It's "Simmer Time" Again
Well, folks, once again I'm turning the old cauldron down to simmer. That means that, for the next few days, comments won't get posted as quickly and it's unlikely that new posts will be made for a little while.
It's time for me to whisk my sweet and patient wife of more than 44 years off to an exotic venue to celebrate her steady march into geezerdom with me. I will be checking in from time to time and friends will be tending to the pack of pit bulls that guard our hacienda, so all is well.
Quite frankly, after the events of the past couple weeks - culminating with the administrative leave of City Clerk Julie Folcik and the chaos it has caused at City Hall - I need some decompression time. If you've been reading the comment threads here and elsewhere you know that there are some very vicious people out there with you - gutless cowards who post things anonymously here and elsewhere that they would never say to you in person. If you think all the comments you've seen here are bad, you should see the ones I didn't post! Yep, this event has energized the scum of the earth - a very sad commentary on our local society.
To those wonderful folks who work in City Hall, I feel your pain and hope you'll find a way now to just keep on working even though some of you will be looking over your shoulder all the time, wondering if you're next. Hang in, there....
Today, as I scurried around completing errands, I found myself wondering just what school of management the city council subscribes to... my best guess is the Attila the Hun program, because that's what it looks like from my vantage point. Former Interim Police Chief Steve Staveley had it right when he left abruptly last year. In the letter he left in his wake he described members of our city council thus: "They are in my opinion incompetent, unskilled and unethical." Yep, he nailed it.
So, to Jim Righeimer, Steve Mensinger, Eric Bever and Gary Monahan, I say this. Through your ham-handed, thoughtless, irrational and completely incompetent attempts to place your collective jackboot imprint on this city you have managed - in a short 15 months - to destroy it. You've fabricated crises to bolster your political agenda, failed to follow the rules designed to protect the employees, tried to take over this city using a bogus charter and have failed miserably at every turn. You disrespected the memory of Huy Pham and unleashed special investigators to defame him and take the heat from his death off of yourselves. You tried to quash the memorial service and tree-planting a couple weeks ago because it made you uncomfortable. Shame on you all.
You've taken a meat ax to the staffing of public safety organizations, then tried to blame problems on them. The only thing you've accomplished is to make this city less safe, turned employee against employee and exacerbated a precarious fiscal condition by creating litigious situations that required spending money on lawyers like drunken sailors. You, in a fit of pique, refused to fund the Self Insurance Fund - the pot of cash that pays for litigation. I wonder how Jones Day is going to feel when their bills begin to bounce? And the Julie Folcik situation proves that you're more than willing to find a scapegoat whenever you think the need requires it. Every other city employee has learned a very valuable lesson from this one.
The people of this city are on to you, though. You knew they would be soon enough, which is why you have placed every effort on fast-forward, trying to implement your insidious schemes before anyone caught on. Well, you've failed. In Righeimer's case, that would be "failed again". Enjoy the next few months, because I guarantee you that the voters in this city will, indeed, Remember in November.
Labels: Eric Bever, Gary Monahan, Huy Pham, Jim Righeimer, Julie Folcik, Steve Mensinger, Steve Staveley