Brown Act Questions To Be Answered By Monday
In what may be the fastest response to a question in recorded history, Costa Mesa Interim Communications Director, Bill Lobdell, issued a Press Release late this afternoon on the subject of the letter sent to Mayor Gary Monahan yesterday from Californians Aware, which I covered in blog entry earlier today, HERE. This is very much like fighting a fire - get there quick, get a lot of water on it or it will get away from you.
In his Press Release, which you can find in it's entirety, including a copy of the letter, HERE, Lobdell tells us that The City will have a response no later than Monday, May 16, 2011.

An interesting part of his Press Release is the admission that most of the Working Groups have done basically nothing since formed but that the Budget and Capital Improvements Working Group - Mayor Gary Monahan and Mayor Pro Tem Jim Righeimer - has convened 12 times since January. And, of course, that even further exacerbates the appearance of impropriety, since there are no records of those meetings, where or when they were held, etc.
We will look forward to The City's response on Monday.

In his Press Release, which you can find in it's entirety, including a copy of the letter, HERE, Lobdell tells us that The City will have a response no later than Monday, May 16, 2011.

An interesting part of his Press Release is the admission that most of the Working Groups have done basically nothing since formed but that the Budget and Capital Improvements Working Group - Mayor Gary Monahan and Mayor Pro Tem Jim Righeimer - has convened 12 times since January. And, of course, that even further exacerbates the appearance of impropriety, since there are no records of those meetings, where or when they were held, etc.
We will look forward to The City's response on Monday.
Labels: Bill Lobdell, Brown Act, Gary Monahan, Jim Righeimer
Nice to see the Minister of Truth earning his $13,000 a month.
RIGHEIMER AND MENSINGER SEEM TO BE FLIPPING THE FINGER to anyone saying they violated the Brown Act by Giving another 124 Layoff Notices.
** NOTE: I don't even think Costa Mesa has that many people left working for the city ( 350 TOTAL LAYOFF NOTICES ????) The Council just might have to hire more people, SO THEY HAVE SOMEONE TO LAYOFF.
Sent: Wednesday, May 11, 2011 5:46 PM
Subject: Bumping Rights Noticing
Dear Fellow City Staff,
I wanted to let you know that tomorrow individual departments will be providing noticing of the bumping rights process to impacted employees. As you know, bumping allows for employees who have received layoff notices to be transferred to positions held by someone with less seniority, if the move is within the same department. This is a difficult process. We have effectively communicated with the leadership of impacted associations and have created informational letters and packets that seek to clarify employee rights and communicate the process.
We will be handing out 124 layoff notices, which include letters to some employees initially notified on March 17 and to those employees subsequently impacted by the bumping process. Approximately 29 initial layoff notices will be given to part-time employees impacted through the layoff bumping process.
Employees will have five working days to exercise their respective bumping rights and notify the Human Resources Division.
Each person receiving a layoff notice tomorrow will have a minimum of six months before they may lose their job. It is important to remember that the City is currently exploring the viability of outsourcing for selected service areas, and that no decisions have been made by the City Council. The six-month warning is a mandated process per our agreements with employee associations.
We will have representatives from the Employee Assistance Program (EAP) here tomorrow, in case you would like to talk to a counselor. Their services will be provided out of the EOC Facility between City Hall and the Police Department. On May 18 and June 7, the City has scheduled OC One-Stop Center, which provides career and employment assistance, to conduct workshops at City Hall for any interested staff. More information on the workshops will be included in the packets to employees and is also available from the HR Division. A representative from the state Employment Development Department will also be part of the workshops. Finally, we are working to create and schedule a workshop for any interested employees to support them in further preparation for any future interview process.
Tomorrow is an important day for all of us to support each other and this will be the entire organization’s top priority.
Thomas R. Hatch
Chief Executive Officer
City of Costa Mesa
77 Fair Drive, Costa Mesa, 92626
Ph. (714) 754-5328 Fax. 754-5330
Wow, Just did the math in my head.
In 6 months the City of Costa Mesa could have 25 workers (CEO, Assist. CEO, City Attorney , etc), 5 City Council members, 20 Consultants, and 1 PR guy.
I really wonder what it will take for the Citizens, Mr Segerstrom, and the other Billion $$ businesses in the city ( Emulex, AAA, Ceradyne, etc) to say ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.
At least we can watch Monahan's business collapse along with the city. The only thing keeping him afloat is the GOP payoffs for those GOP "meeting" at his bar.
We must "cut the head off the snake", and recall Righeimer. The rest of the slimy body will follow.
"Recall", I think you are a little confused. They are not laying off an additional 124 people, they are re-noticing some of the same people, and others who have now been bumped based on previous noticing etc.
Trust me, I'm pulling for the employees, and I want to see a broad reversal of their idiotic decisions. However, you need to understand what is being said and not go off half cocked. It negates your argument.
Hang in there.
Reader, I understand what you are saying but it does say SOME INITIALLY NOTIFIED, not most , not all..... SOME.
So for arguments sake, say 100 new notices. That is still a hell a lot of people for a city the size of Costa mesa...
Just saying
Reader.......that affects some of those from March 17th, and also the 29 part time employees......but what about the rest?
Little blind rabbit was hopping around in a field. He ran into a little blind snake, and they got to talking. Finally the rabbit said, "There was one thing that always has bothered me: being blind and all, I never found out what I was."
Snake said. "Yeah, I have that problem too. But maybe I could coil up around you, and tell you by feel."
Rabbit said, "Say, that'd be a good idea." So the snake coiled up around him, and said, "Lessee, you have a fluffy tail, two long ears, a wet nose, and whiskers. You must be a RABBIT!"
Rabbit said, "Well, gee, that's great! I never knew that."
Snake said, "So, can you do the same for me, seeing as we're in contact?"
Rabbit said, "Well, you're cold-blooded, you're scaly, you're kind of slimy, and you got no balls. You must be JIM RIGHEIMER!"
I can only hope that the city council dumps all of the city employees. Like many others, I am sick and tired of hearing about all this nonsense. Layoffs are a part of life, just like death and taxes. All you people do is whine, whine, whine.
City council: Please bring on the sublet labor ASAP. Nothing could possibly be worse than what we have now. Nothing.
The way I read it, is that there will be a total of 124 notices given today. Of those, 29 will be new notices to part-time employees not previously noticed.
the remaining 95 are likely re-noticing of employees not previously given one, but now will be due to bumping, and the remainder of the original notices that were held in abeyance.
Of course, based on the puzzling manner in which all of this has and is happening, my assumptions could be totally wrong.
In any case I disagree with it the council and their agenda.
So we are now giving bumping notices to people even though we don't know what is being outsourced and what is not. So, when we do decide to not outsource one group of employees we have to do the notices again, and then again when another group isn't outsourced, and then again, and again and again. Can these "leaders" name one city that uses this method as "best practice" or is Costa Mesa making up new ways to manage yet again? Not only is this cruel but it is wasteful and idiotic.
Diogenes and Sick of it, sorry for the delay in publishing your comments - got lost in the shuffle last night.
Anyone else concerned to see an internal City Memo show up here in a Public Forum? How is City property being used?
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