Monday, January 12, 2015

A Little Navigation Reminder

So, we're into 2015 a couple weeks now and I thought a little reminder about what's available to you on this site might be in order.  I suspect most of you never stray far from the most recent post, glued to it for it's imparted wisdom!  C'mon, at least smile at that one a little bit... :-)

Today I want to remind you that, way, way up at the top in the box with the title of this blog, is a reminder that it represents "A few facts and a lot of opinion".  Don't forget that - it's very important.

Over on the right side of the page we have our little note reminding you that you MUST register to post comments.  It's easy and the identities are guaranteed to be held confidentially.  I just want you to be accountable to someone - me - for what you try to post here.

Below that is a long list of links I've provided to you for easy reference.  The first one, Costa Mesa Crime Map, disappointingly has not operated for months, but I'm keeping that title there as a place holder in anticipation of it returning.

The second entry is a link to my former blog site, where you can find all the entries I posted from July 9, 2005 - my very first post - until November 1, 2006, when I said goodbye to that host and began this one.  You might find some of those entries of interest.

Below that link is a long list of sites I, personally, find interesting and/or useful.  They include links to other local blogs and important reference sites.  I've recently added a link to former Daily Pilot columnist and school board candidate Steve Smith's blog which focuses on Newport Mesa Unified School District issues.  Check it out.

Immediately below that list of links are links to recent blog entries.  If you wish to send someone a link to a specific entry, just slide on over to that list and click on the appropriate title.  That will take you to the entry and you can use THAT URL to guide your friends (or enemies) to that specific entry.

If you want to back down through the entries just click on the last one.  That will take you to THAT page, which has more links - and on and on.   Just keep working backward.

OR, you can go to the Archives section, which provides links in one-week bites.  Select the week from the list and click on it.

OR, up in the top left corner, there is a box that looks like this.
This type a name or entity you're looking for within the blog and you should end up with a list of all blog entries that had that label.

OK, that's it for now.  If you have problems navigating around the site just drop me a note at the email address provided on my profile page.  Enjoy...

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Anonymous Hold em Accountable said...

The Costa Mesa Crime Map will never work. Do you think they want you to know the REAL stats?

Fat chance....

Like response times, Its all a game....

1/12/2015 04:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Where's My Coffee? said...

As soon as we caught them manipulating the crime stats, they quit posting them. They thought they could fool anyone.

1/12/2015 06:57:00 PM  
Anonymous now is the timr said...

In partial defense of the demise of Crime Mapping and Response times being posted, a very talented member of IT worked tirelessly to create the homegrown program that would extract the data from the computer to be posted and automatically updated for the PD and the public. However when a new computer system was purchased to replace the one which would no longer be supported by the vendor, all that hard work went out the door. The new system was to be able to provide the same data for the public but did not perform as had been promised. Hold em Accountable and Where's my coffee you may be right that the data might never be posted again as it provides factual info on CFS, etc. however that was not by intent or choice of the PD.

1/13/2015 07:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Robin Leffler said...

Cool! I had no idea we could do all that with the Cauldron's bells and whistles! Now I'm going to search for some of those killer comments I saw way back when but never saved.

1/13/2015 09:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Hold em Accountable said...

Now, you are correct. The public would not stand for the "true" numbers. City Hall knows this. The PD is likely happy with the stats being skewed and so is City Hall.

BTW it's only an electronic pin map for gosh sake! How hard can that be?

1/13/2015 09:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Where's My Coffee? said...

CMPD didn't have anything to do with the stats being manipulated. Neither did the woman who tirelessly worked to make it available. In fact, she left and retired early because she was fed up with her work being manipulated after she spend so many hours to get it right. We know where the manipulation came from.

1/14/2015 09:52:00 AM  
Blogger Ocpublicsquare said...

The council used to receive monthly crime reports. That was back in the days when we really WE'RE transparent. Sunshine Awards? Bull pucky!

1/14/2015 12:28:00 PM  

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