have then had an opportunity to discuss and debate the issue , and either vote to proceed or not.
That didn't happen. Obviously, when the predetermined outcome of a meeting isn't going to go Righeimers way, that meeting is no longer necessary. Glaringly evident that council is figuring everything out before the public meeting and discussing agenda items in quorum.
Sorry for such a long missive.
The missed date and time on the agenda.
Obviously the asst. city clerk knew that the time needed to be on there. I heard from three sources yesterday that Christine pointed that out and was told to leave it off. (All three sources could have been sharing the same rumor). With an ongoing investigation, the current status of the previous clerk, and everyone watching her, I'm pretty sure that the asst. clerk wouldn't make such an obvious error. Was that a mutiny by Hatch and Francis to derail the meeting and thwart Righeimer steamrolling this costly jihad?
Whatever occurred, it needs to be part of the ongoing investigation towards Julie Folcick. Who ordered that the date and time be left of the agenda?
Lobdell spun the local news as this being the reason the meeting was cancelled, but it leaves open this question: Why wasn't another meeting immediately scheduled? Was this just to save face?
Watching all the players on yesterdays stage it was obvious, Righeimers boys are getting nervous. Duartes silent glour, Hatch never raising his eyes, Mensinger, and Monahan looked uncomfortably miserable during Righeimers 15 minute ,lie-filled, delusion driven rant. As usual, Bever was Bever.
They have no one left to blame for the way things are run than themselves. No one "stole" anything, they fumbled. There was no Union pressure, or threats of litigation, they were clearly trying to break the bounds of election law. The employees didn't sabotage the Councils plans, they micro-managed themselves into mayhem.
This attempt at ramming through the Charter through an outside firm running a special election is EXACTLY how the city of Bell did it. Except more expensive because we were going to spend $100's of thousands to "outsource" it.
In the end somehow the "Madness of King James" was thwarted....for now.
All I can say is "yippie".......
" This Council needs tools"-Jim Righeimer 4/10/12
I think we've met our quota of 4tools on the City Council.
Well, Gericault definitely can rejoice, the clerks error definitely will not let the people vote on this in the near future. Again, I am not an insider, just was figuring out moves that might be made. I was correct in that it would come back in another attempt but was definitely in error not anticipating another error by clerks office in the notification process. In analyzing the current situation it is a pretty easy call to say this goes all the way out to November now. Another easy call is that the charter passes but with the bonus of a process the unions cannot litigate and perhaps will make the anti charter folks calmer and result in more civil dialog from them and an end of "cute" spellings of Righeimers name, the end of calling Costa Mesans trolls and bootlickers, etc.. It will be much easier for them to stomach the loss in November knowing they did all they could and had all the time they needed, the voters just disagree with them.The good process will be remembered more than the vote.
Thanks Greg Ridge. Yet another reason to be a Charter City.
Our ability to vote on the Charter was stolen from us by a technicality, a mistake, and a sitting School Board member with high paid legal help.
To Gericault,
I don't always agree with you, but your insight appears to be right on the money.
Thank for the info.
Excellent analysis by Ridge..
For all those remember in November chanters.
Although Pot Belly West has not given us the Council "opponents" as promised, now each candidate will be asked what vote they will make on the Charter. This will be another blow to whoever runs and has to vote NO.
Why do you think the Union has not run a Recall effort? Why do you think the Unions have spent so much money on legal to defeat a Charter?
Because they know the votes are not in their favor.
Reality bites
Joe in Blue, both attorney's that argued against the charter going on the June ballot worked pro-bono. It is your buds on the council that are spending a fortune of tax payer money on legal fees fighting their losing battles. Don't you think if you paid that much for legal representation, you would expect at least one victory?
"Joe in Blue", how do you misconstrue facts so easily? No one was denied a vote,the vote was postponed. That delay results in the Charter being decided at general election where even more people have the opportunity to vote. More people in the democratic process - isn't that a good thing?
