Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Breaking News! Egan Prevails In Court!

Late this afternoon I was advised that Eleanor Egan prevailed in her court case against City Clerk Brenda Green and Registrar of Voters Neal Kelley to have false and misleading language removed from the rebuttal of the argument for Costa Mesa Firsts Smart Growth Initiative.  I wrote about it HERE earlier.
According to Egan, the judge ruled that two-thirds of the statements made by signatories Jim Righeimer, Chuck Perry, Chris Bunyan, Julie Fowler and Lee Ramos were either false or misleading.  So, 14 of the 21 statements in the rebuttal must be removed.  The remaining 7, even though some of them are offensive and stupid, may remain.  She signed a Minute Order which will be delivered to Kelley, who must respond by removing the offending statements.
There is no further recourse in this matter.  I'm told that it could be appealed, but that it would not affect this election.
Kudos to Eleanor Egan and those who assisted with this strong citizen effort to insure the voters have the truth before them as they make their decison on this very important issue.

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Anonymous Ken Nyquist said...

Amazing what happens in a courtroom when you are correct.

8/24/2016 05:33:00 PM  
Blogger McHuntley said...

Wow, I really don't know what to think.

8/24/2016 05:39:00 PM  
Blogger kwahlf said...

Great job, Eleanor!
It's nice to see decency and honesty prevail
against the perpetually dishonest and vile
Mensheimer propaganda machine.
Thank you for representing us, Eleanor.

8/24/2016 08:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Kathy Esfahani said...

Wow. The good guys win for once in Costa Mesa! That is something to cheer about. Congratulations, Eleanor!

8/24/2016 08:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Arthur Nern said...

So according to the judge these people signed off on false or misleading statements to the voters?

Righeimer is not fit to hold public office. He should resign from the city council immediately, and apologize to the people of Costa Mesa.

Ramos is not fit to hold public office. He should drop out of the city council race immediately, and apologize to the people of Costa Mesa.

Bunyan, Perry, and Fowler need to apologize publicly to the people of Costa Mesa.

The OC District Attorney and the State Attorney General should investigate to determine if any crimes were committed by the authors and/or signers of the statements that were ordered removed.

8/24/2016 08:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Robin Leffler said...

Congrats Eleanor! It is so gratifying to have some of the preposterous fallacies spouted by that group legally refuted.

8/24/2016 10:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Where's My Coffee? said...

Thank you, Eleanor Egan, for standing up for justice. The remaining arguments are so bizarre it reflects poorly on those who made the comments. Fantastic job, Ms. Egan. We can't thank you enough.

8/24/2016 10:45:00 PM  
Anonymous lovemygarden said...

Thank you, Eleanor! When I saw the rebuttal that was written by Righeimer, I knew we had hit a new low in transparency in government in Costa Mesa. An official, elected to represent the wishes of the citizens, wrote a pack of lies about an initiative that was drafted by residents, and qualified for the ballot by the signatures of nearly 7,000 residents. I don’t understand why Righeimer, Mensinger and Monahan thought it was right to try to thwart the right of residents for redress of their grievances with the government, but I am glad the court saw through the lies. I hope every resident remembers their attempt to deceive the voters this fall. YES on Measure Y!

And don’t forget to vote NO on their bogus Measure Z!

8/24/2016 10:51:00 PM  
Blogger zennymoon said...

Eleanor Eagan, out lawyered five high paid mouth pieces by having the hutzpah to demand the truth be included on the Righeimer rebuttal. What a flippin joke. 14 out of 21 causes of action were upheld. In plain language the judge found lies or misleading comments that had to be removed via a court order to voter's registration. How embarrassing, another fiasco involving our council majority AND guess who is paying for these incompetent nincompoops. Eleanor Eagan, resident, stood up and drew a line in the sand, incredible achievement.

8/25/2016 12:05:00 AM  
Anonymous breaking bad said...

Between those 5 and several posters on the Public Square honesty is a very low priority. Lies prevail on that site and seem to be encouraged by many with full support from the moderator. Well, as long as the lies are in their favor. Do not expect any apologies especially from Chirs Bunyan and Julie Fowler. Bunyan has turned into a real dishonest and vile piece of you know what and i suspect Fowler has always been that way. Congratulations to Mrs. Egan and let's hope truth prevails at and after this years election.

8/25/2016 06:19:00 AM  
Blogger Joe said...

Having a certain opinion on an issue is one thing, intentional misrepresentation is another. Were crimes committed? Is Righeimer, as a current council member, held to a different standard or level of culpability than some puppet like Mensinger supporter Charles aka Chuck Perry?

8/25/2016 07:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Where's My Coffee? said...

Counting the days until November, so we can rid our beloved city of these proven liars and their ilk. Costa Mesa needs a new direction. One that included Public Safety first. We have a job ahead of us and one we will all be proud to assist. Please vote Genis, Humphrey and Stephens in November and let's get rid of the liars and get this city back on track.

8/25/2016 08:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Teresa Drain said...

These statements were submitted by a current councilman, and their veracity attested by another campaigning to represent the citizens of Costa Mesa.

The Judge rightfully ruled that some statements were objectively false. Some statements were heresay. She was piqued that a misleading typo was not corrected. She said while some of the statements were admissible, they were the kind of statements more likely to be in a mailer rather than published on a Voter Pamphlet.

I believe people of integrity and good character are required to represent our city. I will vote for Genis, Humphrey, and Stephens.

8/25/2016 01:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Casual Viewer said...

This news should be in the Daily Pilot and the Register. How often does a ballot argument get modified because it contains lies? Way to go, Eleanor!

8/25/2016 06:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Eleanor Egan said...

Thank you to all who commented. Your support made a grueling 8 weeks worthwhile.
Special thanks to Mary Spadoni, Cynthia McDonald, Terri Fuqua and Teresa Drain who helped a whole lot in many ways. And thanks to Tom, who bore with me while I was inaccessible for 8 weeks, and who supported my efforts with love and patience.

I'm so grateful to have such great people in my corner.

8/25/2016 09:53:00 PM  
Blogger Honeyman said...

Word is out in both papers on-line now, CV. Luke at the Pilot did a much better job on the reporting. He shows what a bunch of f'ing liars Riggy and the others are.

8/26/2016 08:41:00 AM  

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