Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Costa Mesa Election Results - 11/4/08

OK, here we go!!!

As of 8:45 p.m. Tuesday none of the Costa Mesa ballots had yet left the precincts according to the Registrar of Voters web site. I'll keep checking on the site and upda
te this entry several times this evening as the results warrant. Check back every once in awhile if you're interested.

Tuesday Night, 11/4/08 - 8:30pm


9:30 Results - 7 of 74 precincts reporting:


10:30 results - 19 of 74 precincts reporting:


11:00 results - 21 of 74 precincts reporting:


11:30 results - 33 of 74 precincts reporting:


12:00 a.m. Wednesday results - 53 of 74 precincts reporting:

12:30 a.m. Wednesday morning results - 54 of 74 precincts reporting
I don't understand why only one more precinct was reported since the last update a half hour earlier, but that's the case. Checking the tracking web site I find that the ballots from all Costa Mesa precincts have been received by the Registrar of Voters. Here's the results as of 12:30 a.m.:



Blogger mesa verde madman said...

Foley sure is going to be lonely up there on the dais with Monahan, Bever, Mansoor and Leece...ugh!

Can't believe Skosh is running away with it. Which leads me to something I've been thinking about with the whole donation/consulting fee, from the guy who owns a carwash (pardon my stream of consciousness typing here) ... every employee at that car wash is Latino... are they all here legally (and this is coming from someone who is opposed to the harassment the Latino community is facing, legal or illegal)? and Singh is SUPPORTING the candidates running on an anti-illegal platform? Does that buy his workers a get out of jail free card? can i get a decent tee time at that Chino golf course?

11/04/2008 10:46:00 PM  
Blogger The Pot Stirrer said...

mesa verde madman, you're right, but only a quarter of the precincts have reported so far... there's time for Riggy to make a move. You can go to the Registrar of Voters web site and navigate to the site that shows just which precincts have reported and the status of the others if you wish. I'm staying up for awhile - until they stop reporting for the evening. They've been changing numbers about every hour on the half, but might update again on the hour. I'll check and re-post if it happens. Guess the folks at the Pilot have all gone home for the evening... :-)

11/04/2008 10:52:00 PM  
Blogger mesa verde madman said...

I assumed the only folks that work at the Pilot still are the robo-callers in Florida who the GOP hired to tell the Cubans that Fidel Castro endorsed Obama!

11/04/2008 10:57:00 PM  
Blogger The Pot Stirrer said...

Be nice.. those folks left over at the Daily Pilot are my friends, working under very strained conditions, waiting for yet another shoe to fall.

11/04/2008 11:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know she won’t win but it is good to see Lisa doing so well. She needs a position somewhere in the City and can then get her name out better the next time.

Lisa is a good person and will make for a solid rep for CM.

11/04/2008 11:15:00 PM  
Blogger The Pot Stirrer said...

mdm resident, I'm with you. I wish she'd gotten her campaign moving sooner and with greater velocity. She has much to offer the city... I hope she stays engaged in this process.

11/04/2008 11:38:00 PM  
Blogger mesa verde madman said...

I am SHOCKED that the numbers seem to be solid at this point (midnight) - Monahan rolled, followed by Foley and Bever. Gosh, I wanted Bever the Buffoon to lose... but I guess this proves that he with the most money and campaign signs (Righeimer) doesn't always win...I wonder what city he'll move to next to try and win an election (although his boy Rohrbacher appears in control)...

good night, all...and good luck, Katrina

11/05/2008 12:04:00 AM  
Blogger The Pot Stirrer said...

mdm resident, I don't blame you for hitting the sack... it's been a long, exhausting day. I'm going to hang around for one more update, then shut down for the night.

It looks like Katrina is OK (he says, keeping his fingers crossed). She's gaining a little on Gary with each update, but it's still very close between her and Bever. I don't see much movement by Riggy, though.

We'll comment more later in the morning - through less-bleary eyes.

11/05/2008 12:09:00 AM  

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