Next, how do calculate that Unions "spent so much money to defeat the Charter"? 1) It's not defeated, it's fate is postponed. 2) The City Council is the group that spent thousands to (inadvertently)kill the June vote. 3) Two private citizens used their own intellect and time to join an action the Council initiated - no one else. Just get the facts a little bit straighter.
Wow, The Riggy trolls and D-Bags are out in force! LOL!
We have all the little supplicants wanting to be me, trying to attack Geoff and all the other posters here who actually care about our city, and want to live in Costa Mesa long-term, long after Riggy and friends have moved on to strip another city.
You guys are running scared, huh? The union bogeyman is nowhere to be found. Everyone in town knows you're lying.
I don't blame you for being worried- justice is coming.
I am concerned that the likes of Greg Ridge can get 3 confirmed sources quickly.
We as tax paying residents have to wait weeks to get a response from folks at City Hall.
I hope someone senior at City Hall monitors a blog like
this so you can tell when employees are spilling the beans. And when bleeding heart liberal public employee sympathizers get better treatment and service that the average tax payer.
The real Joe needs a life.
Geoff West allows the likes of Joe to spew venom like it is going out of style.
Dear Mary Ann O'Connell,
I work in the field of elections and I am having a REALLY hard time understanding how you came to the conclusion that:
"That delay results in the Charter being decided at general election where even more people have the opportunity to vote."
You could have said:
"It is likely that more voters will go to the polls in November."
That would be a reasonable assertion, but there is no way under California election laws that anyone would be prevented from going to the polls in June.
As I have said to everyone, I have no dog in this hunt. I could go either way on the charter, but I really hate people misrepresenting the election process.
All my best to the combatants on both sides! This is what democracy is all about.
P.S. I really can't post without getting on my soap box and admonishing that the name calling and character assassination, on both sides, are infantile and only serve to denigrate the argument of the perpetrators. Fortunately, Geoff, unlike other blogs, allows me the freedom to do so. Thanks Geoff!
Remember when 'Conservative Republicans' in Orange County used to like to pretend they were cops and carry around little toy badges and act like bigshots?
Yeah, those were the days. Now they hate cops, or at least their pensions, and spend a bunch of OUR taxpayer money so they can make everyone play by their rules?
So how do they feel about Carona still getting his pension? I don't hear them complaining about that at all. No, instead they complain about real cops, and firemen, and people who signed up for a deal they want to renege on so they can get rich.
Kind of makes me miss the good old days...
Hey, J in B, show all of us where any union spent a dime to "defeat" the charter. It has. It been defeated...yet. But clearly those in support of this particular charter are scared of a November electorate. That is very clear. Riggy has to say that it's no matter, it will pass in Nivember, because he needs to plant that seed for those only paying peripheral attention. It's tantamount to subliminal advertising.
Speaking of planting seeds, you did much the same when you made the false assertion that unions gave money to assist in the recent legal fight against the missed deadline (not the actual charter). It's a straw man argument too. In any case, all contributions from a union will be a matter of public disclosure through the FPPC. Pull the form 460 and see if any money was given by a union. If so, it will show it.
Bruce you amaze me sometimes. You are so disturbed by someone who you have to know what she meant. I read that as a simple misuse of words. But you say nothing about the issue that spurned the comment how the proponents outright claim the right to vote was STOLEN by the Unions etc. when it's just being delayed. And I might add the Unions didn't cause the delay. It was not filed at the date determined. But please read her post in it's entirety. You have to be smart enough to know what she meant. I sure did and claiming one has the opportunity is lot less forceful than claiming someone stole the election.
Do you guys see a pattern? The Unions stole the residents right to vote. The OCFA (Union) stole the SA Fire Department.
Disagree with Riggy and you're a thief. The only stealing I see is when they steal Wendy's right to speak.
Access wrote:
"Geoff West allows the likes of Joe to spew venom like it is going out of style."
You attack, I defend. You attacked my police, firefighters, general employees, and fellow citizens. Now that the tide has turned you're whining like the little batch of cookies that you are.
