Is it possible that Costa Mesa City Councilman Steve Mensinger - the fellow who was NOT elected by the voters, but was appointed by his buddy, Jim Righeimer and two other cohorts in January - is REALLY as stupid as he's been acting in the past week?
In an article by Daily Pilot Editor John Canalis published online in the Daily Pilot and
the OC Now blog Sunday evening, HERE, Mensinger is accused by Estancia High School teacher Joel Flores of "chest-bumping" him Saturday morning - and not in the "good way" shown in this photo - during a discussion at Jim Scott Stadium, the site of a fun run. Based on the quotes from the article, both men are adamant about the events that morning. Flores said he was bumped, Mensinger said he didn't do it.A WITNESS, BUT HARDLY IMPARTIAL
Mensinger apparently has a witness who corroborates his version - one Robert Murtha, father of Estancia High School star running back Robert Murtha. You will recall that, on the evening of Mensinger's appointment, Murtha was one of many people who stood at the speaker's podium and heaped praise on Mensinger for his positive involvement in youth sports and the football program specifically. He could hardly be described as an impartial observer in this situation.
If you've been paying attention to civic events recently you may have seen Flores stand before the City Council and strongly recommend that it rescind the recent layoff notices. And, yes, I've seen him in the ads distributed by Repair Costa Mesa, too. He's made it abundantly clear that he has an ax to grind with Mensinger and the rest of the council majority.
You can read the article and try to decipher the "he said, he said" dialogue for yourself. I suspect this is not the last we're going to hear about it. In fact, The City of Costa Mesa published a comment about it on its Facebook page this evening, too.
What really got my attention, though, were the quotes attributed to Mensinger by Canalis. According to Canalis, when asked about this event Mensinger said the following:
This is the kind of thing that occurs, when outside interests attempt take control of local government. They will do anything to disparage our city leaders even if it means fabricating incidents. No matter what they do I remain committed to balancing our budget.”
A SLOW LEARNER?I've watched Mensinger in action on the Planning Commission and, since Ja

nuary, on the City Council. I've seen him treat speakers before him with disrespect, chide fellow council members and staffers, busy himself sending and receiving text messages while on the dais during meetings and, most recently, make the most amazingly stupid statements while on the dais, which I wrote about
HERE. I've never thought of him as a particularly slow learner - a bully - yes, but a slow learner - no.
BUT...However, here he is again, less than a week after making that statement about "outside influences", doing it all over again.
I hope this issue will be resolved quickly and that the truth of the matter will be known. Until that happens, though, Mensinger's friends should probably counsel him to just keep his mouth shut for awhile. Lately, it seems that every time he opens it he manages to jam one foot firmly inside. I suggest he consider a quotation attributed to
Abraham Lincoln in which he said, "
It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt."Labels: Jim Righeimer, Steve Mensinger