A Double-Header Of Sorts

First, I attended lame duck Assemblyman Allan Mansoor's Town Hall at the Costa Mesa Community Center from 6 - 7 p.m. Mansoor showed up about 5:55 and began the meeting before what turned out to be a full house - more than 130 people attended - just after 6. He wrapped it up promptly at 7 but stuck around to answer one-on-one questions.

He complained that people had come to his office and berated his staff and shouted epithets at them and questioned their immigration status. He reminded us that he, personally, was responsible for 1,300 illegal alien criminals being taken off the streets when he was Mayor of Costa Mesa.
He spoke of the state budget, which Governor Brown recently declared had a $3.2 billion surplus. Mansoor was flummoxed that there could be a "surplus" when the state has a $354 billion pension liability.
He mentioned "bad bills" that were being proposed briefly and without much detail.

He mentioned his bills - which had not been passed. Nothing new here. He's so ineffective in Sacramento that his record of getting bills he originated passed is one (1) UNO! That one removed the word "retard" from the official state lexicon.

- The recent Huntington Beach plastic bag fee (he doesn't support it)
- Group homes (he said they have a strong lobby and make a ton of money)
- Poseidon Desal Plan (he supports it)
- The exodus of businesses from California (he doesn't like it and thinks we need to find new revenue sources to retain them) No, I didn't get that one, either.
- Budget deficit (he supports a part-time legislature)
- Crime up in Mesa North with slow police response times (he thinks we need to curb wasteful spending instead of raising taxes to pay for more police) He also mentioned Pensions as being unsustainable.
- Westside homeless (he thinks a lot of people want to be homeless and he thinks it takes cooperation by neighboring cities to resolve it)
- He was asked if he was proud of his record (he dodged a direct answer, but said "I'm doing the best I can with what I have". It's not clear whether he meant his own, personal shortcomings, that of his staff or just being a minority in Sacramento.)
- Another questioner asked him if he thought he was "lipstick on a pig" in Sacramento. (He answered "I'm doing the best I can with what I have".)
- He was asked about AB109 - the prisoner realignment scheme that shoved prisoners out to municipalities. (He said "Public Safety should be our number 1 priority", then said, "I'm doing the best I can with what I have".
- He dodged a question about his run for Board of Supervisors
- A question was asked about the ruling by a federal judge to shut off northern California water to protect the Delta Smelt. (His answer was weak, but he said we need to do more to create water storage and transportation.)
- One very attractive woman - a lawyer, she said - thanked him for his help with Prop. 65 and heaped praise on him. (He said he was "humbled" by the praise.


Labels: Allan Mansoor, Balearic Center, illegal immigrants, Parks and Recreation Commission