Is it just me, or has the OC Register completely ignored the drama in Costa Mesa this week regarding the special meeting, and cancellation, etc.? Not a single article online about any of it. Boy, it pays to have an editor over there as a Facebook friend, doesn't it?
Dear More Will Vote in November,
I am pleased I amaze you.
As to the assertion by the pro charter camp that the union(s) stole voters' right to vote on the charter in June, I categorize that as political hyperbole. There is no evidence that any union member stole anything, but certainly somebody prevented voters, ALL voters, from voting on the charter in June.
That is not the same as claiming that more voters have the opportunity to vote in November than in June. This asserts that there is something in the election process that prevents a voter from being able to vote when other voters are allowed to, which clearly is not the case.
If that is too nuanced for you, then I guess you will just have to continue to be amazed by me.
Hey Goeff, check out the agenda for the council meeting on April 17, 2012. Two items that caught my attention is approving the alcohol beverage license for Skosh Monahan (doesn't he already have one?) and the hiring of yet another contract law firm for labor relations. How many law firms does one city need?
Council Watcher,
Thanks for the heads-up. Had already seen those, plus a couple other things and have made calls to City Hall. Thanks for staying alert.
I believe the liquor license app is an administrative requirement due to a change in the partners that own Skosh if I recall correctly.
I was more intrigued by the cancellation of the firefighters' layoff notices. I think this goes some distance to shed light on the decision to not accept the county FD offer.
I also have a problem with those who frame a November vote as giving "more people" the oppoutunity to vote than a June vote. It does NO SUCH THING. If you continue to spin it this way I will know you are dishonest and will vote accordingly. I am on the fence, could be the swing vote~
So the ones that cost the most (aka Firefighters) are no longer on the layoff list, but the ones that cost the least (general workers) are. So was all that back and forth about over-priced firefighters in the press and on this blog was just a sham? What will Colin McCarthy have to say about that? Things get crazier and crazier in Costa Bell.
joe who is not in blue ( who are you, taking another poster's name??) what are you talking about? More people will show up for the November General Election. The Primary Election in June will attract mostly Republican voters, as the Democrats already have their candidate for November. There is nothing dishonest with stating so. You, however are very shady, taking another poster's name and then calling out other posters for stating facts. I'm starting to get a much better idea of who you are.
I think the point about the June vote vs. Nov. is that fewer people would vote in June because it's essentially a meaningless Republican primary (and with Santorum out, even more meaningless, if that's even possible). More people will vote in Nov. because of the Presidential election, so the results should (hopefully) be more representative because more will turn out. Fair enough? Both sides can spin it all they want. Nobody's right to vote was 'taken away' - if anything, blame the micromanagers on the council for screwing that up and failing to get it on the June ballot, despite all their underhanded efforts to rush it through without proper review and input by the residents.
The gang members posting pro Righeimer things under phony names are also on city boards. Looks like they didn't know about the IP address showing. They will be suitably embarrassed at the proper time. More incompetence from people who think they are helping their cause.
Dear kwahlf,
I know your comment was directed at Joe and my intention is not to defend his comment as I am only responding because I made the same point earlier.
You must admit the difference between voters having the "opportunity" to vote as opposed to voters taking advantage of the "opportunity" to vote.
In the former case, the statement asserts that some voters will be excluded whereas the later asserts that some will choose not to participate.
Putting the charter on the June ballot where more conservative voters will be likely to turn out at the polls is a strategy, not an impediment to the voters.
The charter opponents would presumably have to work harder to get voters sympathetic to their cause to the polls in June than they would in November. The proponents of the charter probably will not have that same challenge regardless of the election that it appears on.
In any case, I have now flogged the equine beyond reasonableness and shall move along.
Why is Riggy pulling out all the stops and trying every dirty trick he can think of to get his charter on the June ballot? Because he has done the polling and he KNOWS he loses come November!
GeekSquad- I hear what you're saying. Thanks!
Bruce K.- you are correct, the use of 'opportunity' as in not having one can imply that people are being excluded. I don't think that was the intention of the people who originally posted it though.
