More Views Of Outsourcing Decision
Still sleep-deprived, but now semi-functioning, this evening I present for you a roster of articles published locally and not-so locally on the decision the four members of the Costa Mesa City Council made last night to outsource a sizable segment of the jobs currently being done by city employees.
Joe Serna in the Daily Pilot, "Almost half of city work force gets pink slips" and Jon Cassidy in the Orange County Register, "Costa Mesa votes to lay off 203 workers", updated their reports from last night and now report that 203 employees will receive pink slips. According to Serna, that's 43% of the current employees.
Norberto Santana, Jr., at he Voice of OC presents, "Costa Mesa Becomes Ground Zero in the Ideological Budget Battle".
Chris Prevatt at the TheLiberalOC Blog gives us, "Costa Mesa Votes to Layoff First, Ask Questions Later."
Chasen Marshall at the OC Weekly covers it with, "Costa Mesa Council Votes In Favor of Outsourcing One-Third of City Services", down in Mission Viejo, gives us this entry, "Costa Mesa Moves To Outsource Half of Its Services"
Tip of the hat to reader Rich for this link to the San Jose Mercury News coverage, "Costa Mesa Council votes to outsource city services"
Orange County Register columnist Frank Mickadeit gives us his view with, "Costa Mesa workers nailed by perfect storm"
In a related article Daily Pilot reporter Mike Reicher solicited reader input when he asked, "Will outsourcing hurt or help Costa Mesa?"
Clearly, this is not a story that's going away soon. And, in a predictable turn of events, some of the comment threads on these articles contain some troubling posts - or did if they've been removed by now. When you mess with the lives and futures of families strong emotions are bound to surface.
On a much happier note, tonight's employee send-off for Allan Roeder at the Costa Mesa Country Club was a rousing success. Reports from the event say that laughs and tears were evenly
mixed as more than two hundred employees and family members said good-bye to the only boss many of them have had.
Thursday night I'll be attending the final event of "Allan Roeder Week" here in Costa Mesa as the Segerstrom Family and the Costa Mesa Chamber of Commerce host a dinner honoring Roeder at the Westin Hotel. More on that Friday.

Joe Serna in the Daily Pilot, "Almost half of city work force gets pink slips" and Jon Cassidy in the Orange County Register, "Costa Mesa votes to lay off 203 workers", updated their reports from last night and now report that 203 employees will receive pink slips. According to Serna, that's 43% of the current employees.
Norberto Santana, Jr., at he Voice of OC presents, "Costa Mesa Becomes Ground Zero in the Ideological Budget Battle".
Chris Prevatt at the TheLiberalOC Blog gives us, "Costa Mesa Votes to Layoff First, Ask Questions Later."
Chasen Marshall at the OC Weekly covers it with, "Costa Mesa Council Votes In Favor of Outsourcing One-Third of City Services", down in Mission Viejo, gives us this entry, "Costa Mesa Moves To Outsource Half of Its Services"
Tip of the hat to reader Rich for this link to the San Jose Mercury News coverage, "Costa Mesa Council votes to outsource city services"
Orange County Register columnist Frank Mickadeit gives us his view with, "Costa Mesa workers nailed by perfect storm"
In a related article Daily Pilot reporter Mike Reicher solicited reader input when he asked, "Will outsourcing hurt or help Costa Mesa?"
Clearly, this is not a story that's going away soon. And, in a predictable turn of events, some of the comment threads on these articles contain some troubling posts - or did if they've been removed by now. When you mess with the lives and futures of families strong emotions are bound to surface.
On a much happier note, tonight's employee send-off for Allan Roeder at the Costa Mesa Country Club was a rousing success. Reports from the event say that laughs and tears were evenly

Thursday night I'll be attending the final event of "Allan Roeder Week" here in Costa Mesa as the Segerstrom Family and the Costa Mesa Chamber of Commerce host a dinner honoring Roeder at the Westin Hotel. More on that Friday.
Labels: Allan Roeder, Frank Mickadeit, outsourcing
Now we know why Allan Roeder is retiring at such a young age. Maybe he is trying to save budget for the young'uns.
You missed this one.....and the Mercury Sun Times is a Daily News Feed.....the same story showed up on the Los Angeles Daily News. Feeder stories to catch lots of traffic by posting assorted news links.Sometimes things show up on the MSNBC, or Fox news link but it's just to generate internet traffic.
This is a great example of why I don't watch local news......
Gericault, picking nits this morning, are we? :-) I know it's the Daily News feed - it says so on the text. Didn't want to be redundant. In fact, there will be many, many more, I'm sure. As I emulated one lazy blog operator here in town who just aggregates stories I didn't want to overdo it. :-)
If those bozos outsource the fire and police whos gonna get my cat out of the tree when he gets stuck? Whos going to tell the neighbors to stop parking in front of my house?
JJ, we won't be without Fire and Police service, it just might feel like it. In the case of your cat, maybe you could just give Righeimer a call - I'm sure that the "great public servant" that he is, he'd run right over with his ladder.
We would still have police service through OCSD, but the wait would be 30 mins instead of ten. Ask anyone who lives in south OC how long they must wait for routine service and i guarantee the response will be 30 mins, 45 mins, 1 hour.
The Pots a little Bleary eyed and cranky this morning, and my dander is up......
Here's a few more......
(this one links to you)
Cranky Gericault, I did see both of those and just flat forgot to include them. Both are excellent and well worth the read. Thanks.
and a new one popped up moments ago.....
"The residents of Costa Mesa who oppose the gutting of Costa Mesa for purely idealogical reasons are on the right road. These people want a city that is livable, vibrant, and constantly attracting new residents and businesses. They want the summer concert in the park with their kids and neighbors, enjoying the ocean breezes as the sun sets. They want to walk to the OC Fair every year, eat too much, stay too late and go back the next day and do it again because it's just fun! They want their sense of community, history and pride."
I agree, Reggie did a good job with that one, too. Thanks.
Council Members making headlines? This was their goal from the start. They were never interested in the best solutions to our budget problems, only extreme measures to grab headlines.
Billy on Channel 5 news
Again, thanks. Billy did a good job on this and also before the council. Nice clip - even saw myself in one of the mob shots in the chambers - reason enough to view it! :-)
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The decision has bveen made, deal with it.
The best thing the employees can do is prove to the council that outsourcing will not save money or best serve the citizens.
Making threats and calling names is incredibly stupid and reinforces the decision to outsource.
Anyone read Leece's blog and the person who commented? Both eloquently written and both incredibly right.
ConcernedforCM, thanks for that. You're right - Wendy's entry is excellent and the comment leaves you with many questions. The link to Wendy's blog is on the right side of this blog home page.
Geoff, you need not post this, just wondering how I can email you. You will like it
Rich (and anyone else interested), go to my "profile" page.. there's an email link in the upper left corner. Happy to hear from one and all if you wish to communicate without it being published. I can't answer Rich because, although he has a blogger profile, there's no email address available.
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