The Great Takeover - Part 2
Yesterday I wrote about the races for the Costa Mesa Sanitary District seats, planning to cover the Mesa Consolidated Water District races, too. However, that piece became too long, so here we are today to talk "water".
This time around I have no vote for the seats available on the Mesa Consolidated Water District. All the seats on the board are elected by district and mine is occupied by Shawn Dewane. However, the three seats that ARE up this time around are VERY important to all of us because, depending on how the election goes, the result could mark a huge change in that organization and beyond. This time around the seats held by long-time board member Trudy Ohlig-Hall (widow of former mayor Donn Hall), current president Fred Bockmiller and Jim Fisler are on the ballot.
As I've mentioned many times, there are those running for both the Mesa seats and those on the Sanitary District - and those who are supporting them - who want to see those two special districts combined, then blended into the City of Costa Mesa government. It's my understanding that the Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) would be happy to see fewer special districts, but the combination of them requires support from both boards.
Jim "a realtor here in town"Fisler (I used to tease him about saying that all the time when he was on the Planning Commission) faces a challenge from long-time activist Minuteman Dan Worthington. I refer to him as such because of his ill-advised journey down to the border a few years ago to hang out with the vigilantes on patrol. It's unlikely that Dan will defeat Fisler.
Trudy Ohlig-Hall is a legend in the water business, having served three terms as President of MCWD during her 25 years on the Board. Her resume, HERE, is impressive and it would be hard to find a more effective, dedicated public servant. She is being challenged by Jim Righeimer's protege', Ethan Temianka. He is currently on the Parks and Recreation Commission and is very active in OC GOP circles. He, and the party, are spending lots of dollars to elect Temianka to this board because his vote would be pivotal to the aforementioned consolidation effort. He knows zip, zero, nada about water, except he probably swims in it and drinks some from time to time. The OC GOP machine is pulling out all the stops to defeat Hall.
Fred Bockmiller, current President of the MCWD Board after also having served in that role four previous times, is an Engineering Manager by profession and understands the technology of the water business. Check out his resume', too. He has provided solid leadership to an organization that is known far and wide for being on the cutting edge of technology and a producer of reliable, clean, inexpensive water. He's being challenged by Costa Mesa's part-time, part-time, petulant, profane lame duck mayor, Eric Bever. This challenge would be almost laughable if the Orange County Republican Party Central Committee had not turned it's back on Bockmiller and chose to endorse the eminently unqualified Bever for this spot. It's all about politics and their grand plan and Bever may be the best (worst?) example of it.
As I said, I don't get a vote this time around, but the choices seem pretty simple. The only reason to consider Temianka and Bever is based purely on politics - they certainly don't have any qualifications for the job. Quite honestly, I don't trust them with the water we drink. It's that simple. So, my recommendations are to go with the proven experience and leadership - Trudy Ohlig-Hall, Fred Bockmiller and Jim Fisler. Yeah, that's right... I support Fisler for re-election.
Yesterday I wrote about the races for the Costa Mesa Sanitary District seats, planning to cover the Mesa Consolidated Water District races, too. However, that piece became too long, so here we are today to talk "water".
This time around I have no vote for the seats available on the Mesa Consolidated Water District. All the seats on the board are elected by district and mine is occupied by Shawn Dewane. However, the three seats that ARE up this time around are VERY important to all of us because, depending on how the election goes, the result could mark a huge change in that organization and beyond. This time around the seats held by long-time board member Trudy Ohlig-Hall (widow of former mayor Donn Hall), current president Fred Bockmiller and Jim Fisler are on the ballot.

As I've mentioned many times, there are those running for both the Mesa seats and those on the Sanitary District - and those who are supporting them - who want to see those two special districts combined, then blended into the City of Costa Mesa government. It's my understanding that the Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) would be happy to see fewer special districts, but the combination of them requires support from both boards.
Jim "a realtor here in town"Fisler (I used to tease him about saying that all the time when he was on the Planning Commission) faces a challenge from long-time activist Minuteman Dan Worthington. I refer to him as such because of his ill-advised journey down to the border a few years ago to hang out with the vigilantes on patrol. It's unlikely that Dan will defeat Fisler.

Trudy Ohlig-Hall is a legend in the water business, having served three terms as President of MCWD during her 25 years on the Board. Her resume, HERE, is impressive and it would be hard to find a more effective, dedicated public servant. She is being challenged by Jim Righeimer's protege', Ethan Temianka. He is currently on the Parks and Recreation Commission and is very active in OC GOP circles. He, and the party, are spending lots of dollars to elect Temianka to this board because his vote would be pivotal to the aforementioned consolidation effort. He knows zip, zero, nada about water, except he probably swims in it and drinks some from time to time. The OC GOP machine is pulling out all the stops to defeat Hall.

Fred Bockmiller, current President of the MCWD Board after also having served in that role four previous times, is an Engineering Manager by profession and understands the technology of the water business. Check out his resume', too. He has provided solid leadership to an organization that is known far and wide for being on the cutting edge of technology and a producer of reliable, clean, inexpensive water. He's being challenged by Costa Mesa's part-time, part-time, petulant, profane lame duck mayor, Eric Bever. This challenge would be almost laughable if the Orange County Republican Party Central Committee had not turned it's back on Bockmiller and chose to endorse the eminently unqualified Bever for this spot. It's all about politics and their grand plan and Bever may be the best (worst?) example of it.