Unfortunately, voter turnout numbers on election day are often very low. I hope this year it's different.
kwalf I agree with you. Everyone knows more people will vote in November. Anyone claiming otherwise should be suspect in any of their claims. A poster previously made an unfortunate yet harmless and not mean spirited choice phrase in making that point. Bruce either missed it or purposely tries to mischaracterize her post. What is AMAZING or really eye-opening is that Mr Krochman then defends the purposely intended mean spirited comments of people stealing as POLITICAL HYPERBOLE. So when I say I am amazed it really is more enlightened of Bruce Krochman. How anyone can defend purposely mean spirited comments and attack an honest unfortunate choice wording is AMAZING to me.
Well, Bruce Krochman is a Facebook friend of Righeimer. That alone speaks volumes.
I respect Bruce , but usually completely disagree with his viewpoints.
That being said, and not with any disrespect, I don't just think Bruce is sitting on the fence. I think he's firmly implanted there.
Greg, Planted on a fence? That sounds painful! I prefer Staked out the middle ground. I honestly believe that is where the heavy lifting gets done.
For those not on facebook, here is my complete friends list:
Adam D. Probolsky
Alex Krochman
Alexandre Ricariot
Allan Mansoor
Alyona Retunska
Andrew Fischer
Andy Gordon
Ann Bray
Ann Brown
Anne Asiainen
Ari Rybkowski
Barbara Venezia
Betty Parker
Billy Folsom
Blake Takeo Nishimoto
Bmw Motorcycle
Brandin Grams
Bruce Colodny
Bruce Garlich
Bruce Whitaker
Byron de Arakal
Carisa Bielecki
Carl E Oberg
Celia Cuevas
Chad Ellis
Chris Blank
Chris Bunyan
Chris Duehring
Chris Glidden
Chris Guldimann
Chris McEvoy
Christine 'Ramos' Fults
Chuck Cassity
Chuck Williams
Cindy Reifsteck-Rybkowski
Cmhs Ptsa
Colin McCarthy
Cory Kobel
Costa Mesa Speedway
Cotton Fever
Craig Hunter
Dainese D-Store OrangeCounty
Dale Stoica
Dan Martin
Dana Black
Dana Rohrabacher
Daniel D Stoica
David George
David Oberg
Debbi Delameter Schuld
Debbie Connor Speer
Debbie Duehring Besselievre
Deborah Mies
Dee Dee Zimmermann
Denny Pavletich
Diane Bjelland
Djuna Gordon
Doc Mesa
Don Mies
Donald Roberts
Donald S Stoica
Donna Mancini
Donna Stoica
Ed Sileo
Elizabeth Jackson
Elizabeth Krochman McDonald
Eric Frei
Eric McHaggis
Erik Hart
Ethan Temianka
Frank Albers
Fred Webb
Gary Monahan
Geoff West
Geraldine Krochman
Gina Rybkowski
Greg Block
Greg Goodall
Greg Goodall
Greg Ridge
Gregory G Block
Hiro Yamaguchi
Holly Schwartz
Howard Olin Dutra
Ian Douglas
Jack Anderson
Jacob Gordon
James Ferryman
James Mancini
James Righeimer
James Whitehouse
Jana Barber Sullivan
Janet Herschler Millian
Janet Nguyen
Jason Be
Jeanie Ferris
Jeff Byrne
Jeff Mathews
Jeff Millan
Jeff Vogler
Jenna M Ellis
Jennie Coldwell
Jennifer Knapp
Jeremy Hawk
Jillian Barberie Reynolds
Jim Amentler
Jim Fisler
Jim Fitzpatrick
Jody Wagner
Joe Ellis
John Krochman
John Siu
Jon Fleischman
Jonathan French
Joseph Ellis
Joseph Serna
Joyce Murray Guldimann
Judy Franco
Julie Schupak
Julie Viers Anderson
Kaisa Asiainen
Karina Paulina Velasco
Katrina Foley
Kenneth Krochman
Kim Breen
Kim Neugebauer
Kimberly Arp Bertrand
Kirk Bauermeister
Kris Koenig
Kurt Galitski
Larry Stroman
Larry Weichman
Leslie Daigle
Leslie Marshall
Linda Sneen
Lisa Claborne
Lisa Reedy
Lou Kirk
Louise Fiduccia
Mark Villelli
Martha Fluor
Mary Hawkins Oberg
Matthew Cunningham
Mel Galloway
Michael Jackson
Michael Miller
Michelle Grizzle Strodel
Mike Stewart
Mimi Walters
Nancy Wooldridge
OC Gop
Oc Resident
OC Weekly
Panhead Billy Burrows
