Friday, April 08, 2011

"ON TRACK TO BEAT CANCER" at Santa Anita Park

I suspect most of us have been touched by cancer. Personally, we've had many relatives and friends who were taken by one form of cancer or another. I lost my father and uncle to pancreatic cancer. We have friends who are cancer survivors and presently have a friend in hospice at the end stages. And, you will recall that my good friend, Bruce Garlich, recently succumbed to cancer after a long, painful battle.


Next Sunday, April 17th, the City of Hope and Santa Anita Park are hosting ON TRACK TO BEAT CANCER, which supports Women's Cancers and Women's Cures program. You can see the details, including an informative video, HERE.


This a chance to walk the track where Seabiscuit thrilled the crowds following the last race of closing day at Santa Anita and support one of the finest cancer treatment centers in the country. Take your family on a short drive to beautiful Santa Anita Park next Sunday, have fun and support a very worthy cause.

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Anonymous Judy Lindsay said...

Thanks Geoff for remembering our friend Bruce and others who have suffered with cancer. Many are now surviving due to research and newer treatment methods. I want to remind everyone to have those tests like mamograms, prostrate checks, colonscopies that can save our lives with early dedection. I lost my Mom in l955 to cancer, she may have been alive today if modern technology had been available. Then her sister passed a few years later, same disease. I am sure we have have family and or friends who are or have suffered.

4/08/2011 06:23:00 PM  
Anonymous CM Watacher said...

Thanks for bringing this great event to the attention of your loyal readers. It's a great cause and any day at the track is an added bonus!

4/10/2011 09:37:00 AM  

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