A Curious Late Addition To The Council Agenda
Checking my email late Monday night I found a new announcement for Tuesday's City Council meeting agenda waiting for me, generated by the City system after close of business today. Strange, I thought to myself, since the agenda is already packed with fun stuff as mentioned in my earlier post today. So, I went to the link and found a new item added at the very end of the agenda. This item, New Business #3, reads as follows on the agenda: "Consider appointment of Arlene Schafer as Costa Mesa’s representative to the Board of the Orange County Vector Control District (OCVCD) for the next two years."
When you go to the staff report, HERE, you will find that Mayor Pro Tem Wendy Leece has requested this item to be considered earlier than is necessary. Leece is currently the Costa Mesa representative on the Orange County Vector Control District Board. Schafer is presently the President of the Costa Mesa Sanitary District Board, but it looks like she will be nudged off that board by Mike Scheafer, who leads by more than 400 votes with very few left to count tonight.
I don't have anything against Schafer, who has demonstrated her devotion to Costa Mesa through decades of public service on various boards and committees, including tours as Mayor and Council Member. I just find myself wondering why the urgency on this issue? The decision on this subject - the appointment of Costa Mesa's representative on the OCVCD - would normally be scheduled for next month. So, what's the big rush to get this done? Is it because Jim Righeimer will take his seat on the council at the next meeting and he might have his own ideas about who should replace Leece? I hope those of us who watch the meeting tomorrow will get a satisfactory answer. Apparently it will take a 4/5 vote of the council to address this issue Tuesday.
Speaking of election results, not much has changed. As mentioned above, Scheafer has widened his lead over Schafer to more than 400 votes in the Costa Mesa Sanitary District Race.
Jim Fisler's lead over Dan Worthington in the Mesa Consolidated Water District race remains a thin 59 votes with just over 6,000 total votes remaining to be counted county-wide. It looks like we might have the final numbers before Thanksgiving if they continue counting at the current pace.
By the way, no word yet on whether Costa Mesa Planning Commissioner Jim Fitzpatrick will be forced to give up that seat because he was elected to the Costa Mesa Sanitary District Board. At the very tail end of the Planning Commission meeting Monday night Fitzpatrick stopped Righeimer before he adjourned his final meeting to thank him for his leadership. He said, "Honestly, I don't think I could have done some of the things I did over the last year without your help." One nice, big, final smooch planted firmly on Righeimer's fanny as they go their separate ways. How very touching...

When you go to the staff report, HERE, you will find that Mayor Pro Tem Wendy Leece has requested this item to be considered earlier than is necessary. Leece is currently the Costa Mesa representative on the Orange County Vector Control District Board. Schafer is presently the President of the Costa Mesa Sanitary District Board, but it looks like she will be nudged off that board by Mike Scheafer, who leads by more than 400 votes with very few left to count tonight.

I don't have anything against Schafer, who has demonstrated her devotion to Costa Mesa through decades of public service on various boards and committees, including tours as Mayor and Council Member. I just find myself wondering why the urgency on this issue? The decision on this subject - the appointment of Costa Mesa's representative on the OCVCD - would normally be scheduled for next month. So, what's the big rush to get this done? Is it because Jim Righeimer will take his seat on the council at the next meeting and he might have his own ideas about who should replace Leece? I hope those of us who watch the meeting tomorrow will get a satisfactory answer. Apparently it will take a 4/5 vote of the council to address this issue Tuesday.


Jim Fisler's lead over Dan Worthington in the Mesa Consolidated Water District race remains a thin 59 votes with just over 6,000 total votes remaining to be counted county-wide. It looks like we might have the final numbers before Thanksgiving if they continue counting at the current pace.

Labels: Arlene Schafer, Jim Fisler, Jim Fitzpatrick, Jim Righeimer, Mike Scheafer, Wendy Leece
Arlene sits on LAFCO and needs the Vector seat to retain LAFCO seat-that is the reason for the urgency.
flyonthewalll, gracias... knew there must be a reason for the rush.
Geoff, the theme for our next 2 years is cronyism. Arlene Schaefer is friends with Wendy Leece and because Arlene lost her Sanitary Race, Wendy puts her on something silly like the Vector Board so she can stay on LAFCO. Next month, it will be Jim Righeimer and his cronnies appointing his long-time best buddy and currently unemployed developer, Steve Mensinger to the City Council. Where did democracy go in Costa Mesa??
Blair, I'm thinkin' you might look in the hip pocket of the OC GOP for that missing democracy. Regarding Mensinger, I have this image of him pounding his fellow council members on their shoulder pads, then giving them a swat on the fanny as he sends them into the game. :-)
how is the ocgop to blame for Leece trying to sneak in an appointment before anyone else can even apply? i believe the ocgop and Leece have had a major split so it is too farfetched to blame ocgop for Leece's action. She already played that card.
That bully in training a butt kisser Fitzpatrick just makes me sick.
I just saw Mr. McEvoy's piece in the paper. It's so sad that Steve Mensinger muscles Katrina Foley out of her Council seat so he can nab it. Like one of the commentators stated, where is our system of democracy. Costa Mesa is run more like an oligarchy!!
flyonthewalll, I wasn't referring to that incident. I meant generally, with the interference in our politics. Baugh, Righeimer,Bucher, etal, have taken over and will use our city as a playground and/or a "petri dish" to experiment with pension reform.
Pat, we'll see how this appointment process goes next month. I'll be surprised if one of Righeimer's cronies doesn't get the seat vacated by Foley.
Un-freak'n believable. I moved out of a HOA into a city that has formed a HOA. We are not Irvine, I don't want to live in Irvine. We'er not Coto De Casa, La Dara Ranch, I would have moved there if I wanted a HOA telling me whether or not I can use my own private property to park my car.
Costa Mesa SUCKS and I will be looking for somewhere else to live.
OCLonghair, you ain't seen nothin' yet, my friend! Just wait until Righeimer and his pals take charge "officially" next month! I fully expect them to begin doing Google Earth fly-overs, looking for "accessory buildings" that don't fit their pristine idea of a city.
Actually, I sometimes think of Righeimer and his buddies living in Irvine - kind of like a custom-made hades for a staunch Republican lemming! :-) :-)
Well they would definitely have no political future in Irvine...Democratic bastion such as it is.
They can't afford Newport, ........so Costa Mesa it is.
Lucky us.....
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