Paul Catania
Paul Cucura
Paul Freeman
Peter Gruenbeck
Phil D'Agostino
Phillip McNamee
Rdm Sor
Rebecca S. Gomberg
Remi Rundzio
Richard Cuciti
Richard Green
Richard Warne Kendall
Rick N Bev Rybkowski
Rob Dickson
Rob Lansley
Rob Rice
Robert Oberg
Robin Mishler
Ronald Schoenmehl
Ruth Harris
Ryan Ellis
Ryne Pearson
Sandra Hutchens
Sandy Genis
Scot Douglas
Scott Bailey
Scott Cole
Scout Crockett
Sean Patterson
Shawn Nelson
Speedway Sidecars
Steve Cox
Steve Mensinger
Sue Lester
Supervisor Patricia Bates
Suvi-Tuuli Huopola
Terry Shaw
Thomas Hartmann
Timo Asiainen
Timothy Haves
Tj Johnston
Todd Spitzer
Tom Hartmann
Tom Hatch
Tom Johnson
Tony Dodero
Tony Saucedo
Valerie Torelli
Van Tran
Vince Villelli
Wendy Leece
William Lobdell
Wilma William
Zach Ellis
Zachery Oberg
WAIT!!! Did I just see Greg Ridge on that list?? LOL
Can a friend of Righeimer be a friend of Costa Mesa?
Bruce, those that support growth and progress understand this issue well.
If you say you support Council. If you dare support Righeimer or any other Council member by name ( except Weathervane Wendy, of course). You are immediately labeled by Council Haters as a bootlicker, OC GOP something or other. Some get crazy pictures. All are told they take direction from Righeimer, who takes direction from Scott Baugh. And none of us can think for ourselves.
You know that is crazy logic. But, it is the logic of Greg Ridge, Jay Humphries, Sandra Genis, Pot Belly West.
I find Bruce to be a reasoned thinker. Even when i disagree, I appreciate his thinking and gain perspective.
This lunatic thinking has driven many away from attending Council meetings. But has not changed citizen thinking.
Who is the bully?
And my "friend" - Facebook and otherwise - Bruce Krochman has nailed it! In almost any issue, where parties disagree strongly, resolution will be found closer to the center. In this city at this time in its evolution we have control in the hands of a few people who prefer to take up their position at the far end (extreme) of the issues and just keep on screaming their mantra. The effectiveness of that approach is easy to measure. NOTHING of consequence has been accomplished during their tenure.
Bruces "friend", Jim Righeimer, may have a few good ideas, but his "my way or the highway" style has emasculated his efforts.
And, "i like Bruce" has placed an explanation point on my observation. "Council haters"? Really? In all the conversations I've had with folks who oppose the ideas and tactics of this council, I have NEVER heard the word "hate" used. They detest some of the ideas and tactics, but don't "hate" the people. That word has been used in comment threads exclusively by those who support Righeimer and his pals.
My comments were not about haters or anything else other than pointing out the pure hypocrisy in Bruce Krochman's comments to the lady he questioned about her purely innocent mistaken choice of the phrase voters get more opportunity to vote. Anyone should have been able to figure out what she meant. And yet when the other side which Bruce says he is not on says with pure venom attached that they stole the right of voters he not only at first ignores that but he then defends the venom as Political Hyperbole. So an innocent mistaken choice of words is attacked and a mean spirited meant to falsely portray an action is defended by Bruce. if that is true middle ground for Bruce he is not on any middle ground I know. Bruce maybe a nice guy and I could care less about his Facebook friends its his actions and his choices of comments I look at.
