City Announces New Mayor's "2015 Listening Tour"
Today the City of Costa Mesa announced a new program designed to provide five ways for residents to meet Rookie Mayor Steve Mensinger. I've posted the entire text of the announcement for your reading pleasure below.
I've spoken with Sharon Rodelius from the CEO's Office this afternoon. She's running point on this program. Although the City announcement does not require a call to schedule a time to meet with Mensinger on Sundays, she agreed that it would be a good idea to give her a call so they can plan that two-hour segment beginning this Sunday, January 11th. I guess you'll just wander into the City Hall lobby and take the elevator directly to the 5th floor bunker, er, Executive Offices for your chance to chat with the Rookie.
It's also unclear whether there will be dancing on the brand new hardwood floors in the Mayor's palatial, newly-renovated office. Nor is it clear whether he will be tossing that football around with you, either. As far as we know now, this will be a one-on-one chat opportunity.
So, you can meet with him on a Sunday; waddle with him on a Friday morning; slurp coffee with him at a time that works for both of you; drop him a little note at the brand new email address or invite him to visit your business, event or whatever.
Call Sharon Rodelius for more information. Here's the City announcement:
Mesa Mayor Steve Mensinger has announced a “2015 Listening Tour” to
allow residents five ways to more easily access to City Hall and share
their hopes and concerns with the mayor.
For more information about the “2015 Listening Tour,” please call the City Council’s executive secretary, Sharon Rodelius, at (714) 754-5107 or email her at



Call Sharon Rodelius for more information. Here's the City announcement:
Mayor Mensinger announces '2015 Listening Tour'
Posted Date:
- Meet the Mayor. Mayor Mensinger will hold “Meet
the Mayor” sessions at City Hall and other locations around town from 2
to 4 p.m. on the second Sunday of each month. The first “Meet the
Mayor” will be at City Hall (77 Fair Drive) on Jan. 11.
- Walk and Talk with the Mayor. At 5:30 a.m. on the third Friday of each month, residents can participate in the “Walk and Talk with the Mayor” for approximately a 90-minute walk. The group will meet at the Estancia High School parking lot (2323 Placentia Ave.) adjacent to the tennis court.
- Coffee with the Mayor. To set up a meeting over coffee, please e-mail Mayor Mensinger ( or contact the City Council’s executive secretary, Sharon Rodelius, at (714) 754-5107.
- Write the Mayor. E-mail the Mayor Mensinger at and you’ll get a response back within 24 hours.
- Invite the Mayor. Schedule permitting, Mayor Mensinger would love to accept your invitation to ribbon-cuttings, nonprofit meetings, public or private school classes on local government and more. To schedule an event, please e-mail Mayor Mensinger ( or contact the City Council’s executive secretary, Sharon Rodelius, at (714) 754-5107.
For more information about the “2015 Listening Tour,” please call the City Council’s executive secretary, Sharon Rodelius, at (714) 754-5107 or email her at
It's going to be very interesting to see how this scheme plays out. Cynics might suggest that this is a way to try to diffuse critics privately, without all that nasty inquiry during official, on-the-record, public comments during council meetings. I have no doubt that meeting with your top elected leader to discuss issues that are important to you is a good thing. However, it might seem to some that this is another step to mute public criticism. We'll find out soon enough.
Labels: Listening Tour, Sharon Rodelius, Steve Mensinger
Maybe we can talk about the Fairview Fiasco last night, and why so few of the supporters for the fields failed to show up, just like supporters of the charter never showed up...particularly at the polls!
I know, I know, this comment will be beating a dead horse. Maybe this "listening" venture will be different but employees experienced how well the expensive "Listening Report" played out. The few small things that were by far the most important to the majority of respondents was totally ignored. Participants opened up about the concerns they had, particularly the mistrust of the 5th floor/council, and what was said appeared to go in one ear and quickly out the other. NO CHANGES WERE MADE. They just started over again with a different approach. I get it that employees are just a number with a job to perform but if a resident who is also an employee meets with the Mayor, will what they have to say really change anything? I know this is a new year and everyone should hope for the best but if we don't learn from the past, we are destined for it to repeat itself. I just don't see anything changing unless it fits the current agenda. It's just sad.
Not clear on the concept - is the purpose of these events to have citizens listen to Steve? I don't see it happening the other way around. Will Steve be texting at these events? I think he misspoke when he said people would be impressed about the response of the city to citizen concerns. The word he was looking for is "perplexed" or perhaps "frustrated by."
Can we ask him about his involvement in the DG path at Fairview Park?
Can we ask about why he and Rig were having investigators follow the employees around town?
Can we ask about the Brown Act violations at Skosh Monahan's when all three were present for "diet coke?"
New flooring for the mayor while kids trip on unmaintained fields?
Where does all the "for the kids" fundraiser money go?
Did his expense account get increased for this?
How much will each private listening meeting cost?
Will he be hosting his cronies for crumpets and high tea every second Sunday on our dime?
Walk with him, talk with him, drink with him - but do it before 7 so he can get to the business of the people (the people that he does business with)!
We wll not be silenced by a stroll or a free cup of coffee. Remember charter ONE and TWO, people went to the polls....Fairview fiasco, an incredible *_*uck up...but we will not be silenced, unstoppable, we the People. Arrogance and hubris will be tbeir downfall.
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