Thursday, March 24, 2016

Audio Recording Problem Solved!

OK, last gasp on this issue... It looks like I've solved the accessibility to the audio recording of my interview with Tom Johnson last Sunday on KOCI FM, 101.5.  I know.. you're thrilled, right?
Anyhow, I managed to massage and manipulate the audio and deposited it on my YouTube page for future listening for posterity - or whatever passes as posterity in this ethernet age.
So, just click on this link and off you go.  Be forwarned, though - the audio begins IMMEDIATELY, so if you're in a quiet place - like at work, for example - be ready to turn your volumn down post haste lest you get caught.   Ready?  GO!
Thanks, again, to Tom Johnson and the good folks at KOCI for the opportunity to chat, and especially to Brent Kahlen for making the audio recording available.

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Anonymous breaking bad said...

When is someone on those other web pages going to call Chris Bunyan for what he has become? The below is just one article from 2014. There is so much more out there. Makes you kind of wonder if he's been promised a spot on a future commission or committee if they retain their 3 person majority. Chris I would suggest you drive a golf cart in support. That apparently is worth a commission spot. Here are some excerpts.

Christopher Bunyan's candidacy for Costa Mesa City Council is, in his words, about "climate change."

"I really don't think that [Mayor Jim Righeimer] and the council majority has engendered a culture that's friendly to anything in this city," said Bunyan, 40.

Mensinger and his allies are "obsessed with these little details and getting up on these little rabbit trails of stuff that lead to nowhere," Bunyan said in an interview Monday

In 2008, he founded Banning Ranch Defenders. He's the group's president and works alongside the Banning Ranch Conservancy to protest the proposed 1,375-home development in West Newport.

Bunyan said his core issues will include opposing development of Banning Ranch, which he thinks will increase traffic to the Westside, and working cohesively with city employee unions. Bunyan said he wants to make his council position less partisan than what he has been seeing among members.

"Come November, it's about taking the power back and putting it back in the hands of local residents, not trying to do these lofty things Righeimer is trying to do with the city."

Bunyan added, "Costa Mesa's brand can be polished even brighter. Working with the public again is imperative to this city."

He's strongly against Righeimer's changes to the public commenting structure on nonagenda items.

He's also against the proposed city charter, which he felt was created by a "stacked" committee of Righeimer allies.

3/24/2016 10:59:00 PM  
Anonymous breaking bad said...

Chris Bunyan says hotels should start to take on more homeless as the hotels age. He calls Righeimer anti-hotel.

Chris Bunyan says he has fought developing Banning Ranch. He criticizes Righeimer.

Chris Bunyan interjects that Righeimer caused public uproar about the Council.

Christopher Scott Bunyan Sports agent Mr. Bunyan stated that he’d like to protect Fairview Park and prevent high-density development while promoting affordable housing. Mr. Bunyan is also a long time supporter of protecting and saving Banning Ranch as open space.

3/24/2016 11:04:00 PM  
Anonymous breaking bad said...

There is no reason to trust Chris Bunyan and every reason to question his new stance. This is a guy who is now attacking and misrepresenting the Growth Initiative. I keep thinking about his comment how Righeimer caused the council opposition. Seems like it's the same thing regarding the intiative. Righeimer and Mensinger have caused the need for this too.

From the Bubbling Cauldron, notice number 3.

Bunyan fired off five ideas: 1) Put Public Comments back at the beginning of Council meetings; 2)more affordable, transitional housing; 3) Stop high density development; 4) More government transparency and 5) Resolve the illegal trail in Fairview Park.

Bunyan said the Charter can't do much but "Jim would burn down the city to get it passed".

3/24/2016 11:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Mr. Verbose said...

I would take a closer look at why Lee Ramos, Andrew Smith and Chris Bunyan were meeting at a workplace, to discuss anything. Leffler being turned away, pretty much tells me that something hinky is going on. I suppose it is possible that there are some major players in the background that may have motivated Bunyan. May be motivated, and orchestrated by a very wealthy developer’s family that has had a change of heart in the way they do business since the passing of Segerstrom, whom kept that family in check. There is a flexing of power going on around South Coast Drive and Newport Blvd.
There seems to some connection between Smith, Ramos, Monahan and big big money coming into play from one mega billionaires son, that owns the means of production all over this country. Once ‘Junior” dumps enough cash on ‘his” team, the financial windfall can be enormous for anyone that played ball, even if you were to only run and not win.
So long as there is still a hostile, developer driven majority on the council, an appointment to the planning commission for Ramos, Smith or Bunyan would bring the billionaire right into Costa Mesa City Hall.
When you own one of the largest manufactured and stick built home building companies in the world, the largest building material company on the planet, having the Fairview Park, Fairview Hospital, Orange County Fairgrounds and all of that open property around the 405 at your voting fingertips, and there is enough cash to go round, that may make changing from no on Banning Ranch to yes on anything pro growth Costa Mesa, very likely.

3/25/2016 08:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Where's My Coffee? said...

Bunyan is a fake and a fraud. He is completely aligned with Righeimer. His actions at the forums was an act to suck votes from the other candidates.

Bunyan has also done NOTHING to assist in keeping Fairview Park from development. Has done nothing to assist in keeping Banning Ranch from happening.

If you pull up a copy of his ridiculous book which is merely ramblings of a drug addled fool, and look at the last page, you will see even his own family calls him out and said they are embarrassed he is part of the family.

If you've ever heard him speak, you'd laugh. He really isn't a smart guy. He's actually laughable.

3/25/2016 09:01:00 AM  

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