"I like Bruce"-
"All are told they take direction from Righeimer, who takes direction from Scott Baugh. And none of us can think for ourselves. You know that is crazy logic."
Sounds like the exact same logic that you, the council and many of their die hard supporters use.
The employees get their marching orders from some union hierarchy on high, or Sacramento or fill in convenient target here. Thusly, they do to think or themselves.
"This lunatic thinking has driven many away from attending Council meetings. "
Same thinking, different "lunatics". Your failure to see the hypocrisy of your statement is priceless, bordering on jackassery.
I thought this thread had moved on but now it's looking like the thread that will not die. I posted over at Bruce Krochman’s blog because I think a few of the salient points got lost over here, and it was too late to leave comments! Well, if anyone is still looking, here’s one:
Hi Bruce! I looked at the comment chain over at Bubbling cauldron too late to comment on your comments. I get your point, and while almost everyone easily understood the intention of MaryAnn's comment, you have a beef with imprecise and tortured use of the English language. Maybe it's time to give June Casagrande a call, sit down with her and a good bottle of wine, and swap horror stories. I'd join you if invited! I would provide plenty of fodder since I struggle still how to frame some thoughts in language which I love and am familiar with.
;-) Robin
And here’s the other, with a little added:
Bruce, as to your point here, I absolutely agree. There is a higher propensity for a larger turnout in November, but no one is barred from voting in June. It’s well established that voter turnout is lower for June overall, but the large proportion of those who turn out will be members of Parties that have a Primary race.
This year, with a hot local issue that could have been on the ballot I think the main detriment to a really representative turnout for a June election had nothing to do with which party might show up in greater numbers, but with education of the voters. If they knew, they’d be there. There simply wasn’t enough time to effectively get the word out and to inform the majority of residents of the many potential adverse consequences of the proposed charter. The City did a poor job of reaching and educating the public, and Costa Mesans for Responsible Government stepped in and did what we could. Even with the short timeline, I think many Costa Mesans were waking up, and the turnout might have been quite surprising.
The right to vote is a precious entitlement. An informed electorate is a formidable thing. June and November, voters need to educate themselves on the issues, exercise their right to vote and do it wisely. Anyone who doesn't vote has absolutely no right to whine! Anyone who votes without becoming thoroughly informed about an issue is just dumb!
And here’s the other, with a little added:
Bruce, as to your point here, I absolutely agree. There is a higher propensity for a larger turnout in November, but no one is barred from voting in June. It’s well established that voter turnout is lower for June overall, but the large proportion of those who turn out will be members of Parties that have a Primary race.
This year, with a hot local issue that could have been on the ballot I think the main detriment to a really representative turnout for a June election had nothing to do with which party might show up in greater numbers, but with education of the voters. If they knew, they’d be there. There simply wasn’t enough time to effectively get the word out and to inform the majority of residents of the many potential adverse consequences of the proposed charter. The City did a poor job of reaching and educating the public, and Costa Mesans for Responsible Government stepped in and did what we could. Even with the short timeline, I think many Costa Mesans were waking up, and the turnout might have been quite surprising.
The right to vote is a precious entitlement. An informed electorate is a formidable thing. June and November, voters need to educate themselves on the issues, exercise their right to vote and do it wisely. Anyone who doesn't vote has absolutely no right to whine! Anyone who votes without becoming thoroughly informed about an issue is just dumb!
Bever you out did yourself last night. Out one side of your month you give Wendy a tongue lashing because you took issue with comments she made to the paper. You asked for calm and restraint. You then have a fit and completely blow out of proportion Wendy's request for a report upon King Jim's and Stooge Steve's Vegas trip. Do you really think we want a report on the 2 stooges bowel movements? Do you hear yourself when you speak?
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