Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Costa Mesa City Council Actions

The Costa Mesa City Council meeting Tuesday night went pretty much as anticipated.

After a very brief discussion the
council decided to maintain the existing Traffic Impact Fees, with the staff citing the significant decline in development activity.


The four regular members of the 3R committee requesting re-appointment were confirmed and alternate and soon-to-be newl
ywed Rob Dickson was moved up from an alternate to a regular membership. We got a pretty good idea of Mansoor's mindset when he attempted to appoint Colin McCarthy as a regular member although he specifically requested NOT to be moved up from his role as an alternate. For some inexplicable reason the council denied Katrina Foley's motion to appoint Evan Little as an alternate. They were probably following Mayor Mansoor's lead, in which he rebuffed Foley's suggestion.


The council heard an excellent presentation by members of the Police Department regarding the cost savings measures implemented by the staff for the
ABLE (helicopter) program we share with Newport Beach. The upshot was that no additional reductions were proposed and Mansoor will get together with Newport Beach Mayor Ed Selich to draft a letter to adjoining cities to encourage their participation in the program as full members and share the cost.

The council rejected Mansoor's motion to combine the Planning and Parks & Recreation Commissions. It apparently felt the $3,500 annual savings wasn't worth the drop in service to the community.


Much to my surprise, Parks Commissioner Jeff Mathews was not appointed to the vacancy on the Planning Commission. Instead, Gary Monahan nominated Jim Fitzpatrick, which was seconded by Mansoor. Fitzpatrick has become very visible in community activities over the past couple years and is a very amiable guy. However, he has virtually no planning-related experience in his background, unlike several other applicants. This may not be all that bad, but he's going to have his hands full on a Planning Commission dominated by three develo
pers. Fitzpatrick has become a "water guru" of sorts and writes a regular column on the fledgling Newport-Mesa Daily Voice on water issues. Since Mathews was not moved up there was no vacancy on the Parks & Recreation Commission to fill.


As outlined in my earlier blog entry, Budget Research Officer Bobby Youn
g presented the bad news to the council. No action was taken, but the council looks forward to the midyear budget presentation, when the impact of reduced sales, property and TOT tax revenue will become clearer. We'll also have a clear picture of the number of retirees that will take advantage of the enhanced retirement program and the actual fiscal impact of those retirements. Right now 34 people have either retired or filed to do so. The city was hoping for around 50.


The council spent a significant amount of time discussing the creation of a Specific Plan for the Fairgrounds area in
an attempt to lock in that use regardless who the buyer of that property might be. Many residents and vendors from the Equestrian Center presented their views, including Planning Commission Chairman Jim Righeimer. The upshot was that the staff will move forward briskly on the creation of the Specific Plan and the City Attorney will research and present views on the possibility of placing this issue on the ballot for a vote of the people in June - a suggestion that Righeimer is moving forward with at warp speed.


After hearing Gary Monahan's request to relax enforcement of temporary signs and banners throughout the city to "give merchants a break", the council correctly rejected that proposal, but did vote to request the Planning Commission to review our current sign ordinance for possible revision.

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Blogger Bruce Krochman said...

When I saw your post on the sign ordinance I immediate thought to myself; "Boy, Beaver sure isn't going to go for that one!"

I guess no one else did either...

10/22/2009 11:15:00 AM  
Blogger The Pot Stirrer said...

Yeah, his campaign signs must have set some kind of a record for illegal size and locations!

Sure hope Gary hadn't already purchased a new wrap-around sign for his gin mill, assuming the council was going to back him. :-)

10/22/2009 11:29:00 AM  
Anonymous ms said...

Interesting, or maybe sickening, to read your buddy from CM North's comments on Fitzpatrick today. All the mouth could do is criticize Fitz's spelling and use of the "married me" thing. The mouth must be starving for something to attack to stoop to the level of those comments, but what should we expect?

10/22/2009 01:02:00 PM  
Blogger The Pot Stirrer said...

Yeah, ms, but not surprising. What else do you expect from a bully? Fitzpatrick doesn't genuflect in his presence so that apparently makes him an enemy of The Mouth. Good for Jim!

10/22/2009 02:12:00 PM  

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