As I said, I don't get a vote this time around, but the choices seem pretty simple. The only reason to consider Temianka and Bever is based purely on politics - they certainly don't have any qualifications for the job. Quite honestly, I don't trust them with the water we drink. It's that simple. So, my recommendations are to go with the proven experience and leadership - Trudy Ohlig-Hall, Fred Bockmiller and Jim Fisler. Yeah, that's right... I support Fisler for re-election.
Labels: Dan Worthington, Eric Bever, Ethan Temianka, Fred Bockmiller, Jim Fisler, Jim Righeimer, Mesa Consolidated Water District, Trudy Ohlig-Hall
It's laughable that Bever would even run for this position, does he really think that people haven't been paying attention to his childish antics while on the council, oh and let's not forget that he has absolutely zero qualifications for the position. What a jack-ass.
Bever makes me sick. I hope he doesn't get in (*LOL* Like there is a chance...)
What's next- Mayor 909 signing a pledge that he'd cut off all water for any individual or couple making less than 100K per year?
What a dumb, sick, despicable little used furniture salesman.
We can't agree on everything Mr. West; I'm voting for Worthington and will escalate the Fisler boycott, win or lose, after the election. His agency has a big 3 stooges banner on its building and will have to share responsibility.
Boycott Fisler and his agency until he renounces Righeimer and apologizes to the people of Costa Mesa for the damage the group has inflicted. Take your real estate deals elsewhere.
You couldn't pick a more distinct matchup between the consummate professional in Bockmiller, and the clueless empty suit in Bever.
It will be such a joy to put an end to Mayor Foulmouth's political career.
We noticed that the friends of gary monasham filed as a non-partisan group yet their mailer says ATTENTION REPUBLICAN VOTERS. The 3morons have no shame.
Antonio, you can boycott whom you like, and give your business to whoever you want. but I don't think it's fair to tar a whole organization/business because you don't like the actions or politics of one employee/member. You know what I mean?
I don't agree with many of Jim’s politics or opinions, and I do agree with your views about local politics. I also know many fine individuals at Torelli realty, so I have to be fair here. Torelli’s office occupies the ground floor. The window that obnoxious banner hangs from is not part of her office. Too bad it’s allowed to deface an otherwise attractive building. I don’t know who owns the building, but if I were the owner I’d have strict regulations about what tenants can hang from my walls. And if those anchors damaged my walls I’d be PO’d. Unless all the tenants agreed on the same political position and were willing to suffer the consequences, I would not permit any partisan signs or banners, because, as you’ve pointed out, it could interfere with business. It could affect the livelihood of people who want no part in the other’s view.
I don't usually agree with you but I do agree with your picks here (and Sanitary). The water district is the finest in OC and its leadership deserves to be returned to office. Bockmiller has my vote and I am an ocgop guy. Bever is just looking for a slot to fill. The others are not on my ballot. But Worthington has been on my ballot a lot in the past, he runs for one office or another every couple years and is always very negative. I know Fisler casually and have heard him speak about water. Quite a bit of knowledge/ passion for it. As for Temianka, I also know him casually through the ocgop and he seems like a sharp guy who someday should break through the ranks and win an elected office. Just not this year. Hall is nearing the end of her career in terms of age , this is probably her last term. Temianka, should he continue to show interest, would be a worthy candidate when the seat is vacated. No reason to change the leadership at this time. Same with Sanitary, good job there and they were all on my ballot so I voted the incumbents.
I'm for the Fisler boycott, but a lot of what you say makes sense. Solution: Valerie, who has never been known to be shy, should get that banner off "her" building. We have a hard time believing it would be there without her OK.
If the Righeimer gang stays in power, property values will decrease as crime continues to increase, and brokers like Torelli will lose money. Maybe she should help Fisler start his own agency.
Robin, actually Valerie has come out in "likes" of the 3Ms, and has attended their fund raisers. Don't think Jim is alone there, he's not.
I've also passed up some restaurants that I used to frequent because of Monahan signs out front.
I am for the boycott but cm property is hot, selling fast. the brand is good here. high demand, low amount of sellers. boycott won't work. maybe just firing the troublemaker who disagrees with us would solve it. write letters demanding he be fired. weichman supports 3Ms also. both Weichman and Torelli are expanding their offices. either haven't heard of our plans or are not afraid of it. they need to respect us ! we want to see him out of a job by Christmas or next year won't be kind to them.
I am a non-union resident of Costa Mesa, and I am against this charter. I will vote No on measure V.
Robin, the building owner says YES to the 3ms. Specific OK was given for whatever signs you see there except for the rogue Weitzberg sign someone keeps illegally sticking in the ground. As a property owner he has the right to allow the banners and signs and his business will probably increase due to his support of 3Ms. New customers are coming into Torelli due to them. People want to support with votes and pocketbook. 3Ms HUGE in Mesa Verde area, check the precinct votes after the election.
Word inside OCGOP is that after this coming election debacle, Righeimer is done. He's damaged the "brand" and some bigwigs in the Lincoln Club have had enough.
"3Ms HUGE in Mesa Verde area,"
What, like 750 lbs total for the three of them?
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