Monday, February 29, 2016

Water Savings Success!

All of us who are customers of Mesa Water District recently received a little card informing us that we could now water two days per week, Tuesday and Saturday, before 8 a.m. and after 5 p.m.  Here is information snatched directly from their web page that will be helpful to you.  It prescribes the watering schedule for the rest of the year. (Click on the image to enlarge it)
As some know, last year about this time we had just finished building a new porch and embarked on a water-savings program of our own.  We removed all our grass from the front yard and installed drought tolerant plants - natives, for the most part.  That project was completed, including a drip system that places an outlet at every plant, near the end of April, 2015.  I thought I'd give you a little update, including a visual comparison of how the yard looked in April vs. today, ten months later.
And, just for your information, when comparing our water bill from two years ago - February 2014 - to the most recent bill - February 2016 - we cut our consumption by a whopping 59%!  And, it was no fluke.  Tracking other months show similar results.

So, it's possible to do it.  We're very pleased with the results.  Of interest, those California Poppies re-seeded themselves - the original plants were removed when the flowers passed last summer.  Next year we will have a LOT of poppies!  The Mexican Sage (purple plants) have been pruned once already.  The Santa Barbara Daisies along the edge are extremely satisfactory.  And, yes... we love our porch.  Enjoy.
 View From The Porch

 View From The Street

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Anonymous Casual Viewer said...

Nice job on the landscaping!

3/01/2016 11:27:00 AM  
Blogger The Pot Stirrer said...

Thanks.. a labor of love.

3/01/2016 03:07:00 PM  

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