Costa Mesa Seeks Eleven Commissioners
The City of Costa Mesa announced this afternoon that it is seeking candidates for eleven (11) vacancies on three (3) commissions which will be filled early next year.
There are three (3) four-year vacancies on the 5-member Planning Commission; three (3) four-year vacancies on the 5-member Parks and Recreation Commission. Additionally, the new 5-member Senior Commission has three (3) 4-year positions and two (2) 2-year positions available. Planning commissioners are paid $400 per month. Parks and Recreation
commissioners and Senior commissioners are paid $100 per month.
We presume the seats that are available are as follows:
Planning Commission: Vice Chairman Rob Dickson, Colin McCarthy and Jeff Mathews.
Parks and Recreation Commission: Chairman Byron de Arakal, Dean Abernathy and Robert Graham.
The complete text of the announcement follows:
The Costa Mesa City Council is seeking residents to serve
on one of three commissions: Planning Commission, Parks and Recreation
Commission and Senior Commission. The application deadline is Jan. 7.
The five-member Planning Commission has three vacancies (each four-year terms). This commission functions as an advisory body to the City Council on issues related to the growth and development of the community. The commission holds public hearings and provides recommendations to the council on requests for General Plan amendments, rezones, specific plans, environmental impact reports and amendments to the city’s Zoning Ordinance. The board has the authority to take final action on a variety of planning applications, including conditional use permits, variances, planned development projects, and tentative tract and parcel maps.
The five-member Parks and Recreation Commission has three vacancies (each four-year terms). This commission assists the City Council and various city departments with issues related to parks and parkways.
The five-member Senior Commission has five vacancies (three for four-year terms, and two for two-year terms). This newly established commission will serve as an advisory body to the City Council in matters related to the operation of the Costa Mesa Senior Center.
Those interested are encouraged to complete a Committee Application Form from the City Clerk’s Office or from the City’s website ( Planning commissioners and Parks and Recreation commissioners must be registered to vote in Costa Mesa.
The completed application may be submitted online; mailed to Costa Mesa City Clerk, Post Office Box 1200, Costa Mesa, California, 92628-1200; faxed to (714) 754-4942; or hand-delivered to the City Clerk’s Office at City Hall, 77 Fair Drive, Costa Mesa.
The deadline is 5 p.m., Wednesday, Jan. 7. Appointments are tentatively scheduled for the January 20, 2015 City Council meeting.
For further information, please contact the City Clerk’s office at (714) 754-5225 or
Quite honestly, having watched the commissions in action and understanding the configuration of the City Council which makes the appointments, I doubt very much we'll see any changes on either of the Planning or Parks and Recreation Commissions unless current members decide to not apply again. Of course, the Senior Commission is wide open. So, here's your chance to toss your hat in the ring to serve the city.



Planning Commission: Vice Chairman Rob Dickson, Colin McCarthy and Jeff Mathews.
Parks and Recreation Commission: Chairman Byron de Arakal, Dean Abernathy and Robert Graham.
The complete text of the announcement follows:
Citizens sought to serve on three city commissions
Posted Date:
The five-member Planning Commission has three vacancies (each four-year terms). This commission functions as an advisory body to the City Council on issues related to the growth and development of the community. The commission holds public hearings and provides recommendations to the council on requests for General Plan amendments, rezones, specific plans, environmental impact reports and amendments to the city’s Zoning Ordinance. The board has the authority to take final action on a variety of planning applications, including conditional use permits, variances, planned development projects, and tentative tract and parcel maps.
The five-member Parks and Recreation Commission has three vacancies (each four-year terms). This commission assists the City Council and various city departments with issues related to parks and parkways.
The five-member Senior Commission has five vacancies (three for four-year terms, and two for two-year terms). This newly established commission will serve as an advisory body to the City Council in matters related to the operation of the Costa Mesa Senior Center.
Those interested are encouraged to complete a Committee Application Form from the City Clerk’s Office or from the City’s website ( Planning commissioners and Parks and Recreation commissioners must be registered to vote in Costa Mesa.
The completed application may be submitted online; mailed to Costa Mesa City Clerk, Post Office Box 1200, Costa Mesa, California, 92628-1200; faxed to (714) 754-4942; or hand-delivered to the City Clerk’s Office at City Hall, 77 Fair Drive, Costa Mesa.
The deadline is 5 p.m., Wednesday, Jan. 7. Appointments are tentatively scheduled for the January 20, 2015 City Council meeting.
For further information, please contact the City Clerk’s office at (714) 754-5225 or

Labels: Bob Graham, Byron de Arakal, Colin McCarthy, Costa Mesa Planning Commission, Dean Abernathy, Jeff Mathews, Parks and Recreation Commission, Rob Dickson, Senior Commission
Maybe it's time to step up to the plate. I'll check out the forms and perhaps I'll file one. Maybe.
I don't have a few thousand dollars to give in campaign contributions so I can get a seat. That's how it works. Don't bother unless you are ready to pay the pipers.
Pay to play, eh, Mike? Sadly typical, though, and if that's the case, count me out, which was why I said 'maybe.' SMH
Its been tried in the past, and everyone except Rig's buddies are ignored. Nope. Waste of time.
If you have the desire to serve your community, please apply. If you have experience that would benefit the community, please apply. If you don't have the connections or money, please apply. When the community steps up, and talent is ignored, it speaks loud and clear.
I had applied for Planning Commission because of @20 years working experience in commercial development and property management in Orange County, San Diego County and Los Angeles County. Neither Mr. Mensinger nor Mr. Righeimer wanted to even look at my portfolio at my interview.
As a 27 year resident of Costa Mesa, I will apply again, because it is the right thing to do. If my experience is not enough to overcome that I didn't give cash, it will be clear.
Please, show your support for Costa Mesa, offer your experience, and apply. Just don't get your hopes up.
Terry, by all means sign up for a spot, if only to prove the point of the comments here so far. Check out the contributions to the RIGmeister. ALL of those who contributed to him (ALL up for reappointment) will retain their seats....most unfortunately.
Yes Teresa..,Yes Disgusted Republican....flood them with applications....the system can only change with community years resolution, attend some meetings, City council, parks etc...we need eyes and ears and perspective...please add this to your list of resolutions...if you live in and love Costa Mesa give something back....Geoff is the absolute model of giving back...see you at ??? Never, never give up
Please don't give up. Jim's buddies can't keep being appointed without some public uproar. I'd like to see Jay apply as well.
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