Finance Advisory Committee Agenda Posted
The Costa Mesa Finance Advisory Committee will meet 3:30 next Tuesday, July 30, 2013 in Conference Room 1A at City Hall. For those of you with nothing else to do in your lives in the middle of the afternoon, you may find the agenda for that meeting, HERE, worth a look.
As you can see, there are NO agenda staff reports for you to consider on the individual items. That's disappointing because reviewing what is planned to be discussed with more details available may encourage more residents to involve themselves in the process.
For example, under Old Business three (3) items are listed:
Business License Tax
PERS Prepay
Revenue Sources
It would be great for interested parties to have a chance to preview any or all of those very relevant subjects to determine if they wish to attend the meeting to hear the discussion by this appointed committee. The proceedings are not broadcast live nor video taped for later viewing, so the only way you'll know what happened is by attending - or by waiting for someone else to tell you.
I wonder if the committee will actually consider possible changes to the Business License Tax structure to generate more revenue for the city, and, if so, what will it look like?
I wonder what their position as a group and as individuals will be on the subject of prepaying our PERS obligation. This committee is stacked with folks sympathetic to the current council majority, and Mayor Jim Righeimer has told us many times that he's "not going to send one spare dime to CalPERS".
I wonder what kind of other Revenue Sources the committee will be discussing? Will they consider a parcel tax, a municipal sales tax or...?
Under New Business they will be provided a report on Chandler Asset Management, the firm recently retained to help manage a large chunk of our municipal cash. They will also be given the Treasurer's Reports for both the City and Successor Agency for June.
All of that sounds like pretty good stuff... guess I'll have to attend to hear what they have to say.. hope to see you there.

As you can see, there are NO agenda staff reports for you to consider on the individual items. That's disappointing because reviewing what is planned to be discussed with more details available may encourage more residents to involve themselves in the process.

Business License Tax
PERS Prepay
Revenue Sources
It would be great for interested parties to have a chance to preview any or all of those very relevant subjects to determine if they wish to attend the meeting to hear the discussion by this appointed committee. The proceedings are not broadcast live nor video taped for later viewing, so the only way you'll know what happened is by attending - or by waiting for someone else to tell you.
I wonder if the committee will actually consider possible changes to the Business License Tax structure to generate more revenue for the city, and, if so, what will it look like?

I wonder what their position as a group and as individuals will be on the subject of prepaying our PERS obligation. This committee is stacked with folks sympathetic to the current council majority, and Mayor Jim Righeimer has told us many times that he's "not going to send one spare dime to CalPERS".
I wonder what kind of other Revenue Sources the committee will be discussing? Will they consider a parcel tax, a municipal sales tax or...?
Under New Business they will be provided a report on Chandler Asset Management, the firm recently retained to help manage a large chunk of our municipal cash. They will also be given the Treasurer's Reports for both the City and Successor Agency for June.
All of that sounds like pretty good stuff... guess I'll have to attend to hear what they have to say.. hope to see you there.
Labels: Finance Advisory Committee
These "committees" are looking more and more like an exercise in futility.
ya think?
yep, could be total futility. much like trying to stop Poseidon which is very popular among elected, citizens, unions, and water experts. at least they are volunteering and trying. they don't seem to be into raising taxes for which I am thankful. kudos to the volunteer citizens! this fac committee is leaps and bounds ahead of what it has been in the last few years. highly intelligent, energized, and successful people helping out. never hear them putting people down, just new ideas that may be better. thanks boyz!
I have to agree with, "much appreciated". In fact, I would like to propose a radical idea in order to take this to the next level. Every single one of these committees must have its own subcommittee. The quid-pro-quo/ pay-to-play contributors of the council majority have not received any of the municipal contracts that outsourcing was to deliver. Thus, these obvious philanthropists and altruists must be mobilized in the form of the natural progression to these committees: The subcommittee. As profoundly stated on one of those commercials where the adult oversees the focus group comprised of children, more is better! This especially holds true where municipal governance is concerned. Bigger government is indeed better government.
And they are sounding more and more like a City Council majority echo chamber.
I got my contract! you missed it. too bad.
No one was paying attention when WE changed the name of the committee from "Investment Oversight" to "Financial Advisory". Our rubber stamp collection is looking good!
No citizens oversight wanted here, thank you very much, now move along. Be good little sheep...
anyone think this sounds just like the City of Bell? all this corruption and bribes and contracts given to friends? wake up, demand responsible government for the people!
Yes, demand responsible government for the people!
This corruption is all through city staff and elected. So the staff and our finance director select "chandler" to manage money, scoring them higher than other applicants and then it goes to finance committee (which changed its name from oversight committee in the middle of the night without asking wendy or robin) and they agree to go with chandler?!!! How can they get away with this obvious kickback contract? Dewane handles money, Fisler used to live in Phoenix and Chandler Arizona is very close by. connect the dots sheeple.
this committee is typical of all the corruption of the male politicians in this city. this "meeting" is practically secret, not much put online. why should I have to go down there to see what is being said. I like staying in my pj's and watching the politics, crawling to my computer and exposing the corruption by writing to this unbiased blog, and seeing my post in print later is very exciting. secret, illegal meetings, obsessions, corruption are all around us if we would only see. it would be very amusing and cause me to have a liberal smirk on my face if it was not so disturbing. the ongoing kickbacks constantly proven will cost the incumbents. remember in November as Stephens and Weitzberg supporters said and still say.
To: much appreciated, thanks,
look away, nothing to see
broadcast it or don't have it
I can see why the Newport bosses asked you to stop posting here.
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