
Monday, November 10, 2014

Righeimer Stretches Lead Over Humphrey to 35!


Here's the update from 5:00 p.m. today, Monday, November 10th.  You can view the entire "Results"  page from the Registrar of Voters HERE.  You can also view the "What's left to count" information HERE.

Here's what the Costa Mesa City Council race looks like today.  Katrina Foley picked up another 431 votes and extended her lead to 2415 votes over Mayor Jim Righeimer.  Righeimer gained 340 votes and now holds a 35 vote lead over Jay Humphrey, who gained 328 more votes.  Lee Ramos stayed in 4th place, gaining 215 votes.  Tony Capitelli gained 83 more votes.  Al Melone gained 86 votes.  Rita Simpson gained 56 more votes and Chris Bunyan continues to trail the pack, gaining only 48 more votes.
It was slow going today.  There remain 38,591 ballots to be counted. According to the Registrar of Voters office midday on Monday, there will be no counting done Tuesday, Veteran's Day.  The next report will be at 5:00 p.m., Wednesday, November 12th.  I'll report back then on this issue.  However, the counter at the top of the page is counting off as though there will be a report tomorrow at 5:00 p.m.  We'll check back then.  If there's anything to report tomorrow evening I'll have it for you.  In the meantime... NOTE:  Bradley Zint confirmed a conversation he had with Registrar Neal Kelley late Monday evening which indicated the Registrar's staff will, indeed, be counting again Tuesday despite the holiday.  We'll report after 5 p.m.


  1. Pilot says they will be tabulating votes tomorrow. Dandy. I can obsess and lose even more sleep on a holiday.

  2. Guess they changed their mind since I spoke with them this morning. Interesting, since it's a holiday. Good for us, unless the folks counting are ticked off because they have to work.

  3. I'm still holding out hope Humphrey. Regarding the street improvements, I drove down 17th Street yesterday and it has turned into a traffic nightmare. There isn't enough room between those islands for the cars entering and leaving businesses.


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